Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 243 Conquering Grand Elder And Threatening The Church's Higher Ups

Just as Wang Jian had conquered Yue Yanling, he used similar methods to assault the Grand Elder of the Lotus Blossom Sect.

Surprisingly, the task of breaking her and forcing her to succumb to her desires proved to be even easier than with Yue Yanling.

Initially, the Grand Elder fought with unwavering determination against Wang Jian's assault.

Despite his attempts to silence her and tear away her clothing, she fiercely resisted his depraved methods, clinging to her dwindling willpower.

However, her strength crumbled like a fragile facade the moment her eyes met Yue Yanling's gaze.

In those defeated and embarrassed eyes, the Grand Elder saw a painful truth. Her heart sank, realizing that Yue Yanling had remained motionless, unwilling to lift a finger to help her.

Suddenly, Wang Jian's sinister voice slithered into her ears, a taunting whisper that echoed through her very core. "Don't blame her for her inaction. She has already tasted the ecstasy I can provide. She simply wants you to experience it too. Once you do, my dear, you will willingly become my slave."

Flabbergasted and filled with defiance, the Grand Elder vehemently rejected his proposition, vowing never to succumb to his control.

But as the noon time and the evening wore on, her resistance crumbled beneath the weight of her body's insatiable demands. Her carefully preserved purity, maintained for countless years, was forcefully taken, and her elegant form was ravished by Wang Jian's unrelenting passion.

As the hours passed, Yue Yanling, unable to resist the alluring spectacle unfolding before her, joined their sinful union. Her body quivered with desire as she bore witness to their relentless acts of pleasure.

Both women found themselves helplessly enslaved by their own yearnings, becoming mere playthings in the grasp of Wang Jian.

They obeyed his every command, no matter how humiliating or degrading, solely driven by their insatiable thirst for the exquisite ecstasy that only he could provide.

Their identities shattered, they became nothing more than vessels of pleasure, forever bound to the whims and desires of Wang Jian.

As dawn approached, the trio stirred from their blissful slumber, their naked bodies entwined in a tangle of desire. Wang Jian gazed upon the two exquisite women in his arms, a triumphant grin stretching across his face.

"Now, it is time for your sect to sever all ties with my second sister, Wang Ying. From this moment onward, your Lotus Blossom Sect will serve my faction," Wang Jian declared, his voice laced with authority.

Yue Yanling, the Sect Mistress of the Lotus Blossom Sect, looked at him with a hint of concern, her voice trembling slightly. "Seventh Prince, the Second Princess Wang Ying has aided my sect countless times. It would be unnatural for us to abruptly sever our alliance and join your faction. Besides, such an act would greatly diminish our sect's prestige."

A sinister gleam flickered in Wang Jian's eyes. "I am well aware of the consequences. However, my orders remain unchanged! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Seventh Prince," Yue Yanling replied submissively.

"Good," Wang Jian responded, his hand coming down with a firm slap on Yue Yanling's bare skin. A mixture of pleasure and pain coursed through her body, eliciting moans of ecstasy. It seemed that in this twisted dynamic, punishment had transformed into reward.

Rising slowly to his feet, Wang Jian commanded, "Both of you, stand up. I require your assistance against our adversaries."

"Adversaries? But who?" The Grand Elder inquired, her gaze fixed upon Wang Jian. The immense power she had felt within him during their intimate encounter left no doubt in her mind that he was an Emperor Realm expert. Only someone of that caliber could possess such formidable energy.

Moreover, the fact that Wang Jian sought the aid of both women hinted at the presence of Emperor Realm experts on the opposing side.

"We are going to attack the church," Wang Jian stated coldly.

His words sent shockwaves through Yue Yanling and the Grand Elder. They had never fathomed that Wang Jian would dare to assault such a formidable institution.

With an icy tone, Wang Jian issued a warning, "And if either of you dares to defy my orders, you know well what I am capable of. I infiltrated your chambers once, and I can do so again. Whether you remain vigilant or not is of no consequence. However, the next time, the humiliation will be public, not private. So, I advise you to obey my every command."

Yue Yanling and the Grand Elder nodded solemnly, their voices filled with obedience and submission. "Yes, Master."

A couple of hours passed as Wang Jian, Yue Yanling, and the Grand Elder soared through the skies toward the central cathedral. However, upon arrival, they did not recklessly storm into the holy grounds. Wang Jian understood that such a direct approach would not be met with acceptance by the Pope or the other Emperor Realm experts within the church.

Wang Jian knew he had to employ a more drastic strategy.

Cloaked in a robe and donning a mask to conceal his identity, Wang Jian was determined to ensure that the Pope remained oblivious to his true identity as the seventh prince of the Empire. To further conceal his energy, he activated his Chaotic Yang Physique, changing the properties of his aura to make it appear anonymous.I think you should take a look at

Perched atop the towering cathedral, Wang Jian issued his orders to Yue Yanling and the Grand Elder. "Concentrate your most powerful attacks into a single point. Leave the rest to me!"

Though uncertain of Wang Jian's intentions, Yue Yanling began to gather her energy, utilizing her deep understanding of the Wood Element. Meanwhile, the Grand Elder harnessed her expertise in the Wind Element, channeling its destructive force.

Simultaneously, Wang Jian expanded his Scorching Solar Incineration Domain, engulfing the sky in a blaze of searing orange flames.

Astonishingly, the intense heat posed no harm to Yue Yanling and the Grand Elder. They realized that Wang Jian was deliberately shielding them from the flames' destructive force.

Gradually, Wang Jian encased their combined powers within a radiant orange sphere, brimming with an unparalleled might fueled by his solar flames.

Yue Yanling and the Grand Elder were left utterly flabbergasted as they surveyed Wang Jian's domain.

Never had they fathomed that someone as young as Wang Jian could possess such a perfected domain, radiating with such immense strength.

It was a humbling realization, and a pang of embarrassment tinged their hearts, for even with their vast experience, they had not achieved such a remarkable feat.

Internally, a mix of terror and solace washed over them.

They acknowledged that surrendering to Wang Jian, the Seventh Prince, who wielded such overwhelming talent and cultivation, was an honor befitting their positions.

Just as Wang Jian had enslaved their bodies with his seductive prowess, he now held their minds and will captive through his overwhelming display of strength and unrivaled talent. Their surrender to him was no longer a mere physical submission but a profound acknowledgment of his dominion over their very beings.

Naturally, the build-up of this massive energy in the sky caused all the experts, including ordinary people, to stare at it.

Even King Realm experts feared to approach this powerful energy that had been gathered by the three Emperor Realm experts in the sky.

Soon, three golden lights flashed from the cathedral as it rushed towards the three Emperor Realm experts who had flared that massive energy in the sky.

These three golden lights belonged to the three Emperor Realm experts of the Church. One of them was the Pope while the other two were the secret Emperor Realm experts.

The reason the trio had come together was because the power that Wang Jian, Yue Yanling, and Grand Elder had gathered was just too powerful for only one or two Emperor Realm experts to block.

A minimum of three or four Emperor Realm experts were required to block that attack.

The Pope's voice echoed through the sky, filled with disbelief and desperation, "Stop! Why are you doing this? Why are you attacking my sacred church?"

From behind his mask, Wang Jian coldly spoke, his voice dripping with vengeance, "This is the retribution for your defiance of the Seventh Prince's orders. You have brought this upon yourself."

The Pope's eyes widened in shock, his mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "The Seventh Prince? You are allied with him?" he stammered, his gaze flickering between Yue Yanling and the Grand Elder, recognition dawning upon him.

"You are the Sect Mistress and the Grand Elder of the Lotus Blossom Sect. Are you truly siding with the Seventh Prince against the revered church?" the Pope questioned, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and disappointment.

Yue Yanling's response was icy and resolute, "The Lotus Blossom Sect has formed an alliance with His Highness the Seventh Prince. Your actions have left us with no choice but to act in accordance with his orders."

A hidden grin played upon Wang Jian's lips as he observed Yue Yanling's unwavering loyalty. Her performance pleased him, a sign of her complete submission to his will.

Meanwhile, the two other experts from the church turned their attention to the Pope, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. "What is happening? Explain yourself, Pope Ruan," they demanded.

Remaining composed, the Pope calmly responded, "Divine Messengers, this is a matter concerning the Saintess of our church. She had committed sacrilegious acts and lost her purity to the Seventh Prince of the Empire. I placed her in the chamber of baptism to restore her faith and cleanse her soul. However, the Seventh Prince came and demanded her release, and I refused."

Wang Jian's voice cut through the tense air, his words laced with determination, "Since the church chooses to remain obstinate, His Highness has declared war upon you. The destruction of this cathedral shall mark the beginning of this conflict."

"Wait!" the two Divine Messengers cried out simultaneously, a mix of worry and terror coloring their voices.

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