Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 238 Marriage Proposal To Jin Meixiang And Preparations For The Banquet

As the hours passed, Wang Jian and Jin Meixiang found themselves engrossed in each other's company. They laughed, shared childhood stories, and delved into the depths of their souls.

In the midst of their conversation, Jin Meixiang unknowingly began revealing the inner workings of her clan. Her words flowed freely, not realizing the significance of the information she was imparting. She spoke of the Second Princess, Wang Ying, introducing a certain Ye Chen during a recent clan meeting—a man tasked with undermining Wang Jian's faction.

With this revelation, the path ahead became clear for Wang Jian. Seizing the opportunity, he skillfully steered the conversation towards Jin Meixiang's clan's allegiance to his second sister's faction.

At the mere mention of Wang Ying's faction, Jin Meixiang's dissatisfaction with the Second Princess overflowed, pouring out in a passionate tirade.

Unaware of Wang Jian pulling the strings, she unleashed her frustrations, giving voice to her deepest resentments towards Wang Ying.

Wang Jian deftly capitalized on Jin Meixiang's perception, skillfully molding her understanding of his sister's true nature.

With subtle words and well-timed anecdotes, he painted a picture of Wang Ying as a self-serving individual, acting only in her own interests—an unfortunate truth that Jin Meixiang had no reason to doubt.

The more Wang Jian spoke, the more Jin Meixiang's eyes opened to the realities she had been blind to.

The veil of loyalty towards her clan's affiliation with Wang Ying's faction began to crumble, revealing the selfish motivations and narrow-mindedness that lay beneath.

As a tumult of emotions washed over Jin Meixiang—anger, disappointment, and newfound clarity—she turned to Wang Jian, her voice trembling with determination. "Your Highness, I can no longer abide by my clan's foolish loyalty to the Second Princess's faction. This alliance was meant to secure our hold over Jinhua City, but her collusion with the Hua Clan, and the benefits she promised them, now jeopardizes everything we've worked for."

Wang Jian's eyes sparkled with triumph as he clasped Jin Meixiang's hand gently. "Jin Meixiang, your wisdom and insight surpass that of your peers. I have a solution for you and your clan—a proposition that goes beyond a mere alliance. I wish to forge a bond of family between our houses."

Curiosity brimming in her eyes, Jin Meixiang asked, "How do you propose we do that?"

With a confident smile and a deep breath, Wang Jian replied, "...I, Wang Jian, the Seventh Prince of the Empire, request your hand in marriage, Meixiang."

His words hung in the air, and Jin Meixiang's eyes widened in delightful surprise. The Blissful Touch technique heightened her already joyful emotions, filling her heart to the brim.

Overwhelmed with happiness, she blurted out, "Yes! I accept your proposal!"

Though the notion of seeking her family's approval for such a momentous marriage alliance should have crossed her mind, the sheer excitement and elation of the moment eclipsed any rational thoughts. In that instant, all that mattered was embracing this joyous union.

"I'm overjoyed to hear your response, my dear. This is the true purpose of our date, a personal yet professional matter," Wang Jian explained calmly, his words causing Jin Meixiang's delight to soar even higher. Soon, however, a sense of apprehension settled upon her.

"Your do we proceed from here? I'm unsure if my father will agree to this marriage. He places great importance on matters of loyalty," Jin Meixiang replied meekly.

Wang Jian's smile remained reassuring as he gently caressed her cheek. "Don't worry about that. Your happiness is all that matters to me. Do you truly want to marry me?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Jin Meixiang responded with conviction, "Yes, I do!"

Wang Jian's voice brimmed with confidence as he assured her, "Then everything will fall into place. Your father's decision is not the sole determining factor. If the council of your clan collectively suggests breaking fealty to the Second Princess, your father will have no choice but to accept their decision. When that time comes, I will personally visit your clan with this marriage proposal. I am certain your father and everyone else will be persuaded."

Jin Meixiang inquired, "But how will breaking fealty to the Second Princess benefit my clan?"

With a calm yet resolute tone, Wang Jian explained, "I will take ruthless action against all the groups aligned with my second sister's faction. I will deal with them swiftly and decisively, leaving your clan no choice but to reconsider their alliance with her. Rest assured, your clan will remain unharmed."

A flicker of hesitation crossed Jin Meixiang's eyes as she expressed her concerns, "I...I don't want innocent people to suffer because of us."

Wang Jian's voice softened as he spoke, "It's not solely about us or your clan. This plan was in motion even before our meeting. I understand I am not a virtuous man, but my care is limited to a select few. The rest hold no significance to me. And, my dear, you are one of the dearest to me. So, please take care of yourself."I think you should take a look at

Standing up, Wang Jian approached Jin Meixiang with a radiant smile. He brought his face closer to hers, his voice barely a whisper, "If, after this, you decide you no longer wish to be with me, I will abandon this idea."

In the next moment, Wang Jian and Jin Meixiang engaged in a passionate kiss, amplified by the effects of the Blissful Touch technique. Their excitement and happiness reached its zenith, and they lost themselves in the intoxicating embrace.

Even after the kiss ended, Jin Meixiang wasted no time initiating a second, then a third, and a fourth. The two lovers continued their passionate exchange, their lips parting only after twenty kisses, allowing them to catch their breath.

By then, Jin Meixiang wore an enamored expression, her arms tightly wrapped around Wang Jian's muscular frame as she whispered, "...I want to marry you as soon as possible, Your Highness. Please do what you must but promise me you won't harm innocent people unnecessarily."

Wang Jian lovingly stroked her head, assuring her, "I will always keep your wishes in mind, my dear."

After this date with Jin Meixiang, Wang Jian departed from Jinhua City and he made his way to his grand estate, where the highly anticipated meeting with influential women would soon take place. The chosen venue for the banquet boasted three magnificent halls spread across different floors, each meticulously adorned with exquisite decorations.

These halls served as the divisions for the invited women. They were categorized into three levels, each corresponding to their appearance and background, symbolizing the levels of splendor.

The first level housed women who were deemed to possess unremarkable looks and hailed from second-rate backgrounds. This tier consisted of around 150 individuals.

The second level comprised women with modest beauty or average looks but possessed first-rate influential backgrounds. Some beautiful women from second-rate backgrounds were also included in this category. Approximately 80 women were assigned to this level.

Finally, the third level housed a select few women who possessed exceptional beauty, rivaling even Wang Jian's own companions. These women held extraordinary status and backgrounds, making up a prestigious group of only 12 individuals.

On the ground floor, the area was overseen by rugged men from the Crimson Mammoth Tribe, Night Dagger Clan, and several other clans. Even low-level disciples from the Sacred Crane Sect were present, totaling around 100 individuals. Their responsibility was to supervise the women on the first level, who numbered 150.

Wang Jian rendezvoused with his trusted friends and loyal subordinates who had also arrived at the mansion. He assigned them to the first floor, instructing them to handle the women within their purview. These friends and subordinates, hailing from various clans under Wang Jian's command, amounted to 41 individuals. Together, they would oversee the 80 women of the second level.

Lastly, in the banquet hall on the second floor, the twelve most enchanting and captivating beauties, each possessing exceptional backgrounds and status, would be elegantly arranged. Wang Jian himself would personally attend to these extraordinary women, ensuring their comfort and enjoyment throughout the evening.

As the highly anticipated day drew nearer, the invited women arrived at the grand estate and were escorted to their respective rooms on the same floor as their designated banquet halls. Little did they know that Wang Jian had orchestrated a clever ploy during their stay.

Each woman's room discreetly harbored a small vent, unbeknownst to them. It was through these vents that a mysterious and alluring scent permeated their chambers. This intriguing fragrance was none other than Wang Jian's own creation, a result of his mastery over the Enchanting Pheromones technique.

The purpose behind this clandestine act was to unleash an overwhelming surge of sexual desire within the hearts of these women.

Wang Jian sought to amplify their carnal yearnings to unprecedented levels, leaving them yearning for intimate encounters.

However, he exercised caution, ensuring the pheromones' effects gradually seeped into their consciousness, making it appear natural and unobtrusive.

Finally, the long-awaited day of the banquet arrived.

Yet, unbeknownst to the women, a peculiar phenomenon had taken hold of each and every one of them.

They found themselves consumed by an insatiable desire, an intense lust that coursed through their very being at the mere thought of a man.

Despite the coolness of the banquet halls, the women perspired profusely, their bodies drenched in sweat.

This occurrence was primarily attributed to the vents strategically placed within the halls, mirroring the ones within their rooms.

Through these vents, Wang Jian cunningly disseminated the enchanting pheromones, their presence intensifying the women's libido to unprecedented heights.

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