Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 229 Winning Hong Meilin's Favor And Conquering Bixi Shuyan In Bed (R-18))

In a moment of overwhelming joy, Hong Meilin's heart swelled as she beheld Wang Jian's striking countenance, charging fearlessly into the fray.

The orange aura intertwined with dancing flames emitted by his being exuded an unfamiliar power, filling her with an inexplicable sense of confidence.

The notion that Wang Jian had attained insight into a domain while still a King Realm expert never crossed her mind, as it defied her knowledge and experience.

At this crucial juncture, Hong Meilin found solace in Wang Jian's presence. She believed that with him by her side, everything would be set right.

She knew she could survive, and she trusted that Wang Jian would exact vengeance for the fallen church members, victims of the sinister Crimson Cult.

The members of the Crimson Cult, confronted with Wang Jian's unexpected appearance and ambiguous words, found themselves perplexed and bewildered.

This very task had been assigned by Wang Jian himself, yet his current stance suggested an impending confrontation with them.

Before anyone could voice their confusion, the entire expanse of the Scorching Solar Incineration Domain was bombarded with a relentless onslaught of hundreds of fireballs.

These lethal projectiles, of considerable size, blanketed the domain, leaving no avenue for escape.

The searing heat scorched the air, causing the Crimson Cult experts to experience excruciating pain, their very skin ablaze. Only Hong Meilin and Wang Jian remained protected within the domain, shielded from the relentless assault.

In desperation, the Crimson Cult members unleashed their most potent attacks, striving to counter the onslaught of fireballs and preserve their lives.

Yet, the ferocity of the fireballs showed no signs of abating.

Wang Jian's peak level insights into the Flame Element rendered their qi and elemental mastery inadequate for countering his formidable power.

A series of deafening explosions echoed through the air, drowning out the agonized screams of the Crimson Cult members as they were reduced to nothing more than charred remnants by the onslaught of the fiery projectiles.

Having dispatched their enemies with swift and decisive action, Wang Jian dispelled the water bubble that had imprisoned Hong Meilin, freeing her from its confinements.

With a tender expression adorning his face, he approached her, and she drew nearer, clutching his hand tightly as she poured out her heartfelt gratitude.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice brimming with genuine emotion. "If it weren't for you, I don't know what fate would have befallen me. I could never have avenged the lives of my fallen comrades."

Wang Jian gently pulled her into an embrace, his touch soothing as he caressed her back, seeking to calm her trembling form.

"I regret my tardiness, my inability to reach you and save your comrades sooner," he confessed, his voice tinged with remorse. "And I apologize for not disclosing the existence of the protective water bubble that would envelop you upon activating the talisman. But you must understand, from my perspective, I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

Her eyes welling with gratitude and understanding, Hong Meilin softly murmured, "Your Highness, I don't mind. Truly, I don't. My heart is filled with nothing but gratitude for you."

As their hug gradually loosened, their gazes locked onto one another, a profound connection forming between them.

Drawn inexorably closer, Wang Jian's lips hovered tantalizingly close to Hong Meilin's, and with an intensity that took her by surprise, he kissed her.

It was a fervent and passionate kiss, and to her own astonishment, she could not resist it, but instead allowed herself to be consumed by its ardor.

In that fleeting moment, Wang Jian had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he subtly gauged Hong Meilin's response.

He had deliberately refrained from utilizing any of his techniques, wanting to test her reaction, confident that the timing was perfect.

Even if his little test had failed, he had a contingency plan in mind. He would have effortlessly employed his techniques and still shared a passionate kiss with Hong Meilin.

It was a deviously foolproof scheme, meticulously crafted within the recesses of his mind.

But as their lips melded together, Wang Jian felt a surge of exhilaration. To his delight, Hong Meilin didn't pull away or display any signs of resistance.

Instead, she wholeheartedly surrendered herself to the intensity of the moment, embracing the shared passion between them.

As their lips reluctantly parted, Wang Jian couldn't contain his delight, a soft smile playing upon his lips.

"It seems you have finally made up your mind about our relationship. Your response fills me with genuine happiness," he whispered, his voice tinged with affection.

Hong Meilin's voice carried a tender vulnerability as she replied, "I cannot deny these feelings, Your Highness. It's a truth I can no longer suppress. I have fallen for you, and it would be futile to resist."

With their hands interlocked, Wang Jian gently guided Hong Meilin towards their next destination.

"Come, let us gather your belongings and make our way to my faction's camp, which lies farther ahead. I had to employ my swiftest technique to reach you once I received your signal," he explained, his tone laced with determination.

Together, they moved through the aftermath of the fierce battle, carefully collecting the spatial rings and other precious artifacts left behind by the fallen church comrades.

Each item held memories and significance, and Hong Meilin ensured that none were left behind.

Once they had secured everything, they resumed their journey towards Wang Jian's faction, their footsteps echoing in harmony.

Unknown to Hong Meilin, Wang Jian had deliberately instructed his faction to continue their advance, creating the illusion that they were much farther away.

It was a calculated move, intended to enhance Hong Meilin's perception of his efficiency.

Wang Jian knew that these subtle details would not go unnoticed by Hong Meilin. By orchestrating such a swift rescue, he aimed to leave a lasting impression, deepening her admiration for him.

After a weary journey of fifteen long hours, Wang Jian and Hong Meilin finally arrived at the campsite where Wang Jian's faction had set up their temporary abode. As they entered the camp, the members of his faction swarmed around them, their curious gazes filled with anticipation and concern.

Eager to know the details, the faction members bombarded Hong Meilin with questions, their voices filled with genuine empathy.

Overwhelmed by emotions, Hong Meilin recounted the harrowing events that unfolded in the forest, her voice tinged with sorrow and grief.

She spared no details, painting a vivid picture of the Crimson Cult's sudden and brutal assault, and the tragic loss of her comrades.

Listening intently, Wang Jian's subordinates absorbed every word, their expressions growing somber with each passing moment.

They understood the gravity of the situation and the pain Hong Meilin must have endured. Their hearts went out to her, a collective empathy resonating through their ranks.

Sensing the need for solace and respite, Wang Jian took charge, issuing a command that dispersed his subordinates, allowing him to lead Hong Meilin to a secluded and tranquil corner of the camp.

The peaceful ambiance embraced them, offering a moment of respite from the chaos that had unfolded.

As they settled down in the serene surroundings, Wang Jian's voice was gentle and comforting. "Take a moment to gather yourself, Hong Meilin. I know it has been a difficult journey for you, and I admire your strength and resilience. Your comrades will always be remembered."

Hong Meilin nodded, her eyes welling up with tears once again.

She felt a mixture of gratitude and sorrow, grateful for Wang Jian's understanding and support during this trying time.

The weight of her emotions began to lift, knowing she was now in the presence of allies who would stand by her side.

In the tranquil atmosphere of the tent, they found solace in each other's presence.

"...I will take my leave now. Do not hesitate to seek me out should you require any assistance," Wang Jian's voice resonated with courteous grace as he gracefully exited the tent.

He understood the significance of granting Hong Meilin some solitary respite, fully aware that the opportune moment for a passionate night would soon occur.

Once outside, Wang Jian rendezvoused with Lady Zhuoran, his voice laced with an enticing allure as he extended an invitation for a rendezvous at the stroke of midnight within the confines of his own tent.

The mere utterance of those words ignited an electric anticipation within Lady Zhuoran, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and eagerness for the intimate night that lay ahead.

Unbeknownst to Lady Zhuoran, Wang Jian, driven by a clandestine desire, ventured back to his own tent, issuing a command for a maid to summon Bixi Shuyan.

As Bixi Shuyan cautiously entered his domain, her nerves palpable, she could sense the underlying purpose of Wang Jian's summons.

With a deep breath, she summoned her courage and stepped further into his tent, her heart racing with both trepidation and a flicker of curiosity.

Within the confines of the tent, the atmosphere thickened with an ominous energy. Clothes cascaded to the floor, revealing their bare forms, vulnerable and exposed.

In a moment devoid of tenderness or empathy, Wang Jian unleashed the depths of his sinister nature.

Like a predator pouncing on its prey, he lunged at Bixi Shuyan, his eyes ablaze with depravity and ruthlessness.

His actions were fueled by an insatiable hunger, as he relentlessly thrust himself upon her, their bodies entangled in a dance of dominance and submission.

With a firm grip on her silver tails, he tugged possessively, exerting his control over her.

In this dark symphony of desire, Bixi Shuyan found herself caught between pain and pleasure, her moans mingling with the air.

Each thrust from Wang Jian's forceful advances sparked within her a twisted pleasure, a contradiction that twisted her emotions further.

As the intensity escalated, her surrender became complete, succumbing to the twisted pleasure that enveloped her being.

As the hands of time spun their intricate dance, the hours slipped away unnoticed until the mystical hour of midnight enveloped the world in its clandestine embrace.

Bathed in the silver glow of the moon, Lady Zhuoran moved towards Wang Jian's tent. It wasn't until she entered the tent that she came across a shocking sight.

Lady Zhuoran stood frozen, her senses assailed by the raw intensity of the scene before her. Her eyes widened, attempting to process the surreal sight that unfolded in the dimly lit chamber.

The air grew heavy with a mix of disbelief, anger, and a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions she struggled to contain.

There, on the bed, lay her daughter, Bixi Shuyan, bared and vulnerable, entangled in the throes of a passion that defied reason.

Wang Jian, his countenance twisted into a sinister grin, ravished her with a ruthless fervor, plunging her into a realm of ecstasy tainted by the shadows of their forbidden desire.

Bixi Shuyan, lost in the tempest of pleasure, saw her mother and was extremely scared but she was powerless to halt the avalanche of sensations that consumed her. A final crescendo of pleasure coursed through her body, causing her to release a primal moan that mingled with the charged atmosphere of the room.

Wang Jian, the orchestrator of this dark scenario, reveled in his debauched conquest. His eyes met Lady Zhuoran's, an insidious glint shimmering within them. He relished the torment that etched itself upon her features.

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