Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 662 Curses Can't Affect A Vampire Lord


As we walked back home at the end of today's classes, several students of the academy saw Ash and his party teammates doing exercise in the academy's backyard, sparring, and learning martial arts.

Woo was instructing them and hitting them whenever they did something wrong. He'll shape them into proper warriors for sure.

"No dumbass, you have to move your body like that! Take this and this! Move correctly!"

"AAGH! Please spare me, grandpa!"

"I am not your damn grandpa! Now MOVE!"

"S-Sure! Okay!"

"Oi, don't you dare slack on me or I'm going to break some of your ribs!"

"I-I'm doing my best!"

My friends and even the other parties couldn't believe Ash's change.

"I-Impressive…" Rosen said. "I better never get in the bad side of Blake ever again…"

"You were lucky he didn't do this to you." Said Elizabeth with a cocky smile.

"I-I sure am! Now, if you excuse me, I'll be going!" He quickly ran away from my sight.

"Heh, I loved what you did!" Clarice gave me a malicious smile. "You've taught them a good lesson, hehe…"

"Well, your party also had gone through some good training, but it could always go through some more." I said while rubbing my chin.

All of my class had awakened their Ki by now and had learned some basic Martial Arts to go with it, while also managing to figure out how to merge it with Mana and Magic.

But they could always learn even more.

"N-No thank you!" Clarice giggled nicely, running away.

Actually, I might do it anyways. I'll just force them if they don't want to. If they don't grow as strong as they need to, they'll all die to the demons eventually. I won't have useless companions.

"Hahaha! That was hilarious!" Eduard laughed. "You're amazing, Blake! Could you one day think about working for my Kingdom?"

"No thanks." I said. "Also, acting nice won't help you evade your eventual training regime, Eduard. Starting tomorrow morning-"


An illusion made of water stayed where Eduard was seconds ago. He is an elusive bastard.

"He's gone!" Said Erika.

"Seems so, he can't be gone forever though." I smiled. "Eventually, all of them must go back to classes, hehehe…"

My friends looked at me from afar.

"I-is it my idea or has Blake become more unhinged?" Asked Eric.

"I think this happens when you're given too much power." Said Chris.

"Our friend… has become corrupted." Alberta sighed.

"Hahaha! Corrupted? He's doing them a favor! If he was actually evil, holy spirits forbid what he would had done to them." Erdrich laughed.

"Hmph, novices." Elfriedden sighed. He had already gone through excruciating training from my part.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ash, make sure that at least your Ki Manipulation becomes slightly better." I said. "Or there'll be a little surprise."

"Y-Yes…" Ash nodded, continuing to exercise. "Hahh… W-Why have I been doing my entire life?" He sighed.

Meanwhile, the other party that had not interacted with us was walking at the other side of the road. They were led by a black haired, purple-eyed girl that had the appearance of a doll, she only gave me a glance and said nothing else before going away.

They're most likely trying to ignore me… It will be harder to convince them to train harder. Sigh…



.I think you should take a look at

As Blake and his friends went back home, Monica, the leader of the second party of Class 2, smiled while holding in her hands her Mystical Accursed Voodoo Spirit she possessed.

Sitting in the safety of her bedroom, she looked at the doll as her eyes shone brightly. Her powers immediately being imbued into her unique Spirit.

"[Vessel Transformation]" She said with a creepy smile.


The spirit suddenly took the slight appearance of Blake. It had his slightly red eyes, his black hair, and his stoic and expressionless face.

"Fufufu~ You'll pay for being a cocky bastard…"

She quickly took out several needles from her pocket, an started piercing the voodoo doll with them, one by one, in several specific areas of the body.

A dark aura urged from the doll, each needle that pierced it sent a wave of accursed energy towards its target in an instant, Blake.

"Let's see… Knee pain~ High pressure~ Headache~ Stomachache~ Back pain~ Mana disruption~!"

The final needle hit his chest, where the spirit orb was always located most of the time.

"Hehehe, fufufu~ You'll pay! You'll pay for being a cocky bastard! A-And so handsome too!" She said, gritting her teeth. "Dammit! Why do you have a girlfriend already?!"




As I was cultivating in my bedroom, I suddenly sensed something, a dark energy rushing towards my body and immediately landing in certain areas.



Each was like a powerful curse, targeting a certain area of my body. They were potent, yet automatic in their usage. It felt like that ancient voodoo doll magic I had once seen in a planet of sorcerers.

I felt pain in my knee, my stomach hurt, I started having a headache, my back was hurting badly as well, and I even felt my Mana being disrupted, as it couldn't flow properly around my body anymore, causing my body to feel sick…

"Interesting, who is targeting me?" I wondered. "Well, you can have them back… [Curse Absorption]"


Fusing my Gluttony Authority with my Aura and my Physique all together generated a powerful effect, as all the curses suddenly concentrated into the tip of my finger, as a mass of darkness, and then, using the same pathway that brought them to me, I sent it back to its wielder.


"Pff, such a childish magic, who would had fallen for that?" I laughed. "Well, I'll see who did this tomorrow…"




"Uuuggh! Aaaagh! Ouch…! D-Dammit! It hurts! My tummy! I can't stop… Ugh!"

Within the bathroom of Monica's party house, Monica was screaming in pain as she was inflicted several curses combined.

"Monica? Are you okay?!"

"Lady Monica?"

"Is she alright?"

"I-I don't know, she's been screaming in pain for an hour now!"

"Does someone have some… curse elixir?!" Monica cried. "Please! I need one! Aagh…!"

"Curse Elixir?!" Her Party was shocked their Curse Sorceress needed an antidote for curses…


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