USSR 1941

Chapter 821: document

  Chapter 821 Documentation

  The outskirts of Stalingrad, even the German-controlled area is full of ruins.

   This is not because of the Soviet bombing. In fact, since Manstein's Don Army was repulsed in Karachi, the Soviet bombing of Stalingrad has been much less intense.

  Because the Soviet army knew that as long as the 6th Army of Karachid was defended, it was doomed to fail, and the victory of the Battle of Stalingrad would be a matter of time.

The reason why the Soviet army is still fighting for a street and a house with the German army in Stalingrad is that on the one hand, it does not want the German 6th Army to form a complete line of defense, and on the other hand, it is to increase the pressure on the German army's logistics... The German 6th Army The group army guarantees its own logistics through air transportation. If the German 6th Army does not continue to attack and give them a chance to breathe, then the 6th Army will explode into a powerful combat force when it recovers.

But if the Soviet army continues to fight the German army in Stalingrad, then the German army has been unable to rest. The supplies transported from the air will be consumed as soon as they are replenished, and they will be consumed after replenishment. It is not even enough to support the battle with the Soviet army. , so anyone with a discerning eye knows that there will be no hope if this fight continues.

   Colonel Bergman, the staff officer of the German 14th Panzer Army, could not see hope, so he believed that what he was doing was right.

Colonel Bergman and his guards hid in the bomb crater and smoked their cigarettes while resting, then got up and walked towards the ruins of the Army Group Headquarters... There is no place around here that is not ruins, houses and buildings are all destroyed by the enemy and us Destroyed in tug-of-war battles, many of these bodies were buried in the rubble beyond removal, rotting in them and washed out by the rain to emit a disgusting stench.

  In this case, if the group army headquarters is not built in the ruins, it is even easy for the enemy to find and use it as an attack target.

  The Bergman cat stepped on the sewage through the entrance guarded by two guards and entered the basement.

   "Is the Marshal there?" Colonel Bergman asked as he took off his hat.

   "Yes!" replied the guard.

   Colonel Bergman was about to go in but was stopped by a major.

   "Colonel!" the major asked: "Can you tell me what you need from the Marshal?"

   Colonel Bergman couldn't help being taken aback. If he wanted to see Paulus before that, he wouldn't have had this procedure at all.

  But when Bergman saw the major's party member logo, he understood it.

   "I was ordered to submit the battle plan, Major!" Bergman raised the document in his hand and asked, "Any questions?"

   The major wanted to examine the documents but Bergman refused.

   "You may not know that this is a secret, Major!" Bergman said, "Otherwise, I would not have sent it. If you must check it, please ask General Shi Haibo for instructions!"

  The major was stunned for a moment, then turned sideways and made a "please" gesture, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

   Colonel Bergman ignored him and walked in with the documents. Behind him, the guards he brought were blocked from the door.

   Entering the dark and damp basement, Bergman found the marshal under the guidance of the guards. At this time, he was sitting at his desk in a daze, and his eyes didn't even fall on the map in front of him.

   "Your Excellency Marshal!" Bergman stood up to attention, and then handed over the document.

Paulus said "hmm", he was not even interested in opening the file, and asked casually: "What did you bring me this time? Colonel? How many people were captured by us, or how many people?" starve?"

   "No, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Colonel Bergman replied: "It's an attack plan!"

  "Attack plan?" Paulus couldn't help laughing: "Tell me, is it going east or west, or going north or south?"

   "You will know after a look, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Bergman said: "I think you will be interested!"

  Paulus was a little puzzled, because Bergman's tone didn't sound like he was submitting an attack plan.

Puzzled, Paulus opened the file folder. The first few sheets were indeed offensive plans, but a special file appeared at the back: it appeared to be a topographic map, but it had nothing to do with combat. If you look carefully, you can't really find it.

   It read: "Your Excellency, Marshal, one of my men happened to be from Breitenau. He returned home due to injury. He ventured to let me know one thing through the radio yesterday: Your family, they thought you were killed!"

   Paulus suddenly raised his head and looked at Bergman with disbelief.

  Bergman nodded affirmatively.

  Paulus soon understood the reason...Although he knew that Hitler would keep him on the front line to bear the crime, he still had a little luck.

   But now, knowing the family had been "notified," Paulus knew he had no choice.

After thinking about it, Paulus took a piece of paper, picked up a pen and wrote "shuashua", but said in his mouth: "This is a brave offensive plan, Colonel Bergman, but what do you think we can achieve? What about victory?"

   "Our target is the Russian stadium!" Bergman replied: "According to intelligence, the Russians have stored a batch of supplies there!"

   As he spoke, Bergman took Paulus's paper, which read: "I'm under surveillance, the person sent by the above, you should know who it is!"

  Bergman wrote: "I know, Your Excellency Field Marshal! I will solve these problems! All I need is your affirmative answer!"

   Paulus was silent for a moment, then nodded emphatically.

   "So, what do you want?"

   "We hope that the supply can be distributed to the 14th Panzer Corps!" Bergman said: "I mean, if we capture that supply!"

   "You got my promise, Colonel!" Paulus said with a pun, "Go ahead and do it!"

  So, a mutiny was finalized.

   There was no violent rhetoric as imagined, nor was there any tension, and the word "surrender" did not even appear.

  Afterwards, Bergman said that even he himself was surprised, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

Before that, he even planned to talk with Paulus for at least an hour. At the same time, Bergman had prepared a lot of reasons, such as: the "amnesty order" is about to expire, and for the sake of the lives of all soldiers, Paulus Sri Lanka should also choose to surrender and so on.

   But all these reasons are useless.

   But this does not seem to be surprising, because Paulus has long had the heart of "surrender". If he has any concern, it is that he is worried that it will affect his relatives far away in his hometown.

   But now, he realizes that his relatives in his hometown will be affected no matter what... As the person who bears the crime, Paulus' relatives will certainly not be happy.

   So, what else is there to worry about? !

  (end of this chapter)

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