USSR 1941

Chapter 744: calculate

  Chapter 744 Computing

  Of course, this is just Zolotarev looking for a step down.

   In fact, everyone knows that Shulka had no other choice at that time... There was simply no time for Shulka to use "other methods".

   In the end, Zolotarev did not report this matter.

   In this respect, Shulka and Trufanov are lucky. Zolotarev is not the kind of person who becomes angry and fights hard to the end.

   But when I think about it, this actually has nothing to do with "luck".

  Because even if Zolotarev reported the incident, Shulka would not be guilty.

The reason is very simple. Shurka had no choice but to do this, especially when Shurka made such a good suggestion. If he successfully wins Surovikino, it will undoubtedly be a great achievement... No one would dislike victory, Even the Supreme Command.

  So, if Zolotarev reports the matter, it is most likely that the style of painting will suddenly change. A telegram from the Supreme Command accused Zolotarev, as a political commissar, of being self-willed and not listening to the opinions of his subordinates to act arbitrarily.

  So, this statement is actually reasonable no matter what you say, it depends on where you stand.

   If there is any responsibility, it is Trufanov... As a commander, he should never join his subordinates to hold the political commissar hostage. This is suspected of forming cliques, which is a taboo for Soviet commanders. Shulka was transferred because of this.

   But it was obvious that Zolotarev also knew that this was not a glorious thing, and it would not be good for him to report it, so he pretended that nothing happened.

  Trufanov was also very interested, and ordered the guards, correspondents, and staff officers in the headquarters who were on the scene at the time to keep their mouths shut and classified the matter as a military secret.

  So although the atmosphere was a bit awkward, the three of them still discussed the plan.

   "Why don't we just let the Frelovo reservoir open?" asked Zolotarev.

"There is not enough water to release the gate!" Shulka said: "Even if this can achieve the purpose of flooding Surovikino, it will take a long period of time, such as a few days. During this time, the Germans may Response, such as withdrawing from Surovikino and building another line of defense behind it! But if we blow up the reservoir, the water level will rise rapidly in a few hours, and the entire line of defense will be destroyed before the Germans react. collapsed, and our army attacked it with the help of the water..."

  Zolotarev nodded, and at the same time realized the gap between himself and Shulka.

   "So we should act at night!" said Trufanov.

  "Yes!" Shulka agreed: "It is best in the early morning, when the enemy is sleeping soundly, the water level suddenly rises, and it is already dawn when our army launches an attack! Therefore, we must also ensure air supremacy, at least partial air supremacy!"

Needless to say, the reason for this is the enemy's aircraft, especially the fragile small boats like amphibious landing craft... "Henschel" can take an amphibious landing craft with people with it. The boat was smashed.

  Although this will not affect the outcome of the entire battle, the German army can be said to be defeated after being flooded, but the German Air Force may still inflict heavy losses on the Soviet army.

   "But..." Trufanov said: "We don't have much air force!"

   "Contact Comrade Rokossovsky!" Shulka said: "He promised to support our plane, and it's time for him to fulfill his promise!"

   Trufanov turned his attention to Zolotarev.

   This means that it is obvious that in the army, the commander of the group army like Trufanov actually has nothing to say, and the command power is actually in the hands of the political commissar, or more precisely, the Supreme Command.

  So, to be precise, even Rokossovsky has no right to transfer the Air Force to the 51st Army.

   "I will report this plan to the Supreme Command!" Zolotarev did not hesitate: "I believe they will agree to this plan and bring us the needed reinforcements! I am confident!"

   This is not a question of "confidence", but Shulka's plan is irrefutable. If there are no accidents, it is almost foreseeable that he will win this battle, so Zolotarev has confidence in this plan.

   Sure enough, Zolotarev got a call back shortly after reporting the plan:

   "Comrade Stalin greatly appreciated this plan, and he personally instructed that in the ensuing war situation, the Supreme Command will make every effort to allocate all possible resources for the realization of this plan!"

   There was a burst of cheers from the headquarters, with this sentence, it was almost equivalent to owning a Shang Fang sword.

   Then the plan started step by step.

   First of all, contact the Frelovo Reservoir and obtain various data... These are the basis for formulating combat plans.

   Of course, these are all done in secret, and even a considerable part of the work is done by the Supreme Command.

  Although this is a small matter not worth mentioning, it is inexplicably refreshing psychologically: originally it was only suppressed by the Supreme Command, but now it can let the Supreme Command do something.

  As soon as the data arrived, Shulka and the others knew how much and how long the water level would rise after blowing up the reservoir.

  To the surprise of Shulka and others, the duration can reach several days.

"This is due to the large water storage capacity of the Frelovo Reservoir!" Zolotarev said: "The construction of the reservoir is to adjust the impact of water resources changing with the seasons, so it will store water when there is a lot of rain. !"

   This is easy to understand. When there is a lot of rain, the river will rise and there will be floods. If there is little rain, the water level will fall and there will be drought.

  The construction of the reservoir can solve or alleviate this problem to a certain extent, that is, to store water to reduce floods when there is a lot of rain, and to release water to alleviate drought when there is little rain.

  So this is not a simple problem of water storage and power generation.

   Therefore, the reservoir must be large enough to play the role of drought and flood regulation, otherwise it will not make much sense if the water is emptied after two and a half times.

   "But the superior told us not to worry about this!" Zolotarev said: "They will control the duration of the flood peak, that is, blast a small section of the dam in a directional manner, and make preparations for repairing the blockage before then!"

  So this problem is perfectly solved.

In the end, after communicating with the reservoir personnel, the best data I got was to reach the flood peak within five hours...the reason why it takes five hours is because this way the dam does not need to blow up too much, they chose to open the gate and blow up a short section way to meet this requirement.

   Then, the water level returned to its original state by noon the next day.

   This time is also calculated accurately and repeatedly.

  Too early, too late is not good.

  Early, the attack time of the amphibious landing ship is too short.

   It was late, and the tanks did not have time to pass Surovikino during the day.

  (end of this chapter)

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