USSR 1941

Chapter 683: credit

  Chapter 683 Credit

   Shulka failed to convince them in the end.

This is not only because Shulka is unable to tell the future situation, or it can be said that he does not know how to lie after telling it, but also because Khrushchev hopes that this battle will be a successful and exciting battle of encirclement and annihilation...he is a People with strong means will do everything possible to obtain the greatest benefit.

  So, if there is a choice between conservative and radical, then Khrushchev will undoubtedly choose radical.

"Don't worry, Comrade Shulka!" Khrushchev comforted Shulka: "Although we did not use tanks as the main offensive force in the end, your suggestion also gave a lot of help. We will let the tank troops hurry up and follow up." To completely defeat the enemy's line of defense!"

   "Of course, Comrade Khrushchev!" Shulka replied.

  Of course he has no right to oppose Khrushchev's decision, and even Khrushchev did not choose to use cavalry but mechanized troops for the main attack is already a step backward.

  Unfortunately, Shulka's 82nd Infantry Regiment was also a mechanized unit at this time, so of course it was one of the main attacking units.

"I'm going back to Army Group Headquarters tonight, and I'm waiting for your good news!" Khrushchev patted Shulka on the shoulder. He seemed to have noticed Shulka's rank at this time, and then raised his eyebrows , said: "You should change it!"

  Thus, Shulka got two new sets of military uniforms and the rank of major... Normally, he should be promoted to captain first, but for Khrushchev, this is just a matter of one sentence.

However, this military rank doesn't feel much to Shulka, it seems to be just a decoration... In fact, it is a kind of decoration to some extent. very common.

  Even Mikhailvich and Andrianka didn't notice Shulka's rank of major.

   "Oh, we'll call you a major from now on, Comrade Shulka!" said Andrianka.

   "It seems to suit you very well!" Mikhailevich said: "They should have given it to you long ago!"

   Another meaning of these words is that Shulka has long been a major or even higher rank in their hearts.

   This was just an episode, and Shulka received an order to prepare for battle the next day.

  The call was made by Brigadier Gerasilov.

   "Get ready to fight, Comrade Shulka!" Gerasilov said sarcastically, "I think you should know more than me!"

   "I don't know much, Comrade Gerasilov!"

  Grasilov only replied: "Wait for the order!" Then he hung up the phone.

   This made Shulka feel a little nervous, because he was not sure whether Gerasilov thought Shulka "knew better" and didn't tell him the mission plan.

   But after thinking about it, Shulka thinks this should be a normal process: for the sake of confidentiality, tasks and orders are only issued at the last moment.

  So, Shulka only needs to follow the order to get the troops ready for battle.

  The troops are actually on standby all the time, except for the new barracks.

If there is any preparation to be made, it is that the command took some time to sort out the documents and burn the waste paper... Correspondents or staff officers will use some manuscript paper when recording or analyzing certain information. These manuscript papers do not need to be archived. If Random discarding is likely to be used by enemy spies, so each time the position is transferred, either take it away or burn it on the spot.

  Originally, Shulka thought that the attack would take two or three days, because judging from other troops, they were not ready yet, and some troops didn’t even have cars... It was a big problem that the mechanized troops, the main force of the attack, didn’t have cars.

  The reason is very simple. Without cars, it means that some people must walk, so an army will be divided into several parts abruptly, resulting in a greatly reduced combat effectiveness.

   But Shulka received a battle order that night.

  At one o'clock in the morning, Andrianka slapped Shulka, who was soundly asleep, to wake him up, saying: "The order is coming, the attack time is seven o'clock in the morning!"

   Then Andrianka handed over a telegram.

  Shuerka turned over and sat up from the bed, took the telegram and looked at it by the light of the flashlight. When he walked to the headquarters, he found that it was raining outside... This made Shurka frowned.

  Light rain will inevitably produce heavy fog, which, while helpful for concealment, will also blind the attacking force to the target...

  To be precise, rain and fog are more beneficial to the Romanian army.

  The reason is that the Soviet army is the attacker, and they are still crossing the river to attack. The river is flat and there is nowhere to hide. Even if there is rain and fog, they can be found from a long distance, although it is just a dark shadow.

  Of course, the black shadow is enough. Shooting and killing the target does not require seeing eyes, noses or recognizing who the target is.

  The Romanian army was hiding in the trenches, and there was basically no trace of them when the rain and fog covered them. Even if they shot, they couldn't find their location.

   That is to say, the Soviet offensive troops are basically in a state of blind combat unless they can rush to the enemy.

   Obviously, the Soviet Army did not take the weather into consideration when formulating the combat plan, or the Meteorological Bureau gave the wrong answer... It is normal for the weather forecast to be inaccurate during this period.

  Shuerka was one stop ahead of the map, and Andrianka introduced according to the telegram: "Five hours later, we will march in secret to the No. 11 location of the Don River, and we will launch the river crossing operation on time at seven o'clock. Our brigade's goal is the Jingu Tower!"

Jinguta is a small town north of Prodovitoye, the main city of attack. It is indeed reasonable to use an independent brigade to attack this town, because there are Jinguta Station and 74km Station near it, a railway and highway transportation hub.

  As long as you take this place, you can cut off the connection between Stalingrad and the Romanian army, and at the same time cover the flanks of the main attacking force.

   "The main goal of our regiment is the 74km station!" Andrianka said: "The mission of the 115th regiment is the Jingguta station!"

   "The 115th regiment has grabbed the main attack task!" Mikhailvich said.

  This is undoubted, because Jingguta Station is a big station, and several railways need to transfer there, and the 74km station is just a passing station, and controlling it can only control part of the route.

   "No problem!" Shulka said: "It's ideal!"

  The Soviet army has a tradition of grabbing missions, that is, it is an honor to grab the main attack mission.

   This is normal, because troops are marching and fighting, and if they are used on the blade, they will be considered good steel, and at the same time, they will have more credit for the main attack direction.

   Shulka guessed that this might be the idea of ​​the brigade commander Gerasilov... The march was commanded by him, and he would not be biased towards the 82nd regiment like the political commissar.

   But this is exactly what Shulka wanted, and he is not willing to take any credit.

  (end of this chapter)

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