USSR 1941

Chapter 667: filter

  Chapter 667 Screening

  The formation of the air force is actually a bit chaotic, mainly because various parts of the air force are still fighting at this time...

   What urgently needs to be adapted is the three fronts that need to participate in the battle in the combat plan: the Southwest Front, the Stalingrad Front, and the Southeastern Front.

   But as I said before, the Soviet Air Force is organized under the infantry, so these army aviation units are actually still performing certain tasks, such as reconnaissance and cooperating with ground air defense forces to protect traffic.

  The reform requires that these fighters, attack aircraft, and bombers be classified into categories...The fighters are concentrated at this airport, the attack aircraft go to that airport, and so on.

   During the transfer of fighter planes, front-line operations and necessary air defense must be ensured at the same time. For example, fighter jets should be used to patrol the air above the airport or at least a group of fighter jets should be on standby at the airport.

   There are command problems, supply problems, etc., and some commanders even found out that they had no aircraft available after ordering, because the bombers were transferred to other airfields.

  The reform headquarters is also a mess, everyone is busy, and there are radio beeps and phone calls everywhere.

"Things are not as simple as imagined!" Novikov handed a glass of Vodka to Shulka, and said, "Although I had foreseen this, I didn't expect it to be so complicated! I am a little worried about Germany. People will take advantage of it!"

   Shulka nodded in agreement.

The Soviet Air Force that is being reformed and mobilized is very weak. The Germans are focusing on Stalingrad. In addition, they don’t know that the Soviet Air Force is undergoing drastic reforms. Otherwise, they will leave Stalingrad and deal with the Soviet Air Force first anyway. Turn the strategic focus to the Soviet military airport.

  However, a principle on the battlefield is that at no time can you pin your hopes on the enemy.

"We can't do this, Comrade Novikov!" Shulka took a sip of Vodka. Although he didn't like drinking it before, it may be influenced by others, or it may be the Soviet army at this time. It was harder to find water than vodka, so Shulka was able to drink a few small glasses.

"They are easily attacked in such chaos!" Shulka said: "At the same time, the command organization cannot adapt to this chaotic situation. Why don't we first reorganize a few aviation divisions on the second line and conduct the necessary training, and then Send them to the front for replacement?"

  Novikov couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately and said: "Good idea, Shulka, you should have proposed this idea earlier!"

Shulka could only respond with a wry smile, so everything was too hasty, not to mention other things, from top to bottom in the headquarters, including Novikov, hadn't closed their eyes for several days, and they couldn't hold on anymore. Lie down on the table for a while.

   In this case, of course, it will not be so thoughtful.

  So, Novikov immediately ordered to stop the transfer of the front-line air force, and even transferred the previous transfer back to the original place... Fortunately, this transfer has just started, and some of them have just passed the order and have not had time to implement it.

   That is to say, the aviation units of several front-line armies are all restored to their original state, and the command system and maintenance department are no exception.

   Then, Novikov and the staff immediately organized several aviation divisions who were in the second line and were being trained.

  It is much easier to reform the second-line aviation divisions. They have almost no combat missions, and they don't have much logistics, time, and command pressure.

  So soon, various aircraft types were classified into categories, and the logistics and maintenance departments were also classified according to aircraft types and assigned to the corresponding airports, and then the command system was sorted out...

   Sorting out the command system is a very interesting process.

The reason is that too many incompetent people have been mixed into the command system... This is a persistent problem of the Soviet Air Force. A considerable number of command staff is required.

More importantly, the air force, especially the air force command, is usually on the second line and does not need to go directly to the battlefield... The air force needs to keep a certain distance from the enemy. Of course, this distance cannot be within the reach of the enemy's artillery, nor can it be an assault It needs at least tens or even hundreds of kilometers of buffer zone, because it needs to take into account the preparation time required for enemy fighter planes and bombers to attack.

Therefore, in peacetime, the Air Force is particularly favored by the second generation of officials. Many of them even have no experience in flying fighter jets... In a certain level of staff, they sort out documents and convey orders. He was promoted due to his commanding experience.

  This is also one of the reasons why the combat effectiveness of the Soviet Air Force in the early stage of the war was so unbearable: a considerable number of commanders could not even fly planes, and some people would get airsick, but it was these people who could not fly planes who commanded the pilots to fight on the front line.

  So it is conceivable that after the battle broke out, the orders conveyed to the pilots were not tactics, but just meaningless orders: "Go forward, destroy them!", "No retreat!" and so on.

  If it wasn't for the outbreak of war, these people who fished in troubled waters could continue to hang out in the Air Force.

  This has resulted in a command that is bloated, inefficient, and unresponsive... and the Air Force is precisely the service that needs the most speed of response.

   Now they are revealed.

Or it can be said that the reform gave them a chance to sort them out... Even if they entered a state of war before that, even if they knew that those were incompetent, it was still very difficult to kick them out, because the Soviet Air Force at that time needed so many people command.

  As Novikov said before, because aviation divisions are mixed, each aviation division needs at least three sub-command systems to command fighter jets, attack planes, and bombers.

This kind of command system itself requires a lot of manpower, and the command is complicated and cumbersome. If those incompetent people are driven out of the Air Force, it may cause a complete shutdown of the command system... There are no staff officers to communicate, organize files, and issue orders. .

However, if these fighters are classified into different categories, the command is greatly simplified...An airport and an aviation division are all fighters or other types of aircraft, and the command system is all corresponding command talents. As a set, there is a large amount of redundancy in personnel in an instant.

  So, Novikov can safely kick out those incompetent people in the air force command team.

  In this way, although there are fewer commanders, all of them are experienced in doing things, and the efficiency has improved a lot.

  (end of this chapter)

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