USSR 1941

Chapter 649: self-propelled artillery battalion

  Chapter 649 Self-propelled Artillery Battalion

  This made Shulka have to temporarily transfer a batch of artillerymen with 152MM caliber and 85MM caliber artillery... Different caliber artillery has different gun operations, and even the number of gun crews is different.

  It was originally a taboo for military strategists to change personnel before the battle, but in fact there was no difference, because the Soviet army had no training from beginning to end, so there was no question of replacement.

  The troop spent half an hour overhauling and familiarizing themselves with the equipment, then replenished some communication soldiers and set off.

   Among them, the supplementary communication soldier was requested by Shurka.

Shulka is also speechless about this. The careless Soviets actually managed to forget the communicators... You must know that the battle plan clearly requires long-distance combat with the forward artillery observers. If there are no communicators and no radio stations, how can the artillery observers To guide these gunfire operations?

Akimovich's explanation is that they thought that the artillery would solve this problem by itself... If this is normal, it is indeed the artillery's business, but now it is the reorganization of a small army with only 13 guns, and each artillery unit draws With a dozen or dozens of artillery crews coming, how could the artillery unit be willing to assign precious radio stations to them.

Of course, the Soviet army has very few communication equipment, and it is impossible to equip each self-propelled artillery with a radio station. Shulka can only equip a radio station for the artillery of the same caliber, and then assign as many telephone soldiers as possible. , as soon as the self-propelled gun stopped, the telephone line had to be brought nearby.

   In terms of external communication, self-propelled artillery will be much stronger than tanks.

   This is mainly because the tank is fully enclosed, and once the hatch is closed, it is almost isolated from the outside world.

   Self-propelled artillery can communicate with nearby infantry relatively easily because there is no top armor, such as signal flags, signal lights, or even directly communicate with artillery crew members.

   "Are you ready?" Shulka asked Alinsimovich loudly.

Alinsimovich is the commander of this newly formed self-propelled artillery battalion. He was originally the commander of a tank company and commanded T34 tanks to fight against the German army. However, their T34 tanks were either destroyed by the enemy or lost their combat effectiveness due to malfunctions...Ah Linthimmovic's command vehicle was no exception. It was pierced by an armor-piercing projectile, the driver was killed on the spot, and the gunner was seriously injured and died. Only Alinthimmovic and the loader escaped from death. Escaped from the burning tank.

  Due to the shortage of T34 tanks, Alinsimovich was assigned to the self-propelled artillery as the command.

In fact, Shulka thought that the commander of this unit should be the artillery, because they are actually guns and not tanks, but Golikov thinks that they are more like tanks, so of course they should be commanded by the tank commander .

  Shuerka stopped insisting after thinking about it, because in this battle, these self-propelled artillery were actually used to fight against the enemy's "new tanks", so it is not unreasonable to use tank soldiers to command.

Alinsimovich didn't hear Shulka's cry at the beginning, probably because Alinsimovich's hearing has not fully recovered... The tank was penetrated by an armor-piercing projectile. Although it was not directly injured, it was equivalent to Hide in a big bell and get hit hard.

  So Shulka raised the volume and asked again, and this time Alinsimovich responded.

   "Don't worry, Comrade Shulka!" Alinsimovich replied: "I will not be like others and need you to bring us out of the enemy's encirclement!"

   As he said that, Alinsimovic laughed, and his subordinates nearby also laughed, although it was not funny at all.

  But he was handsome for less than three seconds. When Alinsimovic cast his gaze on the map, he asked a little awkwardly: "Comrade Shulka, the number one location is near the bakery on Red Star Street, right?

  Shuerka almost sprayed blood on the ceiling, but at this time, he still doesn't know where the No. 1 position in the battle plan is.

   After a few more minutes of discussion with Alinsimovic, the troops continued down the street.

  There are only 13 self-propelled artillery pieces in total, so I don’t worry about being discovered by the enemy... The small scale, coupled with advancing in buildings and in the dark, makes it difficult for even the German night reconnaissance aircraft to detect.

  The team stopped at the state-run agricultural tractor station...The Soviet Union was implementing a planned economy at this time, and needed an institution to provide agricultural machinery operation services for collective farms, farms, mutual aid groups, and agricultural production cooperatives.

The reason why Shulka arranged the self-propelled artillery here is because the agricultural machinery station is full of buildings with a height of three to five floors, and the road is flat, which is very suitable for self-propelled artillery to hide and transfer... In fact, self-propelled artillery sometimes does not even It needs to be transferred, because as mentioned before, it is difficult for the artillery with buildings to protect the enemy to hit the self-propelled artillery hiding in the dead corner.

   "Get ready to fight!" Captain Alinsimovich ordered loudly, and then shouted to a lieutenant beside him: "Comrade Arkady, I will leave the rest to you!"

   Shulka couldn't help but fainted for a moment, and only then did he realize that this was what Alinsimovich called "ready"!

  But there is nothing wrong with Captain Alinsimovich doing this, because the artillery battle was fought at the beginning, that is, the self-propelled artillery was used as artillery. At this time, it should be a matter of artillery, and Lieutenant Arkady is artillery.

   Shulka was not satisfied with these, because it was obvious that they were not prepared enough. At least one pre-battle rehearsal should have been carried out, but they did nothing, so Shulka believed that the results of this attack would not be satisfactory.

   It's just that what Shulka didn't expect was that it was precisely because of this kind of attack that was full of loopholes that it worked.

   A few minutes later, the Soviet offensive began.

  After three red flares, the infantry of a regiment of the Soviet Army launched an attack.

  Although this force is a regiment, one of the battalions is a "punishment battalion".

   Its role is needless to say, to launch a charge and let the enemy organize defenses, so the Soviet army discovered the enemy's firepower.

  Then, under the guidance of artillery observers, the self-propelled artillery fired shells into the enemy's positions one by one and destroyed their fortifications.

Among them, the 152MM caliber artillery is especially important. The weight of this artillery shell alone reaches 43.6 kilograms. Once it explodes in the enemy's position, it will shake the ground like thunder, and the bunkers and sandbag fortifications will be wiped out in an instant. .

It’s just because it is a howitzer with a curved trajectory, so when it is used as a direct-firing artillery to fight an enemy tank, its longest range is only 700 meters. If it exceeds 700 meters, it is not a question of whether it can penetrate or destroy the enemy tank, but the hit rate is low. Even if it hits, it is easy to ricochet because of the sharp angle formed by the curved trajectory and the armor.

  (end of this chapter)

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