Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 350


Darius balled his fists as he listened to the way Liam treated Jasmine, how desperately she wanted to be left alone by him and didn’t want to be touched.

How awful would it feel to have your own mate not want to be touched by you? Their relationship was in shambles a long time ago, even before the two babies were born. And Liam should have known about that already.

But then, Darius wanted to know what kept them together until this point? Hatred? The mutual grudge that they held against each other?

They could have killed each other by now and the impact of their mate bond wouldn’t have been so severe, but it was the situation that tied them together.

“You should leave.” Colton, the gamma of this Shadow Moon pack, approached him and patted his shoulder. He could hear clearly what was happening inside and didn’t seem to care too much about it. In the end, there was nothing that they could do to help.

But then, even though the alpha wanted to kill his mate, there would be no objection to it. He made Jasmine a Luna out of spite, because he knew she would hate that title. It was like an insult that was thrown at Jasmine’s face, whenever someone addressed her that way.

“Hm,” Darius muttered and walked away from the bedroom, but before he could take his second step, the gamma talked again to him, which made him halt in his steps.

“Sooner or later, the alpha will catch wind of your little rebellion.” Colton stared at Darius’ back. His face was devoid of any emotions when he spoke. “Prepare yourself for that.”

Darius raised his head and looked at the orange hue in the sky as the sun had almost set, while Jasmine was still screaming from inside the room.


“We, shifters, are not immortals.” As a shifter, they had a long life span, but of course they were not immortals. “Eventually we will die, so what is there to fear?”

Colton nodded when he heard his reasoning, but then he reminded him about something that he had missed.

“You are right about that.” He walked closer to Darius and stood next to him. It was such a waste if they had to lose such a great warrior like him, but then, they could train another one, it would just be a pain in the ass for the time that was needed to create one like him. “Maybe you are ready to throw away your life because your mate has died.”

“She was killed,” Darius corrected him, as he turned his head and stared at the gamma viciously.

Colton nodded. “She was killed.” He corrected his own statement. “But, what about your brother? Derek? Was he also ready to throw his life away for your mistake?”

The gamma could see the shift of emotions in Darius’ eyes when he said that. Probably, he indeed didn’t think that far.

“You know our alpha. He will stop at nothing. He killed his own brother and was torturing his own father. Do you think your little brother holds any value in his eyes?” He smiled at the warrior and then gave him his advice again. “Stop whatever you were doing with the luna. Your method to insult the alpha will cost you something that you can’t pay.”


River opened the car window and felt the wind hit her face before it fluttered her hair. She breathed deeply and opened her eyes with a gleam of happiness when she saw a beach in her sight.

This beach was rather empty as this place didn’t have a high security, those people were afraid to encounter non-human beings in this area.

“THE SEA!” River screamed in excitement. She saw the surface of the sea glimmer under the light of the setting sun and this made her gasp in awe.

Her expression was so cute and this made Gael couldn’t help, but smile at his daughter’s reaction. He knew that his decision to bring her here was the best decision that he had ever made.

It sounded and looked rash, reckless even, but he could feel Lise’s will to live slipping away bit by bit. Her condition had gotten worse and he wanted to give her the best while he still could.

“This is a beautiful place,” River gushed. She was in awe when she watched the sunset that made the sky look like it was dyed in orange. “Vanesha! Look! It’s the sea!”

Vanesha lifted her head from the book that she was reading and glanced at the same sea that River had been excited about, but there was no joy or glee in her eyes, though she was smiling softly.

“Yes, it’s the sea.”

“Don’t you think it is beautiful?”

“It is.” Vanesha then grabbed the girl’s shirt and pulled her back before she could poke her head out of the car window. “Sit down, it’s dangerous.”

However, River was too excited to stay put. “When will we arrive?” She asked her father. This trip really let Gael bond with his daughter, since she would keep asking about it again and again.

“Five minutes, honey, in five minutes.” Gael stepped on the accelerator because he didn’t want his little angel to wait any longer than this.

Gael was driving, while Lise was sitting next to him. She was currently sleeping and looked very weak, but she was really excited for their daughter.

Meanwhile, Vanesha and River were sitting in the backseat and there were another four cars filled with hellbound shifters that were following them to protect them.

“I am happy.” River blinked her eyes at the beauty of the sea and smiled widely.

“So am I,” Gael said, as he reached out his hand and grabbed Lise’s hand, squeezing it gently. “I am very happy right now.”

However, Vanesha didn’t seem to be present, as her mind flew away to random places, she stared into the distance and felt out of place right now.


Liam growled, as he tore Jasmine’s dress. He ripped her dress with his bare hands and teeth. He was very careless when his sharp fangs or claws grazed her skin and left a few to many scratches and wounds on her body.

He licked the blood from her wounds and this made Jasmine grit her teeth. She felt dizzy because she had been crying and screaming at the top of her lungs, trying to get away from him to no avail. She breathed raggedly.

“You reek of his scent,” Liam said grimly. He could smell Darius’ scent on her body and this made him livid. He could feel his anger boil his blood and the beast inside of him roared in anger. He wanted violence. “How dare you have another man’s scent on you?”

Jasmine was no longer screaming now, but her vision had turned blurry and she couldn’t keep her eyes focused on Liam. She needed to blink her eyes to get rid of her tears, but the torment that she was going through was simply too much for her to endure.

She felt numb.

“How dare you let another man touch you.” The grip on her hands tightened and Jasmine felt her hands would be broken at any given moment, if Liam put more pressure on them. “What have you done with him? Did you let him touch you the way I do?” Liam grazed her breasts with his claws and this made Jasmine grimace in pain as fresh blood oozed out of the wounds.

“Kill me, Liam,” Jasmine said. She didn’t know what she was thinking right now, but she felt she had had enough of fighting him. She no longer wanted to survive. “Kill me... you are not worthy of being loved. They don’t love you, they fear you. Just like I do right now.”

Liam growled at her dangerously, but it didn’t stop her from telling him what she was thinking at this moment.

“You are so pathetic. You want to prove it to your father that you are a better alpha, that’s why you kept him alive, but that didn’t stop you from torturing him.” She felt she was talking about herself. “No one will love you. You will end up miserable and alone.”

Liam released Jasmine’s hands, but she had no more energy to fight him, so she just stayed still when he cupped her face and glared at her, while smirking viciously.

“I don’t care if no one loves me, love.” Liam lowered his body and whispered in her ear. “Do you think your words will bother me? If I don’t even care whether you are willing or not to have my children, do you think I care so much about love?”

Liam parted Jasmine’s legs and positioned himself between her thighs, which made Jasmine bite down on her lips from the pain that he caused.

“I don’t care about that stupid thing. You should grow out of that feeling because we are not living in the past anymore.” Liam thrusted harder and this made Jasmine cry again, her expression twisted with pure pain. “The word ‘love’ has lost its meaning for the two of us. Don’t you agree with me on this?”

Jasmine felt her body would split into two whenever Liam forced himself into her harder. She drew her own blood when she bit her bottom lip very hard. Tears streamed down her face when she felt Liam’s teeth graze her neck over and over.

“I hate it when I smell another man’s scent on you.” It drove him crazy and he showed vividly to her how crazy he could be.


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*

Alpha Micah Donovan’s second chance mate.

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