Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 579.2: Sun Yi Lin’s Matter, Returning to the Capital

Chapter 579.2: Sun Yi Lin’s Matter, Returning to the Capital

Sun Yi Lin’s Matter, Returning to the Capital (2)

This was considered indirectly complementing Li Hong Yuan? Jing Wan glanced at a certain someone. Have to say, his complexion indeed improved a little.

“Never took it to heart.”

“That’s good.” Sun Yi Lin nodded, and afterwards, let Li Hong Yuan’s people take him away.

“This change is truly too big, somewhat unrealistic.” Really, it was heavens apart, as if two different people.

“He just stated a fact.”

Jing Wan choked, reaching out to pinch his face, “This face is also quite thick.”

Li Hong Yuan grasped her hand, “Could it be that it’s not true?”

“Yes, yes, yes.” Jing Wan was a bit helpless, “Didn’t Gong Jiu previously say, Min Xiao Yuan also got planted with a gu, even that exceptionally malicious beauty gu.” When hearing about the beauty gu from Gong Jiu, Jing Wan truly shivered all over. No wonder Ruan Fang Fei had such a perfect, yet not a skin mask, face. One has to know, she’d also gotten her face ruined, and it was even quite serious. Even based on the medical technology of her past life, it all may not necessarily be able to be fixed, “When planting the beauty gu, a sacrifice is just required. For the type of people that lack humanity, for the sake of beauty, they naturally won’t care about other people’s life and death. But, for someone like Min Xiao Yuan, getting planted with the beauty gu, afraid it was the most malicious thing, something that she can’t accept the most. And even if the beauty gu is removed, her outer appearance will also age more quickly than ordinary people. As such, regardless whether it’s before, or afterwards, she probably all won’t return home again. In fact, she might even try to make her family believe that she has already died. Once Sun Yi Lin becomes a fool, he will just be a completely handicapped person, so certainly won’t have any abilities to survive, needing to rely on Min Xiao Yuan for all things. Can she really shoulder their two lives?”

“Wan Wan always view people this optimistically. One day, when Min Xiao Yuan can’t bear it anymore, perhaps she will just abandon the person and run away. When time comes, without anyone to take care of him, Sun Yi Lin absolutely will be reduced to a member of the beggar’s nest. And if thoroughly dumbed down, not even knowing how to find food, then it’ll just be waiting to starve to death in the streets.” Thinking of this possibility, Li Hong Yuan carried a somewhat mean-spirited smile. Carefully thinking about it, this way seemingly was even more satisfying than letting him directly die.

“You also don’t need to have people thought of this pessimistically. Just, the hardships will be inevitable.” It probably won’t just be physical exhaustion either, but also mentally. After all, seeing the former proud nobleman becoming like that, even someone that one liked, how can one not feel sad inside? And Sun Yi Lin himself, towards society’s mockery, belittlement, ridicule, and such matters, he won’t be able to understand, not knowing good or bad, so there also won’t exist the so called lost of dignity, and thus, won’t feel hurt. For the most part, it was equal to letting everything go.

“It’s she herself that wants Sun Yi Lin to live, so naturally need to pay the price. And since Sun Yi Lin chose to live for her, then should also have this kind of resolution. Just don’t know whether this kind of outcome, exactly is it granting Min Xiao Yuan’s wish, or harming Min Xiao Yuan. If I have to say, it’s only because of Min Xiao Yuan that Wan Wan produced a heart of pity, so solely letting Min Xiao Yuan bear the pain alone, how unfair, should also let Sun Yi Lin wake up once every year or two, letting him nicely reflect on what he was like during this period of time as a fool.”

Right now, he still hasn’t experienced it, yet just thinking about that kind of state, it was already hard to accept. And once he experiences, and then clearly ‘reflect on’ it, the more prideful, the more painful it will probably be.

The more Jing Wan thought about it, the more she felt that this idea of hers was actually extremely malicious.

“This while, can actually inform Min Xiao Yuan in advance, letting Min Xiao Yuan know that for her sake, Sun Yi Lin can put down all his dignity and live. Don’t know how she will react.”

Is it letting him die with dignity, or live getting trampled on?

“Choosing to let him die, perhaps it’s not wanting to let the future be tiring, so also letting down Wan Wan’s kindly feelings, but if choosing to let him live, this kind of purely possessive love, it also nothing much. Wan Wan, you have given a passionate person a very difficult problem.” Li Hong Yuan was becoming increasingly mean-spirited. In his words, there just wasn’t anything good about it. And these words, how was it not also ‘criticizing’ Jing Wan’s ‘heartlessness and cruelty’. After all, Jing Wan was the instigator.

In any case, she was destined to be the evil one, so it didn’t matter anymore.

TN: All

And when Min Xiao Yuan received the news, it was like as if getting struck by lightning, her entire person dumbstruck. And afterwards, just like as if breaking down, “Impossible, impossible, how can there be such a thing? I want to meet wangye, I want to meet wangfei. They can’t do this, can’t do this!”

Gong mama blocked her, “Miss Min, the crimes Sun Yi Lin has committed, no matter how many times he dies, it all won’t be enough. To be able to let him live, it’s already very lenient.”

“But he’s already crippled, why can’t they just spare him?”

“Miss Min really is naive. From the start, you just had this kind of intention, right? Just betting on wangfei’s kindness? You should know, Sun Yi Lin’s threat comes from his intelligence and not his body. That’s why, he either dies or become a fool. There won’t be a third path. Wangye said, you can also help him chose.”

How to choose, this choice truly was too difficult.

When Min Xiao Yuan went to go see Sun Yi Lin again, she was blank and expressionless like a soulless puppet.

Sun Yi Lin instantly just knew what happened. He also didn’t know whether his choice was right or wrong. No, this matter, no matter the choice, was wrong, yet also not wrong. It can also be said as no matter how one chooses, it was both right and wrong.

Min Xiao Yuan originally was a noble daughter of a prestigious family. If not for meeting him……….

“Xiao Yuan…” Sun Yi Lin wanted to say something, but didn’t know what to say. In this moment, he was truly at a loss for words.

Min Xiao Yuan’s lips trembled. Facing Sun Yi Lin, she once again cried, extremely helpless.

“If you let go, I can die. Just, in the next life, don’t run into me again.”

“No, don’t, don’t…..”

Sun Yi Lin still ‘cruelly’ had the choice given to Min Xiao Yuan, and Min Xiao Yuan, sure enough, still couldn’t watch him die.

Gong Jiu carried a tray over, and placed on there was a porcelain bottle. It goes without saying what the thing inside was used for. Sun Yi Lin was rather tranquil, but Min Xiao Yuan was like as if seeing the most terrifying thing in the world, vigorously shaking her head, even wanting to steal it. But, it was naturally useless.

In the end, a very ordinary looking pill got fed to Sun Yi Lin by Gong Jiu personally.

Sun Yi Lin sensed his own consciousness becoming increasingly muddled, and his understanding and perception towards many things seemingly were disappearing little by little. That kind of feeling, truthfully speaking, wasn’t too good. Exactly how did he come to this step? That’s right, when back in Jiangnan, he for a time thought that someone like Jin Qinwang can’t possibly be genuinely good to a person. In Jin Qinwang Manor’s rear court, Jing Wan certainly must have endured lots of hardships. As such, he faintly produced the thought of wanting to let her escape from the suffering. Because he had thought of a lot, that’s why, some things, seemingly took root in his heart. And at this time, he encountered Ruan Fang Fei. The other party told him, the reason why he lost his beloved was all because of Li Hong Yuan’s scheme.

Regardless of whether or not he believed the other party’s words at the time, in any case, he just suddenly was unable to think straight, becoming possessed. And during this time, when he wasn’t that rational, his mind not that clear, he just got taken advantage of by Ruan Fang Fei, getting planted with a gu. Thus, the negative emotions in his heart completely and uncontrollably magnified, becoming stubborn, possessed, and gloomy, and some means were just born naturally.

When everything in his mind all disappeared, when even not knowing who he was, and what he was, a tear finally slid down from the corner of his eye. Perhaps, that should be called ‘remorse’.

This entire process, Min Xiao Yuan all took in. He didn’t have any painful expression, but a person’s eyes can’t deceive. That pair of eyes perhaps became exceptionally bright and clear, but it was clear to the point of having nothing left. Min Xiao Yuan carefully called out to him. He actually still reacted, opening his mouth and revealing a silly smile.

Having a reaction didn’t mean that he just understood her meaning. Right now, he just has some of the most basic functions of a human left, eating, drinking, defecating, urinating, and sleeping.

In this moment, Min Xiao Yuan truly broke down completely, loudly bawling.

In the upper room, Jing Wan could hear her cries, lowering her head and stroking the buddhist beads in her hand, her face expressionless.

However, once this matter was settled, it was also just over with. They need to prepare to return to the capital. There already wasn’t much time left until the end of the year. The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. And as the hunter eyeing the oriole, they naturally need to appear in the end. The time was already quite pressing.

However, prior to leaving, Jing Wan let someone leave some money for Min Xiao Yuan. It wasn’t considered much, so as to avoid her, this inexperienced young lady, from exposing her wealth and getting targeted. But, it also wasn’t considered little either. As long as she wasn’t too unlucky, it should be more than enough to help Min Xiao Yuan get through the most difficult transition period until she finds a way to maintain her livelihood.

At the same time, they also sent a letter to Min Yu Han in Jiangnan, having the matter briefly explained. However, they didn’t tell him where the person was. Even if the Min family wants to look for, afraid it will also be like fishing a needle from the ocean. And if they really find her, then can only say, some things were just destined. When time comes, a bit better will just be some materialistic things. Everything else, all won’t change.

Their speed in returning wasn’t slow, but it also wasn’t very rushed either.

And when they arrived at the first prefectural city, Fu Rong, whose injuries have improved quite a bit, just acted according to the original plan, finding the place appointed by the Head Minister of Rites, Sir Su, and started sending information.

And that place, Li Hong Yuan had also let someone specially investigate, but there was nothing special. Ordinary people’s letters can also be sent. The special channels behind this probably have a few more twists and turns. Li Hong Yuan let someone keep an eye on it, but just this once, afraid it will be relatively difficult to find out anything. And if too many people, it might very likely alert the enemy.

However, this thread, temporarily no need to rush. Once that Sir Su is dealt with, they can slowly feel around and eliminate.

Having the news of ‘Li Hong Yuan still safe and about to return to the capital’ sent back, regardless whether or not certain people had the plan of rebelling, it will still force them to make a move. Once they take control of the capital, it’ll be easier to deal with Li Hong Yuan. If they were to wait until Li Hong Yuan returns to the capital, it goes without saying, he certainly will cause them trouble, because they know that since Li Hong Yuan was safe, then he will certainly know that the previous matter also had their share. If one doesn’t make a move first, then it was just waiting to die.

“Ah Yuan, say, does Rui Qinwang know that Sir Su’s true identity?”

“He knows. Li Hong Ming’s power right now very much can’t compare with the past. Even if staking everything in one throw, he still needs to have a hidden trump as an insurance, else even if succeeding, he will still get very quickly overthrown shortly after. If he doesn’t become the emperor, then perhaps he can still live, but once he becomes the emperor and then get overthrown, then he will undoubtedly die.

“That’s why, even if Rui Qinwang doesn’t know, that Sir Su will still voluntarily inform him. When time comes, Former Wei will help Rui Qinwang stabilize his rule, and in exchange, once Rui Qinwang becomes the emperor, he will give them enough benefits. And this benefit most likely will include a portion of Qi Yuan’s mountains and rivers?” Jing Wan followed-up.

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