Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 6 (8/8)

Book 3: Chapter 6 (8/8)

Before the black-hair Kain walked into the castle, he already conjured Finwe from the realm of Thunder Eagles and Finwes duty was to assassinate the Devil Overlord using his Delusion Magic. Anwyn thought someone casted five layers of [Blissful Mirage] spell on her, but that was just the [Delusion World] spell that Finwe had casted. At the time Finwe was about to be exposed earlier by Anwyns [Analyze] spell, he activated [Thunder Step] and flew far away from the castle to better hide his presence using the [Invisibility Cloak] spell.

[Invisibility Cloak] is one of the Delusion Magic spells. It didn't make Finwe invisible but just cloaked his presence by preventing the enemies from being able to see him. Kain and his conjured creatures could see Finwe at all times because Finwe allowed them to be able to see him.

Anwyn raised her right hand and her Magical Staff that was conjuring Four-Eyes Giants flew into her hand. Held the staff tight in her right hand, Anwyn angrily slammed the staff on the ground and Kain could feel the powerful magical power released from it. After chanting for some unknown magic spells, Anwyn pointed her staff toward black-hair Kain's direction and released a strong fire beam that was large enough to wipe out all Four-Eyes Giants, a hundred thousand Ancient Vampires, all creatures conjured by Kain including Kain himself. In one second, Anwyn showed Kain the huge difference between them in magical power.

Black-hair Kain activated [Haze Mode] on time to transform him into vapor for five seconds and grant him immunity to all types of damages. Seeing Kain turned into vapor, Anwyn smirked and casted that same powerful Fire Magic spell again using her Magical Staff. Different from the last time, Anwyn didn't stop after one second waiting for Kain's [Haze Mode] to expire so the powerful gigantic fire beam could kill him.

Two seconds after the fire beam stopped, Kain recovered his body parts from nothingness and heavily breathed while thinking, "Such powerful magic. I activated the [Abyssal Flesh] spell on time the moment I saw the staff was flying back into Anwyn's right hand. That was why I could recover all of my body parts. One of her powerful magic spells didn't just make me recover my body parts once, but four times in a row."

Before Kain could catch a break, Anwyn shot out a giant ice beam from her Magical Staff and froze Kain while he was flying in mid-air. Not stopping there, Anwyn shot out a giant rock from her Magical Staff and it crushed the frozen Kain into thousands of tiny pieces. All the tiny pieces were then burned into the nothingness from another giant fire beam shot out from Anwyn's Magical Staff. Kain once again recovered all of his body parts using the active effect of his [Abyssal Flesh] spell.

Flying in mid-air using the Flesh Demon Vampire Mutant form, Kain excitedly thought to himself, "Just three attacks from her, and all four of my health pools were depleted. Such amazing destruction of magical power!"

Kain recovered his body parts from nothingness didn't surprise Anwyn. That was what she expected anyway. The question was, how long can Kain keep this up? Unlike Noe Clerico who has a nearly unlimited mana pool, Kain's Blood Equipment would soon reach depletion. By that time, he will no longer be able to withstand her unmatched magical power. Anwyn doesn't have a large mana pool, but her Magical Staff can quickly regenerate her mana while the staff itself can cast powerful magic spells without the need of channeling into Anwyn's mana pool.

Looking at black-hair Kain who had just revived over a hundred thousand Ancient Vampires using the [Blood Extricate] spell, Anwyn jokingly said, "What is the point of reviving those useless mosquitoes? Another attack from me will kill them all!"

Finished saying that, Anwyn once again casted the powerful destruction spell to release a super-powerful giant fireball. The fire energy of this fireball was even more powerful compared to the gigantic fire beams Anwyn shot out earlier. This super-powerful fireball wasn't large enough to kill over a hundred thousand Ancient Vampires together with black-hair Kain in an instant, but it created explosions that were powerful enough to kill at least a thousand Ancient Vampires for each explosion. The bad thing was, it didn't just explode once and fade away but continued to chase after the surviving Ancient Vampires to explode again, again, again, and continue to explode until Anwyn dispels it. If Devil-Kain wasn't fighting with her guards, Anwyn would have increased the size of the super-powerful fireball to make each explosion wide, enough to kill at least five thousand Ancient Vampires.

After black-hair Kain and his hundred thousand Ancient Vampires were killed, Anwyn dispelled the super-powerful fireball. Just like before, Kain recovered his body parts from nothingness using the benefit of the already activated [Abyssal Flesh] spell. Kain thought to himself, "All eight blood pools inside my stomach are depleted. It's time to start using my Blood Equipment. I needed to distract her better to give Finwe another chance to assassinate her."

Anwyn had already shown her true power but the dark shadow attempted to assassinate her earlier still didn't show up again. Anwyn looked around and shouted, "Coward, stop hiding! Come on out!"

Anwyn was just trying her luck knowing Finwe wasn't inside the castle at the time or she would have felt his presence because her [Analyze] spell was still being activated. Kain knew Anwyn was aware of Finwe's presence earlier and felt threatened by it which was why she showed off her powerful magic spells. After careful consideration, Kain believed it would be harder for Finwe to assassinate Anwyn now since she won't let her guard down anymore.

Kain had Lazela transmitted a message to Finwe, "I will try to distract her more so you can find another opportunity to attack. I have enough Blood Equipment to play with her for days."

Finwe replied and Lazela transmitted his message back to Kain, "I don't think another sneak attack would work on her. I could feel she casted some kind of spell to increase her Physical Resistance and Magical Resistance rates to make it even more powerful compared to before. Successfully cast another [Delusion World] spell on her would be so much harder now."

"In that case, what are you planning to do now?"

"I will reveal myself and fight her head to head."

"Dude, are you crazy? She can kill you in one attack."

"So? Conjure me back every time she killed me. I'm no longer your Soul-Bound Creature. There will be no seventy-two hours penalty like before. You have enough Blood Equipment to conjure me back a million times, isn't that right?"

"..." Kain remained silent as he didn't know what to say.

Knowing Kain was embarrassed about forgetting that Finwe was no longer his Soul-Bound Creature, Finwe jokingly said, "It's alright, don't feel bad. You are a dumbass sometimes, and a dumbass can be forgetful. Anyway, I planned to use the [Duplicity] spell against her. It would give me time to lower her Magical Resistance and Physical Resistance rates by weakening her out mentally. It will take a while and I need you to defend me, understand? If it fails the first time, there will be no second because she may be able to increase both of her resistance rates to even higher than what she had now."

No problem, I wont let you die.

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