Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 4 (8/8)

Book 3: Chapter 4 (8/8)

After five minutes of silence, Kimaris said, "I have reached the peak of the maximum strength that I can achieve. Even so, I wanted to be stronger. My dream is to be stronger than a Devil Warrior."

Kain said, Is it possible for a Demon Lord to overpower a Devil? I have fought you and Evienne. Even though its true that you are very strong, but still much weaker compared to a Devil Warrior.

Kimaris said, If I was still alive as a human, then there was no way I can be as strong as I am now. In my Demon Form, I can easily defeat ten Eleventh Stage Saint Warriors at the same time. Do you agree?

I agreed. But becoming stronger compared to a Devil Warrior isn't possible, am I correct?

I understand what you think. No Demon Lord can overpower a Devil Warrior in the past. My dream of overpowering the Devil Overlord isnt easy to achieve. Even so, I won't give up on it.

I think your best option is to wait for your time to become a God-tier Warrior and travel to the higher realms. No Devil would be able to interfere with your personal sexual life anymore after that.

After two minutes of thinking, Kimaris said, Perhaps you are right. Enough about me. Where is your other self now?

Still following Evienne to meet with the Devil Overlord.

What if the Devil Overlord started attacking you?

I have deactivated [Devil Anatomy] spell and cant use it again within twenty hours. I expected Evienne to defend me. If she intended to let the Devil Overlord kill me, then she will fail my test.

Test? Hold on, your intent to meet with the Devil Overlord was a test for Evienne Lucifuge?

Yes. I wanted to test her loyalty toward me. I have never trusted Evienne before but that could change if she proves to be loyal to me as I will for her. Being my Soul-Bound Creature, Evienne can't kill me personally but it doesnt mean she wouldnt plot against me to get me killed so she can be free from being bound to my Conjurer Soul. If she proves to not be loyal to me, then I will treat her as a tool instead of a companion. If I treat her as a tool, then she can be replaced. Do you know what I mean, Kimaris?

Do you hope that she will be loyal to you or the other way around?

I hope she will be loyal to me. I just found out that there was an enemy I cant kill, at least not by myself. I cant afford to have my Soul-Bound Creature betray me when I fight with him again.

Who is this enemy?

Noe Clerico, Lord of the Gray. Beside me, he is the most powerful person in Toria Continents right now.

Noe Clerico huh. He is infamous around Hell Realm. I heard he killed two Devils at the same time and converted them into his minions. One Devil Warrior and a Devil Mage."

Kain opened his mouth widely after hearing this. Kain asked, Do you have any idea who is his Soul-Bound Creature?

Kimaris shook his head and said, I dont. I have never heard him conjure his Soul-Bound Creature before.

Hmm The two Devils were killed and became his minions, can they still open the Hell Gates?

Of course not. They are already dead and therefore, they have lost the ability to open Hell Gates.

That eased my mind a little bit. Thank you for this valuable information. Knowing he had two Devils as his minions helped me better plan how to defeat him.

"Kain, what if Evienne wanted to defend you and the Devil Overlord wanted to kill her as well? Without being able to use [Devil Anatomy], you aren't powerful enough to protect Evienne."

"If Evienne shows that she is loyal to me, then I can conjure enough powerful creatures to protect Evienne to get out of there. Then by snapping a finger, my [Second Soul] will be deactivated and my safety will be secured."

Kimaris and Kain continued to talk while Kains Second Soul was still flying behind Evienne. Kain asked, Evienne, the Devils planet isnt that big. Where is this Devil Overlord at? We have been circling this area for too long. What are you looking for in this area anyway?

Evienne said, Shut up and follow me. We have to fly in the correct order to be able to open the hidden passage. Evienne lied to Kain.

Ten minutes later, Kain stopped flying and asked, "Evienne, what's going on? It seems like you are preventing me from meeting with the Devil Overlord."

Evienne has been flying around this area for too long and Kain could sense she didn't want to show him the hidden passage.

Evienne also stopped flying, turned around, and angrily asked, "Why did you deactivate your [Devil Anatomy] spell?"

Kain truthfully answered, "The battle between your brother and I have drained three of my blood pools. Then I wasted another blood pool escorting you back to the Thirteenth Gate. If I kept my Devil Form for too long, it would drain all of my blood pools. I can't use Blood Equipment in my astral form and it would be dangerous for me to travel around Devils' planet using just my mana pool."

"How do you expect me to lead you to visit the Devil Overlord in your current state?"

"What do you mean?"

"In that weak state, the Devil Overlord wouldn't want to speak to you at all."

Evienne lied. She wanted Kain to be in his Devil Form so the Devil Overlord could feel threatened by Kain's power and attack him without provocation. Evienne could feel Kain's physical strength while using his Devil Form was much stronger compared to when she was dueling with Kain inside the Timeless Dungeon. Evienne didn't know anything about Kain had gained tiny access to Watcher Tykan's power after surrendering both of his souls to him. Besides Watcher Zorim, no one else knew about this.

Kain explained, "Ah, about that. It's alright. I'm just here to request a conversation with the Devil Overlord. I wasn't looking for a fight. If she doesn't want to talk to me, then I will leave."

Evienne angrily stated, "Fine."

Evienne thought to herself, If the Overlord refuses to speak to him, then my plan will go to waste. Kain Bersk, dont blame me for trying to get you killed. But blame yourself for getting me banished from the Lucifuge Family. My father gave me a hint before I left. If I can somehow get you killed, then the Lucifuge Family will welcome me back again. A powerful Devil Warrior like me should have never become anyone's Soul-Bound Creature in the first place. This was all your fault. You shouldn't win inside the Timeless Dungeon. You should be the one that lost. How dare you win against me? A mere human like you won against me is outrages.

Kain saw Evienne was planning something inside her head and thought, "I hope I was wrong. As a Soul-Bound Creature, you are my companion, not my pet. I truly hope that you and I can gain great companionship like Finwe and I have achieved. Nevertheless, if you dare to betray me. I will treat you like a tool and replace you when needed."

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