Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 10 (9/10)

Book 3: Chapter 10 (9/10)

At the audiences side. Etgar saw Kain fall on the ground while Noe was saying something to him. Because the distance was too far away, Etgar couldnt hear what Noe was saying to Kain. Etgar and other magic casters werent allowed to cast any magic spells during the battle of Noe and Kain, that was why Etgar couldnt cast [Whispering Wind] or [Wind Detection] spells to observe the entire battlefield. Etgar leaned toward Adrik and asked, Sir Volsky, did you think Kain was defeated? Or is there another trick under his sleeve?

Adrik shook his head and said, I am afraid Kain was killed. Etgar, use your Wind Magic to secretly tell your Blood Mages and my Rogue Mages to stay alert because we may have to fight our way out of here. Tell them to remain calm while chanting for their strongest magic spell to avoid raising suspicion. Make sure you carefully control your [Whispering Wind] from spreading toward the Mages Council or they would have a valid reason to attack first.

Yes, Sir Volsky.

Not only did Adrik Volsky and Etgar Revenmar have their guard up, but Holy Mage Gwenn Bigham also told one of her Executioner Wind Mages to secretly cast [Whispering Wind] spells telling the powerful Solo Executioners and Lords of the Colors preparing to attack upon receiving her signal. Gwenn didn't care about killing all Blood Mages and Rogue Mages that followed Kain to this island. The only person she wanted to eliminate was Adrik Volsky.

Gwenn thought to herself, "You were once a living nightmare that I have to worry for. Even when I know that I am powerful enough to stand against you now, that nightmare must be stopped today!"

Arthur also received instructions through the [Whispering Wind] spell, he shook his head in disagreement and thought, "Lord Clerico and Kain made an agreement to ensure the safety of both sides if either one of them dies today. What was Holy Mage thinking for giving out such a disgraceful order?"

Back to Noe Clerico. Finishing saying that he would eliminate them both, Noe eliminated Conrad, male Dragon-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Dragon Knight of the Cordragon Continents. He then eliminated Agnes, female Dragon-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Dragon Knight of the Cordragon Continents. This allowed Noe to have two spots left in the second Dark Vortex for two new minions. Noe casted [Raise Dead] spell toward the lifeless body of Kain Bersk and watched him slowly rise up from the ground.

Approximately ten seconds later, Kain's eyes regained vision. He began to look around, then kneel on the ground in front of Noe and humbly said, Thank you for choosing me to be your new minion. Master Noe Clerico, please grant me a name.

Because Noe didn't alter or erase Kain's memory, Kain remembered everything. Kain remembered how his parents were killed saving his life when people discovered that he possessed a Twin Soul, how he was saved and brought to the Blood Mage Guild, how he was trained at the age of five as a Blood Mage, how he joined the Mages' Academy of Nosh, the Battle Tournament of Student Mages, the Timeless Dungeon, went back to Toria Continents and forced the Dryardian Empire to be his bitch, married Jaane Almos and had two children with her, challenged Noe Clerico and was killed. Kain's only feeling at this time was how grateful his Master must be and how thankful he felt against his Master for choosing him.

Noe took two seconds to think. He then asked, Do you want to keep your old name?

What I want is to obey my masters commands at all costs. My old name didnt mean anything to me anymore.

Kain You are my new strongest minion. I hereby granted you the right to keep your old name as Kain Bersk.

Thank you, my Master. I shall continue using my old name as Kain Bersk.

Uhm I have a mission for you.

Any mission you are going to give me shall be fulfilled, my Master.

Do you remember where the Evolved Thunder Eagle took your wife and children to?

I remembered it very clearly, dear Master.

Very good. Go kill your wife and children then bring their heads back in front of me to prove your loyalty. Do you have any objections? I can let them live if you beg me.

It shall be done, my Master. Objection against your commands is blasphemy. I won't beg you, dear Master. I shall only listen and fulfill your orders, Master Clerico.

Great, you may start your mission.

Kain flexed his Vampire Emperor Wings and started flying toward the East direction of Linkeep Island. There were more than six hundred small islands toward the East Ocean. It would be very hard for the Mages Council to hunt Jaane Almos and her children without bothering the local population in those islands. But since Kain was the one who built the underground bunker for Jaane and their children, finding them would be as easy as drinking water.

Inside a secret underground bunker. Liliana Bersk and Zander Bersk cried out loud when they saw Iviss was broken. Iviss was Kains Soul Weapon, she could only be broken when his life force reached depletion and was about to die. Jaane Almos still stayed calm and knew death was just part of Kains plan. If it wasnt so, why would he bother building this secret underground bunker for them to hide? Jaane remembered Kain privately told her to pile as much food and drink as possible inside her Magical Storage Ring just in case a situation like this would occur. While it was true that Kain prepared something like this to ensure the safety of his wife and kids, Kain did lose to Noe Clerico and was killed by him.

"Mother... Mother!" Liliana called Jaane.

Jaane turned her head and saw Iviss (in her knife form) had fully restored herself. Jaane said, "Iviss, turn into your human form."

Listening to Jaane's command, Iviss turned into her human form and asked, "Mistress, do you have an order for me?"

Jaane saw Iviss could speak normally and was happy to know getting broken earlier didn't affect her. Jaane asked, "You were broken earlier. What happened?"

"My Lord was killed but now revived. I could feel his life force has fully recovered."

"This is a good thing, right?"

"I suppose so."

Jaane turned toward her children who were still crying and said, "Liliana, Zander, did you guys hear that? Your father is alive. He will send Finwe to come to get us soon. We just have to wait for them."

"Yes, mother." Both Liliana and Zander replied as they cheered up knowing their father was revived.

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