Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 9: Chapter 2

Book 9: Chapter 2

We should be able to see it soon.

During the next days lunchtime, Yuriga finally took them to a demon city, the first one that Seran and the others ever saw.

How do I say thisits pretty much normal.

Yeah. Its justnormal.

These were Liezes and Urzas comments. They had anticipated something moresinister. But after meeting a few demons up to this point, they realized that most demons were just like humans. The buildings were made of stone, and the road ran along solid ground. There werent many streets, but each of them was filled with stalls and stores. The town looked a bit different from what you saw in the human territory, but nothing too out of the ordinary that you could put a clear distinction to it.

We do have some humans living here, albeit not many, so youll fit in right away.

It really looks like a normal townbut not many people out and about.

Despite them walking down what could be presumed to be the center of town, you barely saw anybody passing them.

I can feel a human presence inside the houses. Like theyre hiding themselves.

Irumera used her sensitive dragon senses as she looked around.

Normally, youd see more people. But with how things stand right now Yuriga mumbled in a quiet voice. This town was under the direct surveillance of Luiza-sama, so a lot of people she trusted or worked for her had been living here.

As Luiza aimed for peace between demons and humans, their culture began mixing in with the demons. Or so Seran remembered. He did see some books or other goods he saw before back in the human territory. Plus, the sadness reigning over the town was far too obvious.

I see nowSo, whats this town called?

What is it called? Yuriga looked at Seran in confusion.

It seemed like naming towns and places was not a tradition here in the demon territory.

I guess demons are a lot more open about humans being present in their cities, contrary to how it would work in humanfolk, Urza commented.

Considering they didnt choose a name for this place, I feel like they just dont bother much with the small detailsBut anyways, where are we going next? Seran checked out the town with a grave expression, and Yuriga seemed pretty much tired of it at this point.

FineOver here.

Yuriga entered a relatively large building in the center of town. Inside were  around ten demons waiting for them. Demons all differed in terms of looks, so it was hard to find a common denominator, but generally speaking, they lived longer than humans. As a result of that, it was difficult to guess how old they really were, but they seemed younger more than anything. Of course, they were all on edge, not trying to hide their hostility. They must all be Luizas servants.

So youre finally backHow could you just run off like that?!

Creet, did you figure out where theyre keeping Luiza-sama?

One of them couldnt hide his frustration, but Yuriga ignored that.

WellWe were too late. They apparently entered the castle, together with Luiza-sama Albeit hesitant for a moment, the demon called Creet confessed with a pained voice.

Referring to castle must be the Demon Lord Castle located in the capital of the demon territory. And if the black-winged demon went in there, he must have been accepted as the Demon Lord.

Of course, not everybody supported them entering the castle, but surprisingly, they had a lot of followers. As you would expect, the pro-war faction was immediately on-board. I cannot believe they would follow a Demon Lord who relies on such cowardice! Creet grit his teeth as he crushed.

I had hoped theyd calmed down a bit more after Thunder-Breath was killed Yuriga clicked her tongue.

One of the leaders of the pro-war faction, Thunder-Breath, who deeply hated humanfolk and wished to kill them all, died about a year ago. For other reasons, the pro-war faction had remained quiet, but with the appearance of the black-winged demon, they grew more active again.

So we have to storm the castle and save Luiza-sama.

Yuriga said it like it was the most natural thing in the world, but another demon had a few complaints about that.

What are you talking about?! You came back late and now you make decisions?!

Youre trying to kill yourself, and have us get killed in the process, just because you care for the Demon Lord?! Thats ridiculous!

Showered by complaints, Yuriga went silent. Of course, considering the situation, they were probably just venting their frustration out on her, but Lieze and the others knew that these sparks could fly their way any second, so they readied themselves.

You should know better than anyone that we cannot save Luiza-sama by ourselves!

When Yuriga brought up a valid argument, the criticism directed at her immediately lost its punch. They probably were more than aware of it and simply didnt want to admit it.

E-Even if we cant bring her back, we should be able to inflict some level of damage!

So what? Youre just trying to satisfy yourselves. Where is the meaning in that? Yuriga once again silenced Creet.

Dont youhave any pride as a demon?!

My pride matters little to nothing when Luiza-sama is in danger! And Ill gladly take all the blame for anything that happens, but only after weve freed her! Yurigas unwavering determination left Creet and the others unable to retort. If it means that I can save Luiza-sama, Im ready to do whatever it takes.

Overwhelmed by her determination, Creet and the demons remained quiet.

FineThen I have nothing else to say. However, there is one thing Id like to confirm, Creet said while looking at Serans group.

In a way, it was a natural doubt to have. How much could those humans she brought with her really help?

I sadly couldnt gather everyone I knew, but I will vouch for their strength. Especially those two, my body still remembers their ability, Yuriga glanced at Lieze and Urza.

So they must be the ones who beat you when you were undercover in the human territory and lost

Being stared at, both Lieze and Urza started feeling uncomfortable.

Hey now, stop staring holes into them. This is why you wont ever get popular with the girls, said Seran, breaking between the two.

Of course, he was not one to talk, so the girls gave him dubious looks.

Your name was Creet, right?

What do you want, human?

As demons treasured their own names, he clearly wasnt a big fan of having his name called by a human, but he knew that this wasnt the moment to argue.

You sure love to talk. Is this the losers howling as we call it?

Hah, well said, you bastardI guess youve got guts fooling around in a situation like this.

Its not just guts. If you wanna know how strong we are, theres an easy way to testouch, ouch, ouch. Seran put one hand on the hilt of his sword, but Lieze pulled on his ear.

Why are you picking fights now, you moron?!

Th-They were the ones starting it. I just figured my method would be faster.

It would only take a brief bout for them to realize how strong the other party was. Granted, it was a bit violent, but the quicker, the better. But even more dangerous was the risk of starting a fight with their comrades to save Luiza.

What if you hurt them?! Think about it some more, okay?

Granted, Lieze was probably trying to be nice, but the way she phrased her words only made Creet take it the wrong way. And as expected, he felt like he had been ranked lower than a human, met with frustration and humiliation.

Maybe you should think for a second.

Ack Lieze realized her mistake quickly, but before she could try to fix the situation, a voice unbefitting the location spoke up.

Stop that. You might not like it, but shes right.

Surprisingly, Seran and the others knew that voice.

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