Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 367 - 0366: Leader of Black Death Society (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 366: Chapter 0366: Leader of Black Death Society (Seeking Subscription)

“Fifth Level?”


“Is this what Beryl means, or did I mishear?”

Sean’s head was somewhat muddled, but he was no longer the frivolous guy he had been, but a professional [Necromancer], a third-level occupational person!

From Su Lu’s current state, he indeed felt a demeanor as majestic as a mountain and as profound as the sea.

“No way… In just a few years, Su Lu has reached the fifth level? Is it that easy for occupational people? No… even within the Eleventh Bureau, there are very few with Fifth Level strength, I only know one…”

“But… If not a Fifth-order Legend, how could she directly suppress Beryl, who is of the fourth level?”

Sean’s mouth was wide open, his roommate was really completely different now.

“This is… The Ceremony of Death. Are you preparing for the breakthrough to [King of the Undead]?”

Su Lu ignored Sean and glanced around the ceremony site, immediately recognizing it.

[King of the Undead] is a Fifth-order legendary profession, which is very complicated to get started with and has many requirements.

Su Lu, who had read the Holy Book of Death, understood one of the processes involved, which was a ritual to please Lady Moon, causing at least a hundred deaths of Transcendent species. The higher their professional ranks, the higher the probability of late-stage promotion success.

Of course, this ritual is an insignificant part of many conditions.

However, Beryl is preparing for this, obviously with the momentum to challenge for the legendary level and starting to touch the field of the Fifth Level.

This surprised Su Lu a little, Beryl’s progress was a bit beyond expectations and almost caught up with his own progress on opening the Golden Finger to cheat.

Fortunately, she didn’t take hold, otherwise it would definitely have been a disaster.

Whether for him or for this world!

“Submit to me!”

He spoke again, wanting to see how strong his control over Beryl was with his current professional rank combined with the previously branded contract.

“Mas… Master…”

Beryl’s expression was very painful.

Half of her facial muscles were twisted, and the other half was even more terrifying. Her skin was rotting and falling off in pieces.

It seemed that there were two forces sawing back and forth on her body.

“Sure enough…”

Upon seeing this, Su Lu felt a sinking feeling in his heart, knowing that Beryl had indeed been favored by Lady Moon and had become the ‘vessel’ of her descent.

Of course, it’s not that simple for a deity to descend.

The concentration of the Spirit Tide in the world, the quality of the vessel, have very high requirements.

Su Lu reckoned that the Evil God was just casting the net widely, nurturing a little when she saw someone with potential.

It was not until they reached the Fifth Level that the Evil God would pay real ‘attention’ and ‘investment.’

“However… there is still a way to help her erase the previous impact and turn her into my puppet… a Fourth Level [Undead] and potential assistant to [King of the Undead] seems very nice…”

Su Lu rubbed his chin.

At this point, he saw Beryl, who was kneeling halfway, seemed to be under tremendous pressure to stand up forcibly.

Not only that, she began to murmur in a low voice, “I pray to you… the dominator of death, the moon…”

“Stop it!”

Su Lu let out a low cry, and the Spirit Chain emerged, directly sealing Beryl’s mouth.

He shook his head and turned around to release Sean’s binding, “Sorry… my maid scared you, right?”

“Are you really Su Lu?”

Sean seemed to want to come forward and pinch Su Lu’s face, but he seemed hesitant. “Wait… what did you say? Your maid?”

“It’s complicated to explain this matter, but I indeed created her…”

Su Lu shrugged his shoulders, making a helpless gesture.

“But we are classmates in any case, and I will discipline her properly later…”

For instance… erasing all her thoughts, turning her into a blank piece of paper, then introducing her to Green Tree Castle for teaching, perhaps, could really reap a high-level maid, the kind that can participate in combat.

If brainwashing fails, she can also be made into a Trick Card.

“I’m sorry… our society’s saintess can’t be taken away by you so easily!”

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from within the cold dungeon.

The voice carried no emotion, but it caused a chill to radiate from the bottom of one’s heart.

Su Lu squinted his eyes, seeming to see a hint of dark green color constantly spreading, like a plague, winding up the surviving werewolf captives.

They let out a mournful cry and instantly lost their lives, their body temperature rapidly dropping, turning into icy corpses.

Just a voice alone has taken the lives of many low-level occupational people!


Seeing the dark green color was about to cover him and Sean next to him, Su Lu shouted in the Language of Arrogance, finally stopping the ‘rendering’ of the color.

Hee hee!

Hee hee!

Beside him, Sean’s teeth were somewhat chattering, facing a tremendous pressure, he felt an urge to kneel down.

Because what appeared was a fifth-level profession of the [Doomsayer], the incarnation of death.

“[Necromancer King]?”

Su Lu looked into the darkness.

In there, the image of an old man in a black robe slowly emerged.

He was impeccably dressed, looking like the most finicky noble, holding a black magic wand. His eyes, including the whites, had all turned completely black.

What’s more, he seemed to be a completely lifeless corpse, he didn’t feel any heartbeat or breath of life.

In contrast, all kinds of necromancy, evil spirits, evil spirits… were dwelling within him, as if his entire body was a haven of necromancy!

“I am Polong Garba! The president of the Black Death Society!”

The old man performed a chest-bow, “I wonder if you could spare our society’s saintess?”

“Sorry, I can’t.”

Su Lu shook his head, his face slowly becoming serious.

The Black Death Society has two main professional routes. One is the undead promotion route represented by Beryl. The second is the [Doomsayer] route!

This route revolves around death and misfortune, mastering necromantic spells, and are masters of manipulating corpses and souls!

“That’s a pity…”

Polon shook his head.

Death spirits, evil spirits, evil spirits, evil spirits… emerged one after another from his body, from underneath his clothes, from his eyes, nose, and ears.

In an instant, an army of undead large enough to fill the entire dungeon had formed!

They were all spectral entities, with semi-translucent bodies and devoid of all color. Their facial expressions were either fierce, in pain, or lost… the only commonality was hatred for life in their eyes.

“Death spirits, evil spirits, evil spirits, evil spirits…”

Su Lu’s mouth curled up slightly, “Carrying such an army of undead, well-worthy of the king who manipulates necromancy, if other occupational people met this, it would definitely be troublesome. It’s just a pity that you met me!”

When dealing with spectral entities, this is the specialty of the [Spirit Medium]!

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