Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 269: Pushing Hard

Chapter 269: Pushing Hard

Cayla coughs up blood after Mantis pierced her stomach. She is confused why Mantis's staff can pierce her body. A staff isn't a sharp weapon and she is sure both tips of Mantis's staff were blunt.

Mantis smirks as she says, "You must be confused right?"

Then Mantis pulls out her staff and now Cayla can see why Mantis could stab her stomach. One tip of Mantis's staff is actually pointy sharp so it could pierce Cayla's stomach. But it still makes Cayla confuse because previously the staff is blunt.

Mantis doesn't want to explain how it could change though. This staff has been modified by Ruff and both blunt tips can change into pointy sharp tips. This feature will be useful for some situations, now is the example.

Still, one piercing through her stomach isn't enough to defeat Cayla. So Mantis attacks again by thrusting her staff at Cayla's stomach. But Cayla evades it and attacks Mantis using her blade-like arms.

Mantis evades Cayla's attack by crouching then she thrusts her staff at Cayla's jaw. Her attack hits Cayla but it doesn't give much damage. Well, it's not her main attack and she didn't put much power on it.

Suddenly, Cayla coughs up blood again because Mantis punches her stomach. After the carapace on her stomach breaks, it becomes Cayla's weak spot. Mantis exploits that so she punches with all her strength.

It isn't the end yet and Mantis sends a barrage of punches at Cayla's stomach. She doesn't give Cayla a chance to strike back and keeps punching. The excruciating pain makes Cayla's consciousness slowly fade out.

'N-No, I can't lose, I need to avenge my brother. But it's so painful. How can this woman has this kind of strength without any devil fruit?' ponders Cayla as her sight becomes blurry.

Cayla finally loses consciousness after receiving Mantis's punches for a minute. She transforms back into her human form after she fainted. Mantis pants as she looks at the unconscious Cayla.

Mantis falls on her butt as she pants hard, "Damn, that was close. I almost run out of energy because I kept evading her attacks when she was in her full beast form."

She decides to rest while looking around the battlefield. Their alliance is having the upper hand and dominates the war. They have a smaller number but they are pushing the enemies back because they are stronger.

Well, they have Magnus, Ruff, the 9 Red Scabbards, Hyogoro, his 4 Yakuza leaders, and other daimyos who support Oden. These guys are too strong for the enemies and the Clowns have great teamwork supported by great weapons.

"They will win, it's just a matter of time. What about the other battles?" ponders Mantis as she looks at the other battles.

She sees Brook & Magnus have won and now they are moving to help the alliance. They have rested after their battle against the twin so now they can join the war. With Manba joining the battle, they will be able to reduce their casualties.

Some people on their side have died in this war, it's an unavoidable thing in a war. The Clowns also have some casualties even though they are strong and have great teamwork. 3 pirates have died and 5 are gravely injured.

Their casualties are lower than Oden's men but it doesn't make anyone in the Clown Pirates happy. They are prepared to lose some people and all of them are ready to die in this war. Joining this war is their choice and they are ready for everything.

But they can't afford to show weakness in this war. So they ignore their sadness and keep fighting because they don't want to lose another friend. They also need to keep fighting to avenge their fallen comrades.


The alliance members smile brightly when they hear that. Manba's words have assured them because now they have people watching their backs. Their injuries have slowed them down and reduced their strength, after all.

Brook also joins the war and fights on the frontline alongside his crewmates. He uses his speed and freezing power to defeat a lot of people in a short time. It reduces his comrades' burden but then Brook realizes that it's not too effective.

"Hmm, they still have some stamina but their mental states aren't that good after such a long war. Currently, what they need is moral support and I know how to do it," says Brook as he takes out his guitar.

Brook retreats and starts to play his guitar at a high volume. Everyone in the alliance suddenly feels energized as they hear Brook's music. Their physical & mental tiredness suddenly disappears and they feel that they get stronger now.

The music that Brook plays is affecting their souls which boosts their morale. With higher morale, their minds become clearer, and it affects their physics too. They feel energized because their spirits get lifted after their morale is raised.

This kind of support is more beneficial for them instead of Brook joining the attack. Even if Brook can defeat a lot of enemies alone, his comrades will still have a hard time because they are tired both physically & mentally. That will increase the chance of them getting injured or killed.

Now they all can fight a lot better than before even though not at the scale of when they were still fresh & full of energy. But now with their morale being higher than their enemies, their already high chance of winning has become even higher.

They keep pushing their enemies with their newly found energy. Those who are badly injured retreat and get treated by Manba's team. The medics work fast and the ones who have been treated join the war again because they've felt better.

They haven't fully healed, but they have gotten better. Having their wounds closed by bandages and their bleeding stopped is plenty enough for them. With their bleeding stopped, they won't get weakened again because of blood loss.

The alliance members keep pushing forward with the 9 Red Scabbards & Magnus leading them. Magnus leads the Clown to block their enemies' retreat route by going to their back line. The 9 Red Scabbards lead the samurais to attack from the front and flank.

Now the enemies are pinched while the alliance keeps attacking them. As they get surrounded, the enemy's number reduces at a fast rate. Their morale has dropped after they saw the alliance members get energized and keep coming back after getting treated.

They've already gotten pushed before so now they can't even fight back. They get defeated a lot easier than before. Furthermore, seeing the alliance members getting treated while their injuries get worsened makes them lose their spirit.

Then after some time, the enemies who can still fight have been reduced to less than 50 while the alliance still has thousands of people who can still fight. The leaders also still can fight which makes it impossible for the enemies to win.

In that situation, their choice is simple, they need to surrender. All of the enemies who can still fight drop their weapons and they drop to their knees. They raise their hands up, signaling that they have surrendered. So the main war has been won by the alliance.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 293 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 304 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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