Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 247: Doesn't Work

Chapter 247: Doesn't Work

Buggy stands on Kaido's face and smirks as he says, "Our combined attack could only destroy your breath attack. It couldn't pass and hit you. But now we are here. I wonder what'll happen if we attack you directly."

"Why don't we find out?" asks Oden.

"No need, it will cut him for sure," says Buggy as he raises Pollux.

Kaido's pupils contracted a bit because he knows it'll be bad if he gets hit by the sword. Previously, his attack & the 2's attack destroy each other. But that's because it's a clash of energy. Attack vs attack, not attack vs defense like now.

An attack that could destroy his Dragon breath isn't weak. He will surely get damaged if that attack hit him directly. Kaido is confident with his dragon scales' toughness, but he isn't arrogant enough to ignore his sharp instinct.

His instinct of danger warns him to avoid that attack and he does it. Kaido suddenly shakes his dragon head violently. Buggy & Oden who stands on it lose their balance and fall. But they succeed to catch Kaido's whiskers and they try to hold onto them.

"BUGGYJIRO, THIS TURNED OUR TO BE A BAD IDEA," shouts Oden as he holds onto the left whisker.

"IT'S TOO LATE TO COMPLAIN. YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BETTER IDEA ANYWAY," shouts Buggy as he holds onto the right whisker.

Both of them are getting swung around as Kaido keeps shaking his head while moving around. They try to attack and stop Kaido, but he realizes it. Then he suddenly transforms into his hybrid human-beast form.

The whiskers that Buggy & Oden hold onto disappear. They are in the sky now, so without anything to hold onto, they fall. Kaido still can create his Flame Clouds in hybrid form so he can float in the air.

He watches as Buggy & Oden helplessly fall into the violent sea and disappear. Kaido waits for a moment but Buggy & Oden don't reappear again. So he decides to leave them and goes back to Onigashima.

"They won't die just by this. But I don't want to waste my time waiting. I'll just watch how the war goes on Onigashima," says Kaido as he leaves in his full dragon form.

Just like what Kaido says, Buggy & Oden are still alive. They don't come out soon because Oden needs to search for Buggy who is drowning now. He is a devil fruit user, so he can't swim and Oden needs to help him.

But the violent sea makes swimming more difficult for Oden. He keeps getting thrown around and so is Buggy who also keeps moving down. Oden needs to be fast or Buggy will run out of breath even though he can hold it for a long time.

It takes more than 10 minutes for Oden to take Buggy to the surface. They can finally take a breath after holding it for this long. Buggy can only cling onto Oden because he will drown if he doesn't.

"Buggyjiro, hold onto me, we will go to land soon," says Oden.

Then Oden immediately swims away with Buggy on his back. He swims like a madman, passing the strong waves like nothing. He swims as he likes, forgetting that he has a passenger behind him.

His mad swimming skill makes seawater keep hitting Buggy's face. It makes Buggy feels as if he will get drowned again. So he holds to Oden with his life on the line because he'll surely die if he drowns again now.

Meanwhile, the alliance has almost arrived on Onigashima through the front way. The Clowns destroy the front gate with their railgun again, but now they use their electric generator, not Enel's power.

They pass through and see the port rather far behind the gate. The samurais get their swords ready, but the Clowns stop their ship, making the other ships stop too. It confuses the samurai, but before they ask, the Clowns suddenly move.

All 5 railguns that the Clowns have suddenly appear. The main railgun on the front deck is the biggest, while the 4 on the ship's sides are smaller. They are about half the size of the main railgun.

The Clowns load their railgun's ammo & electric energy. They use Buggy Balls as their ammo. These balls will create a far bigger explosion than normal cannonballs. The railguns' power will make the damage bigger too.

After everything's ready, Cricket orders, "Fire!"

*Zzt Zzt Pshew Pshew*

The Clowns shoot their railguns toward the port that has many buildings on it. The Buggy balls explode as they crash onto the buildings. Their explosions are massive and they engulf the whole port area with all the buildings on it.

The Clowns' sudden attack surprises the samurais behind. But then they get even more surprised when they see Beasts Pirates members appear in the explosion. These guys have hidden inside the buildings on the port and prepared an ambush.

"Hoo, there's really an ambush," says Cricket.

"You didn't know that they were there?" asks Hyogoro.

"Not really, but we have a hunch that they would prepare an ambush because they knew we'll come. It will be stupid if they don't prepare it. Captain told me to just blast it all to make it safer," says Cricket.

The port is clear now so they can land there without any worry. But the Clowns haven't finished yet with their craziness. They load their railguns again and shoot the massive skull building on Onigashima.

They keep shooting it with their railguns loaded with Buggy Balls. Their attacks create big explosions everywhere they hit. The samurais watch with stunned expressions as the Clowns laugh like maniacs while attacking.

Buggy has told them to do this because it will be stupid if they don't. They have a great warship with great weapons on it, so they need to use them well. It will be a waste to just leave them in the port and fight on land without them.

This is a war and they are here to win. Anything works if it can make them get the victory even if they play dirty. But they don't really play dirty here because attacking with ships is what sailors do everywhere.

Their attacks cause the Beasts Pirates inside to scatter around in panic. They run from the explosions that happen everywhere. No one can rely on each other in this crew because they all are very selfish.

In Beasts Pirates, there's no friendship or camaraderie. They all are rivals who try to get better achievements to get promoted. All of them will kill each other just to get the things they want if they have the strength to do it.

The rivalry doesn't make the crew weak however, it makes them strong individually. With the law of survival of the fittest here, they all will try to get stronger. That's why they can become one of the strongest crews in the world.

It all can happen because the higher-ups here are very strong. If Kaido isn't the crew's captain, this type of system won't work in his crew. It's because he is very strong that the crew doesn't break apart.

Everyone on the crew fears Kaido and they all also respect him. That's why no one rebels so far because there's just no chance of winning. The higher-ups like the All-Stars are also loyal to Kaido, after all.

So they just try to get what they can while making sure they are safe. Just like now when they use their comrades as their shield meat against the explosions. They don't care if their crewmates die as long as they survive.

This is such a cruel crew but it fits this cruel world. The strong & smart will survive while the weak & stupid will die. Such selection is what makes Beasts Pirates members strong.

But now, these strong people are getting killed by the Clowns' attacks. Even if they all are stronger than normal pirates, they all are weaker than the railguns. The Clowns need to reduce their massive number, so they do this.

They finally run out of ammunition and power after some rounds of shooting. So Cricket says, "Well, there's no choice but to get down now."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 271 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 282 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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