Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 220: Berserk Giant

Chapter 220: Berserk Giant

"Oh, he's using it. I guessed he is frustrated because his attacks didn't work," says Cricket while looking at Magnus' Berserk Mode.

Magnus can use this mode when he gets angry or frustrated. It boosts his overall power but he can't use it for a long time. Currently, his limit is 10 minutes before it stops and he gets very tired. So he needs to finish this before 10 minutes pass.

Magnus rushes at Doron at a higher speed than before. It surprises Doron because suddenly Magnus arrives in front of him. Before he can react, Magnus already sends a barrage of punches from above using all 6 haki-coated fists.

Doron gets hit very hard and receives some damage. But he immediately covers his whole body with A-Haki and creates armor on his limbs. He crouches his body like a turtle so that his armor can protect himself.

The armor's spikes will stab Magnus' hands if he doesn't coat his fists with Haki. His punches dent the ground until it becomes a big & deep hole. When it becomes too deep, Magnus has difficulty punching, and Doron uses this chance to slip out and back off.

Doron has some injuries, but they aren't grave, just some minor injuries. It's a great feat considering he gets pummeled with strong punches from Magnus for some time. His body armor is very tough and protects his body well.

Magnus rushes again at Doron and sends his 3 right hands to punch Doron at the same time. But Doron has prepared for this and he spins his body to the right. Then he swings his tail that he grows longer and hit Magnus' fists with his tail's hammer which has grown very big from the side.

Doron's hammer tail attack makes Magnus' punches move sideways. It hits the ground and Magnus is falling because his balance broke. Doron uses this chance and swings his morning star mace to Magnus' face.

Magnus sees it and knows he can't avoid it when he is falling like this. So he opens his mouth and screams as loud as he can in Doron's direction. It makes Doron flinches and covers his ears because his senses are strengthened when he transforms.

Doron's attack failed, but Magnus is still falling. The giant uses this chance and coats his head with A-Haki. Then he slams his head toward Doron that can't move as hard as he can.

Magnus's head slam creates a big impact that even cracks the ground around the impact site. The target, Doron is nowhere to be seen and there's only a hole on the ground where he stood before. The hole has the shape of Doron's body so he must be inside it.

"It's just like a cartoon," comments Palu.

"Well, considering Magnus' weight plus that head slam's power, such a result is not strange. But I agree with you that the result looks like a cartoon," says Cricket.

"You two, stop looking at that! Magnus will win, so just focus on watching our men. The battle has become more difficult for them because they've gotten tired but there are still more than 80 enemies," says Mantis.

"Oh, you're right. Cricket, give them some motivation. You are the Vice-Captain, after all," says Palu.

"Tch, you just don't want to get bothered," says Cricket.

Cricket thinks for a bit before he shouts at their tired men, "OI GUYS! KEEP FIGHTING AND WIN THIS! CAPTAIN WILL TAKE YOU TO RELAX AND MEET WOMEN FOR A FEW DAYS IF YOU WIN THIS."

The Clowns get excited and suddenly their tiredness disappears. Their injuries also don't feel painful anymore and they rush to attack their opponents. They are very motivated after hearing they can meet & hook-up women again after many days.

"Are you sure it's fine to promise them something like that?" asks Palu.

"It's fine as long as they get more motivated," says Cricket while smirking.

"Captain will kill you if he doesn't agree with it, you know," says Palu.

Cricket gets nervous and says, "I-I think it will be fine. I hope it will be fine."

They watch as their men fight more vigorously and start to push the enemies back. What Cricket said has really motivated them, they are just simple men, after all. As long as they can get good booze, food, money, and women, then their lives are perfect.

When their men start to get the upper hand, a loud booming sound is heard from another location. Magnus & Doron is having a battle again after Doron gets out of the hole. Doron keeps countering Magnus' attacks with equal force.

But he can't reach Magnus' body because it is too far. But then his weapon changed and the morning star detached from its handle. A chain is connecting the morning star and the handle and it's a long chain.

Doron starts to attack Magnus using it and now his morning star can hit Magnus' body. Now he has a longer range and can attack Magnus, not just counter Magnus' attacks. With a longer weapon, he has more options.

He attacks using his morning star and defends using his body armor. He also uses his hammer tail to parry or counters Magnus' attacks. Doron can handle all Magnus' attacks while attacking Magnus at the same time.

It makes Magnus has a hard time and he can't land a strong blow at Doron. He has hit Doron many times before but Doron is very tough and hasn't gone down. Now he needs to find a way to defeat Doron because 7 minutes have passed.

Magnus only has 3 minutes left to finish this battle because his Berserk Mode will end soon. If his Berserk Mode ends, he will get very tired and can't fight. So if he can't finish this in 3 minutes, he loses.

Time keeps moving and Magnus still can't find an opening to attack Doron. He realizes that he really lacks the experience fighting someone this strong in a real battle. Most of his battles are just training or sparring without any risk of losing his life.

But now he can lose his life if he loses this battle. Of course, he knows that his crewmates will save him if he loses. However, it will become his shame to receive others' help in a duel like this.

1 minute left and Magnus finally takes an axe from his back. He holds it using 2 of his right hand and then he swings it from above. The axe slashes the air and moves toward Doron but Doron dodges it by jumping to the left.

Magnus sees it and he takes the other axe with his left hands. He throws the axe at Doron who still flies in the air. Doron can't dodge while he is in the air, so he turns around and receives the flying axe with his haki-coated armored back.

He gets hit and flung to the ground before rolling and crashing into the buildings. But thanks to his armor, Doron doesn't get a grave injury and just some damage from the impact. He coughs a few times because Magnus' attack was very strong.

Just when he wants to get up though, another flying axe appears above him. Doron widens his eyes and immediately crosses his haki-coated armored hands in front of him. He blocks the axe and gets pushed to the ground.

He thoughts that it will end if he blocks the axe, but it's not. Magnus suddenly appears above him after jumping quite high. Then Magnus coats his feet with Haki and stomps on the axe that hits Doron.

Magnus' stomping power plus his height makes the attack very strong. Doron who already has blocked the axe with all he had get overwhelmed now. He exerts more power and focuses his haki on his hands to make it tougher.

But his struggle finally comes to an end when Magnus' axe breaks his haki & armor. The sharp axe cuts his hands and then cuts his body in half. Doron is unable to hold Magnus' attack power which is the combination of his stomping power and bodyweight.

Their battle finally comes to an end with Magnus' victory and Doron's death. The result might change if Doron can hold it a little longer because Magnus collapses right after he won. He is very exhausted and now can't move even a little. But victory is victory and loss is loss.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 244 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 255 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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