Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 202: Surprising Days

Chapter 202: Surprising Days

On the 2nd day of their stay on Fishman Island, Buggy goes to the Sea Forest. It's located outside of Fishman Island so he needs to cross the water. He asks for Den's help and Den lends him a small boat.

All the executives except Magnus who is too big for the ship and some crew members follow Buggy to the Sea Forest. Den follows them too in case something happens. He is a Fishman, so he can always help if someone gets drowned or something.

They arrived in the Sea Forest and the scenery here is really amazing. The 2 poneglyphs are still here, the Rio & Road Poneglyph. Buggy looks at the poneglyph and just like usual, he doesn't understand shit.

Well, not like he wants to understand it because he doesn't need to know the content. He is not interested to find Laugh Tale because that will make him the next Pirate King. That title is too troublesome for him, so he doesn't need it.

Besides, what he wants is to go to every island, not just the last island. Eventually, he will try to find Laugh Tale, but he doesn't want to be a Pirate King. So he will go there after someone find it first, which will take more than 20 years because he needs to wait for Straw Hats.

'I want to explore the other islands first. Even Captain Roger hasn't explored Calm Belt, so I will explore that sea. There must be many islands there but it is difficult to go explore that sea because there is no wind. It won't be a problem for Black Pearl after we finished our engine. I will think about Laugh Tale after I explored every other island in the world. If I'm too bored to wait, then I'll just go there secretly,' thinks Buggy.

Buggy doesn't have the ambition to be the Pirate King. But he needs to be as strong as the Pirate King if he wants to pursue his dream to explore every island in the world. That's why he doesn't plan to go to Laugh Tale before the next Pirate King appears.

He will explore all 7 seas first and also the sky before he wants to think about Laugh Tale. There are still many islands that he hasn't visited so he will see them first. He is also sure that he was missing some islands on the 4 Blue Seas, so he needs to explore them again.

After looking at the poneglyphs, Buggy explores the Sea Forest. There are many graves there, on the place that has air in it as it is covered by a bubble. On the outside of the bubble, there are many corals, trees, fish, and also shipwrecks.

This place is also known as a ship graveyard because there are many shipwrecks here. The sunken ships will get swept by the current and piled up here. Their treasures will usually get taken by the Kingdom unless some ruffians come first.

As he walks around Buggy gets curious about something so he goes near the bubble. Suddenly, he inserts his right hand into the sea through the bubble. Now his hand is underwater and finally, he gets an answer to his curiosity.

"Hoo, so this is the pressure of 10 km depth underwater. This pressure will surely kill normal humans, but I just feel it to be heavy. Even though I get weakened by the seawater, I still can handle this pressure easily. Also, this pressure must be the reason why Fishmen have strong bodies naturally. Their bodies adapt to this high pressure so they become strong," says Buggy as he takes his hand back.

For the current Buggy, the pressure of 10 km depth underwater is not so strong. If any normal Fishman can handle this pressure, then he who has gotten stronger than most Fishmen won't have a problem handling it.

He even asks Cricket & Palu to try it and they also don't have any problem. Enel tries it too, but he gets into trouble because he gets very weakened. His lightning power isn't very compatible with water, after all, because it makes him short-circuited.

The group enjoy their time in the Sea Forest and even treat it as a picnic. They even have lunch on the ground after placing a carpet. It truly has become a picnic but they don't care because they enjoy it.

After some hours, they decide to return to Fishman Island again. But not before Buggy left some marks for anyone who finds it in the future. He draws and even engraves his crew's flag and name on some places.

Soon, they arrive in Fishman Island again and explore the island again. Yesterday, they haven't done exploring the island. Now, they will go to the places that they haven't visited. There are still many places that they want to visit, so they move rather fast.

But of course, Buggy reminds them to keep trying to find new members. Fishmen don't really like humans, so it will be difficult to recruit them. But Buggy & co will keep trying until they finally leave this island.

Surprisingly, they can recruit 2 Fishmen on the 2nd day. The 2 Fishmen are a Lobster Fishman & a Crab Fishman. However, these 2 aren't fighters. The Lobster Fishman, Larry, is a musician, Brook recruited him. While the Crab Fishman, Yuyu, is a shipwright, Palu recruited him.

Still, the 2 can fight to some extent although they aren't experts. But it's good enough as long as they can protect themselves. The Clowns will also train them so they will get stronger even though they aren't real fighters.

On the 3rd day, they recruit more people and get 4 new members. Buggy is very surprised when the Orca Fishman, Siman, suddenly comes with 4 people. He has asked some of his friends to join him and 4 of them agreed.

There are a Starfish Fishman, a Dolphin Merman, and also a twin Swordfish Fishmen. The 4 of them are pure fighters and they've competed in a few fighting tournaments on the island. They want to try a new challenge, so they agree to join the crew.

Buggy puts the Orca and the twin Swordfishes in Cricket's team. While he puts the other 2 in Magnus's team. They are fighters, after all, so Cricket & Magnus will take care of them.

Siman the Orca then asks when will they leave which Buggy answers tomorrow. The Orca man thought that they'll leave today because Buggy said to come in 3 days. But he said it on the first day, which meant that they'll leave on the 4th day.

Anyway, they still have a day left to enjoy this island. They've told Den that they'll leave tomorrow so they asked him to prepare the coating. Buggy also has told Neptune that they'll leave in a day so that the King won't get upset if he leaves without saying anything.

Then on the 4th day, they recruit 2 other members just before they leave. These 2 recruits are siblings and surprisingly, one of them is the Clownfish Mermaid that clinging to Deon on the first day. The other one is her older brother, a Stingray Fishman.

The girl's name is Dory, while the man's name is Ade. They are just 2 years apart with the man being 22 and the girl being 20. It seems Dory likes Deon, so she wants to join the crew, and her brother can't let her go alone, so he joins too.

Dory is a nurse, so she joins Manba's Medical team. While Ade is a cook, so he joins Mantis's Cook team. Both of them have experience in their field, so there's no need to teach them from scratch.

In the 4 days of their stay on Fishman Island, The Clowns have recruited 9 people. Buggy was quite pessimistic about the chance of getting any Fishman in his crew. But now, they have 9 new Fishmen joining their crew.

They all are very satisfied by this, so after Den coated their ship, they leave the island immediately. Them they hold a party on their way to the surface. Their new journey in New World will surely become more interesting now.


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 226 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 237 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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