Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 190: Reward

Chapter 190: Reward

On their way to Water 7, the Clowns get a piece of happy news. Some of them get their bounties raised because of the previous war. Well, it's only 4 people who get their head prices raised.

Buggy 'The Clown': 600 million

'Black Hammer' Palu: 230 million

Enel 'The Thunder': 165 million

'Demon Giant' Magnus: 84 million

Palu's feat to defeat Lacroix made his bounty raised by 20 million. Magnus also finally gets his bounty because he has defeated Ronse, a Rear Admiral. Buggy gets his bounty raised because of his crew's strength as he is the Captain.

But the most surprising raise is Enel's bounty which increased more than 2 times. His previous bounty was just 65 million, but now he has a bounty of 165 million. It's 100 million higher than before and now he has a higher bounty than Mantis.

"Yahahaha, do you see it, woman? My bounty is higher than yours now, Yahahaha," says Enel smugly.

"Heh, so?" asks Mantis uninterestedly.

"Heh, that means you need to respect me now because I am stronger than you," says Enel while smirking.

"Oho, then why don't we test it?" asks Mantis while smirking.

"Sure, why not? I will show you my 165 million strength," says Enel.

The others sigh at Enel's stupidity and back off immediately. They all pray for Enel's safety and hope that he won't die as he & Mantis face each other. Both of them start to move and it doesn't take long for Enel to get wasted.

An attack from Mantis's staff has defeated him. She hits Enel's solar plexus with a Haki-coated staff after he dodged the first attack. He surely has stronger raw power than Mantis, but she is more experienced than him in battles.

"You still have a long way to go," says Mantis as she spins her staff and leaves.

Ruff pokes Enel's body and asks, "Is he still alive?"

"Maybe, just let him stay there," says Palu.

They ignore Enel and look at the new bounties again. The others don't get any raises because they didn't show great feat in the previous war. But that's not a problem because they have more important things to get in that war than bounty raise.

Raising their crew's strength and experience is more important than mere bounties. Now their bounties are like this:

Buggy 'The Clown': 600 million

Montblanc 'Chestnut' Cricket: 275 million

'Black Hammer' Palu: 230 million

Enel 'The Thunder': 165 million

Mantis 'The Dancer': 130 million

'Demon Giant' Magnus: 84 million

'Ash Girl' Ariella Jude: 81 million

'Fatman' Manba: 69 million

'Rainbow Hair' Bunglon Deon: 57 million

'Humming' Brook: 33 million

Well, the Marine still doesn't know about Brook's real identity, but he has a bounty, so the Clowns still count it. Ruff still hasn't gotten any bounty and he's really glad by it. He doesn't want to be chased around by Marine or bounty hunters, after all.

The Clowns hold a big party after they receive the news. They are happy to have their crew's bounty raised a lot. Although the normal members know they won't get any individual bounty, they are happy because they've made their Captain's bounty raised.

Marine & WG won't bother to give a bounty to everyone in a pirate crew. Even though the normal members are strong and can get their bounties, the Marine & WG will not give them any. They'll just raise the crew's Captain's bounty because he represents the crew's strength.

"You guys have done great in the previous war. None of you lost your ground against a Vice Admiral unit. That's a great feat and that made my bounty raised too. And I think this is enough merit for some of you," says Buggy.

"Captain, are you gonna give them that?" asks Cricket.

"Yeah, not now though. Listen! I have something for the 22 old members, ex-Rainbow Pirates. You guys have done well since you joined the crew a few months ago. You did as I said and you've grown strong, so I will reward you. We will teach you Haki," says Buggy.

The 22 ex-Rainbow Pirates get elated and they are happy. Bastia, the one who got the Owl Zoan fruit is also one of them, so he can be said to be the happiest among them. Deon is also happy because they are his close friends and he is their ex-Captain too.

The new members are happy for them too and they aren't jealous at all. They are still new in the crew and haven't contributed a lot, so they know they can't receive the Haki training yet. But they know that they will eventually get it as long as they keep contributing.

With the 22 crew members getting a Haki training, the other members now have hopes. Even though they are just normal members but they have the chance to be strong too. They were ready to be treated as pawns, but now they realize that Buggy sees them as precious comrades.

The normal members suddenly kneeled to Buggy without any command and say, "CAPTAIN BUGGY, WE PLEDGE OUR LOYALTY TO YOU AND WILL SERVE YOU UNTIL WE DIE."

Buggy raises an eyebrow and asks, "What's gotten into you guys to suddenly talk like this?"

"We are just showing our gratitude, Captain," says Bastia.

"Gratitude? You can just say 'thank you' like normal people," says Buggy with a sweatdrop.

"Hehe, it's okay, this is our way to show it," says Bastia.

"Sigh, whatever then," says Buggy.

Deon smirks seeing it and says, "It seems I need to be more serious in my Armament Haki training or they will surpass me."

"Yeah, you sure need to train harder. You've been slacking off recently," says Cricket.

"Ugh, I have many things to do," says Deon.

"Don't use that excuse on me, it won't work. Your job is mainly when we are on an island, so you can train on the ship when we are sailing," says Cricket.

"Sigh, fine, I will start to train harder for sure," says Deon with slumped shoulders.

Cricket grins and thinks, 'Captain must've done this to motivate the others too. Some executives like Deon and Enel have been slacking off lately. If the normal members are getting stronger while they don't, then they'll get ashamed. So if they want to keep their pride high, then they also need to train harder. Nice strategy, Captain.'

Buggy then gives them time until the party ends to choose the Haki type that they'll train first. They resume the party after that with a merrier atmosphere. It has been a happy day for them, after all.

After the party, the 22 crew members choose the first type of Haki that they'll train. Just like what Buggy has predicted, most of them choose Armament Haki, to be exact, 16 of them. Only 6 people choose Observation Haki to be the first type that they'll train.

Buggy assigns Cricket & Palu to teach Armament Haki while Enel & Jude train Observation Haki. Meanwhile, he will train the others to raise their strength. He needs to prepare them for New World, after all, so they need to be strong.

They train on the ship while keep moving toward Water 7. New World is very different from Paradise, so they need to prepare themselves really well. They keep training on the ship until they finally reached Water 7 after 5 days.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 214 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 225 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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