Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 129: Iron Shovel

Chapter 129: Iron Shovel

The Clowns approach the Big Mom Pirates' subordinate crew. They are very excited to have a battle again after a month. The enemies right now should be more challenging than the Half-Wings that they fought last time.

"You guys can take them all. I will just watch and help if it's really needed. This will be a good challenge for you because they are New World level pirates. Even though they're too weak in New World to be sent here, but they are still different from the other crews that we've faced," says Buggy.

"I guess they can use haki too," says Cricket.

"Most likely. But maybe only the high-ranked members can use it. Still, don't let your guard down, especially you, new kid," says Buggy while smirking.

Everyone looks at Enel who looks around confusedly.

"Wait! Do you mean me? Damn, you think I will lose because I let my guard down?" asks Enel in protest.

Everyone nods and it makes Enel furious and throws a tantrum. He shoots small lightning bolts everywhere and disturbs the crew. So Cricket knocks his head to stop him before Mantis scolds him and threatens him with secret art, 'No food for you'.

Enel turns docile and controls the ship to get closer to their target. Their movements get noticed by the enemies. But those guys just laugh at The Clowns who only have a small ship.

"Hahaha, look at that ship, so small," says an enemy pirate A

"Yeah, maybe they only have less than 15 members," says pirate B while smirking.

"Why'd they come here, though?" asks pirate C.

"They must be rookies who think highly of themselves," says pirate D.

"Don't they know who we are? They should know that we are Big Mom's subordinate crew, right?" asks pirate C.

"Hah, rookies like them are ignorant and arrogant. They don't know or care about something like that. All of them think that they can be a Pirate King like Roger. None of them know that it will be impossible as long as Big Mom and Whitebeard are still alive," says pirate E.


The Captain is a fat & tall man that has a thick black beard & mustache on his face. He is also short on his left hand so he replace it with a black hook. It makes him really look like a scary pirate, but he just lacks an eyepatch.

The gossiping pirates run frantically to loot the passenger ship. They've defeated the passenger ship's crew and now they just need to loot it. It's an easy thing for them to defeat some normal sailors like the passenger ship's crew.

It doesn't take long for The Clowns to get closer with the enemy pirates. Now they can see the pirate ship better. It's a medium-sized ship with the flag of skull crossed with a pair of black shovels.

"Hmm, if I'm not wrong, then they are the Iron Shovel Pirates," says Deon.

"Well, I can see that just by looking at their flag," says Mantis unimpressed.

"Ugh, I just want to tell you that I have some info about them," says Deon.

"Just say it," says Buggy.

Deon tells them that Iron Shovel Pirates made a rather big name 2 years ago. But they've disappeared last year after entering New World. No one knows where they were, but now they suddenly appear here under Big Mom's flag.

Buggy smirks hearing that because he can guess what happened to those guys. They must've been captured by Big Mom and forced to serve under her. He also can guess that Big Mom has taken their lifespans to some degree.

"Heh, some unlucky guys, but that's the pirate world. If you're not strong enough, then you will get trampled," says Buggy while smirking.

"What should we do now, Captain?" asks Cricket.

"What else? Attack them while they are focusing on their loot. They underestimate us too much," says Buggy.

The Clowns grin and they get onto the Iron Shovel Pirates' ship. Only Buggy & Ruff stay behind on their ship. Ruff will help by shooting his weapon from the Crow nest, while Buggy will just watch them and help if needed.

Buggy also wants to fight actually, but he wants his crew to have a challenging battle. A crew that has gone to New World will be a big challenge for them. His crew hasn't had a hard battle for a long time, so they need it to grow.

The Iron Shovel Pirates are laughing when The Clowns get onto their ship. There are only 7 of The Clowns there, while there are 54 Iron Shovels. From the number alone, The Clown's winning chance is small.

"What's this? Some rookies are overestimating themselves? Which crew are you?" asks the Iron Shovel Captain.

"Clown Pirates," says Cricket while cracking his neck.

"Clown? HAHAHA, DO YOU HEAR THAT, BOYS? THEIR CREW'S NAME IS CLOWN. THAT MEANS ALL OF THEM ARE JUST CLOWNS," says the Iron Shovel's Captain with a loud voice.

The Iron Shovels also laugh loudly like their Captain. They never heard about The Clowns even though The Clowns enter the news many times. These guys never care about what happened in the world.

That's also why they got captured by Big Mom before. But that doesn't make them learn and they're still ignorant about the world. Being Big Mom's subordinate has made them more arrogant than before because they think they're invincible.

"Haha, then do you know about us?" asks the Iron Shovel's Captain.

"Iron Shovel Pirates, you've made a rather big name 2 years ago. The Captain, 'Iron Shovel' Nando has a bounty of 121 million Belly the last time I saw it. Some of your crew also have bounties with varying numbers. But your crew"s total bounty is 315,97 million," says Deon.

"Oho, so you know about us. But that's old info. My current bounty is 152 million while my crew's total bounty is 549 million," says Nando smugly.

"It must be because of your relationship with Big Mom Pirates as their subordinate crew. I doubt you have the strength to get those bounties," says Palu while smirking.

"Hmph, you sure have big mouths on your face. Even if we get those bounties because of our relationship with Big Mom, we won't get such high bounties without sufficient strength," says Nando.

"We'll see about that later," says Palu while spinning his Warhammer.

The Clowns & Iron Shovels prepare their weapons and get ready to fight. Buggy is watching from the Crow nest while controlling the ship using his detached hands. He moves the ship closer to the passenger ship.

Both crews start their battle after Nando & Cricket give commands to attack. The Iron Shovels send their small fries first while the 6 executives stay behind. As for The Clowns, they rush together because they only have 7 people.

Cricket tells them to take care of the executives later. But suddenly, Enel transforms into lightning and flash to the executives. Even worse, he flashes to attack Nando, the Captain.

"That idiot," curses Cricket.

"Let him be, he will learn to listen after this," says Palu while swinging his Warhammer to the incoming enemy.

Enel is about to punch Nando with his lightning fist. But suddenly, a blackish sword appears in front of his face. He senses danger from the sword, so Enel flashes to the back again. But his cheek gets cut a little and blood gushes out of it.

"Damn, why'd everyone has armament haki?" curses Enel.


Mantis suddenly hit Enel's head with her staff from behind.

"It seems you've forgotten what I've told you. No dinner for you tonight and if you still keeping this attitude, then no food for you tomorrow," says Mantis.

Enel has a horror face and begs Mantis to give him food. He has tasted Mantis's cooking and now he can't live without it. She is like Enel's mother now and he really fears her.

Mantis tells him to do as Cricket said and he nods like chicken. The others sigh seeing this, but they finally can have a proper war now.


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 148 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 159 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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