To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 216 - 216 Friendship

216 Friendship

Freya scanned the length of the hall, taking note of the strategic placement of the guards, seeing if they were on attention and not relaxed because of the ceremony. They were not as many as required, another foolish move of her brother.

She saw Azriel’s brows knotted together, his eyes scanning just the same as hers; a warrior’s instinct. He didn’t even smile as the officiant said the vows.

So she wasn’t the only one displeased with the wedding, Freya thought.

When Freya’s attention returned to the couple, she saw Neera’s eyes on her. For how long, Freya didn’t know. The same eerie gaze penetrated her, and as the officiant asked Neera if she took Zavian to be her husband, Freya didn’t miss the ghost of the cryptic smile directed at her.

“I do,” Neera said, never once taking her eyes off Freya.


Azriel sidestepped the two drunken soldiers, two lower demons with mugs clinging, ale spilling as they sang tunelessly. One of them attempted a salute, but instead, a burp blasted out of his mouth.

If there was anyone who could party like tomorrow would never come, it was soldiers. They weren’t given the privileges of merriment like everyone else, and when all the dust had settled for the day, most of them would make the most of the night, except the ancient ones, they needed to be on guard like their life depended on it.

The sickle moon hung in the sky, and the light of the night was brightened by torches blazing on sconces.


Azriel saw a path just off the garden, and followed it, not knowing where it would lead in particular. He should be back at his estate with Pen, but for the first time in a long while, when she had followed him to the wedding, she looked extremely happy. For a best friend that didn’t seem like a best friend anymore, Penelope was bound to be happy for Neera, regardless.

So he had left her to celebrate with her other friends in the castle, and by the morn, they would be heading back to his estate.

He came out into a clearing, and it was darker here, but because of his heightened senses, it was not difficult to see. So when he saw the lone figure of the King sitting under a large tree there, eyes directed skywards, Azriel was surprised.

“Zavian?” He called. Zavian only spared him a side glance. It was until Azriel sat next to him did he pass him a bottle of sweet grape wine.

Azriel took a sip and returned it to Zavian.

“You know I found her body here,” Zavian pointed to a bush. “Just beyond there is a lake, and I found her dead there. It was one of the most terrifying days of my life.”

“But you have her back now, no one gets that lucky.”

Azriel felt Zavian’s gaze turn briefly to him. “I know you are against this wedding.”

“My opinions do not matter.”

“You are my best friend, the only one I have closest to a brother,” Zavian said. “I value your opinions, but this decision is mine to make.”

Azriel sighed. “I guess I would never come to understand.”

The laugh from Zavian was light. “I think you are lying to yourself.”

“And why would I?”

“Because I saw you today at the wedding, Azriel,” Azriel’s name carried a meaningful weight on Zavian’s tongue. “The way you looked at Penelope, I knew that if it probably came to saving me and her, you would choose to save her first.”

“You’re saying nonsense. That must be some good wine,” Azriel snatched the bottle from him and took a long swig.

“Tell us centuries ago we would be falling for humans and we would have scoffed at it,” Zavian said.

“You are the only one doing the falling,” Azriel said. “And if it makes you feel any better, you would also save Neera before you think of saving me.”

Zavian laughed, a loud resounding sound. Azriel couldn’t help but smile, the wine loosening him just enough to lay back and relax on the grass.

“For what it is worth,” Azriel began, “From a point of view that isn’t born out of duty, I think marrying Neera isn’t totally a bad idea. What is a bad idea is putting another woman through the agony of seeing you two together.”

“As much as Jasmine committed such a crime, I would agree with you on my shortcomings in our marriage.”

“Your ruse of a marriage,” Azriel corrected. He sat up and took another swig of the wine. “I was wondering why I was walking this path down here, but turns out I must be connected to you in some way.”

“Centuries past and centuries more to go would build that in us, Azriel,” Zavian said.

“True, and the question that has been bugging me since I arrived here. Why aren’t you with your Queen but here in the dark?”

“The new bride fell asleep just moments after the wedding,” Zavian said. “And I find this calming. It feels like I can finally get some rest without fighting each day for what I want.”

Azriel patted his back. “So then, I will be here with you, and worry about duties tomorrow.”

As the wind blew, it dwelled on the love of the friendship the two demons had shared for centuries and made its way up to the sky. It peeked past the gossamer curtains of Neera’s bed, but no one laid there in sleep as Zavian claimed.

Neera was sitting on the floor, a vial of medicine tilted, its thick content pouring unto the carpet and she coughed. She could barely rise to her feet without a fit of coughs forcing her down to her knees. She had been seeing specks of blood lately but kept it secret from Zavian and went aggressively on the medicine. She could not bear to have him watching her like a hawk.

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