The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 330 320 stories, just magic!

"Wait till Sol finishes eating for now"


While on the lookout, gather potions for the Solas' meal.

And there's a lot of garbage.

"Mr. Druid, is this also why some adventurers are gathering around here?

"Wait a minute, please"

Mr. Druid is spreading the map and checking around.

"Is that it? That rocky mountain is the only thing...... Perhaps there should be a cave nearby. The famous cave."

"What? You knew this place?

"Oh, I guess. I'm pretty sure that's because the rocky mountains I know are similar to the ones you see over there."

A large rocky mountain in the direction Mr. Druid points to.

I'm jumping out of the trees to see how big a rocky mountain it is.

"Famous cave? What cave?"

"It's a cave with lots of demons that drop rare items. Some demons are easy to defeat, some are pretty strong."

Rare item?

That would be quite a crowd of adventurers.

Is that it?

But there's no sign of anyone around here.

"Is it still a popular cave? Looks like there's no one around here."

"It's a monster that moves around from summer to winter. I'm still asleep at this time of year, so I guess there's no adventurer."

Is it a seasonal monster?

Only then is the cave going to overflow with adventurers.

"Nevertheless, I'm sure I was here about four years ago, but I didn't have a dump like this at that time."

"It is."

Look over the dump.

Leaving it like this is going to cause a lot of problems, isn't it?

But I can't do anything.

When I say what I can do, is it enough to report this dump in the next village?




Something fell off.

Turning his gaze toward those who heard a noise, a demon he had never seen is rolling into the dump.

Sol near there?

"Uh, Sol, right?


Sol in its original size.

That's good.

However, for some reason, the pattern is floating all over my body.

"Mr. Druid, have you seen that pattern?

"No, because I'm new to the black slime itself in the first place."

Don't you see?

More than that, I wonder what the demons are rolling near Sol.

Seeing you don't move, it looks like you're dead.

Where are you from?

I look up at the sky, but the beautiful blue sky is spreading.

Was there a flying demon?

Never heard of it.

When I look at Sol, I'm jumping on a rolling demon.

"Sol, do you know about that demon?


He knows.


If Mr. Druid notices anything, he approaches the demon.

"I knew it. Remember I told you before that you couldn't build a dump without permission?

Sure, that's what you told me when you found the dump on your way to Hathau Village.

"Yeah. It was because we have demons that absorb magic, wasn't it? It's dangerous to be vicious under the influence of magic."

"Oh, right. This is the demon that can absorb magic."

The demon?

"Is that it?"

Demons that absorb magic?

... Sol's eating magic in the dump, too, right?

This is the same as absorption, right?

Does that mean that Sol also becomes ferocious?

Sol couldn't connect with the demons that absorbed the magic because the Solas had decided it was okay.

"Mr. Druid, I just realized"


"Does Sol get ferocious, too?

"What, now?

Mr. Druid gives a surprised look.

That's right.

It's a matter of noticing sooner, isn't it?

"Yeah, now. Never thought about it before."

"Really? Oh, to be honest, I was a little nervous."


I had no idea.

You're traveling through the woods, but don't be too dangerous.

We have to be careful.

"If Sol keeps eating his magic like this, he'll be ferocious someday or a mutation"

"I knew it."

"Oh, I just lost my strength when I saw you eating. I don't know..."

Ah, yeah.

Don't get it.

A grin that makes Sol look powerful when he eats magic.

When you look at that, you lose power, don't you?

"And Sora's reaction was normal. And there was no slime in the demon that could absorb magic."

Could you have kept Sol company and then checked it out for me?

Then you've caused me trouble.

We need to be more careful about getting more company.

Yeah, we'll get confirmation from Mr. Druid next time, and then we'll be one of them.

"Besides, it's speculation if you're really absorbing magic from the garbage in the dump."


"Yeah, it's been studied a lot of time, but I still have a lot of questions. What we know for sure is that there are demons in the dump that increase their magic. It can become ferocious or mutate under the influence of magic. That's all."

Isn't that enough for you to know?

"I don't know how to gather the most important magic"

"What? The way you collect them is absorption, right?

"No, I don't know how yet. But a lot of researchers say" absorption theory, "so it's just used to talk about the dangers of dumps."

Was it?

But there's no way you can increase your magic other than absorption, is there?

Isn't that the right answer?



When you gaze at the ringing, the rolling demon enters your eyes.

"So, where did this demon come from?

I haven't gotten that answer yet.

"I think it's the demon Sol was eating"

"What? Really? That demon that attacked me?


Does the sol ring mean really that demon?

Get close to Mr. Druid and see the demon's face.

... no?

"You look completely different, but I feel smaller to it"

"Overflowing magic must have changed her appearance and she was running wild"

The demon rolling in front of me seems weak in one way or another.

The demons attacked at that time were horrified by the stripping of their fangs and the stripping of hostility.

Like this demon, it's horrible how magic can make a difference.

"Hmm? Is it okay to say that you're back where you were because you lost the magic in your body?

That's what this is all about, right?

He regained his original appearance because of the loss of the magic that had accumulated in his body enough to change his appearance.

He's dead, though.

"Oh, you probably are. Why not?"

"I mean, Sol ate only magic, right?

I looked like I ate myself when Sol was wrapping this demon around, but there's no flaw anywhere.

So that was a mistake, right?

Probably looked that way because the magic fell out and the body went back to its original size.

"... it's just magic"

Mr Druid answers unfortunately.


Was it a pleasure or a joy that Sol thought he could eat besides magic?

Too bad.


Sol that seems strange to me and Mr. Druid's reaction.

I felt uncomfortable with that sol, so I stared.

"Mr. Druid."


He's disappearing.


Mr. Druid confirms with Sol on his palm.

"Peh-heh, peh-heh."

Though Sol seems fine even when the pattern disappears.

"Sol, is there anything strange about your body?

Stop being ferocious or something!


"Sounds fine."

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

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