The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 75: you are really special

Chapter 75: you are really special

Why, arent you welcome? the girl asked again.

Hahaha, of course you are welcome! Xia Muyang responded with a laugh.



Suddenly, the girl's stomach growled, causing her pretty face to turn red with embarrassment.


Seeing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but be stunned, and then couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He immediately sat on the ground, took out some food and water from his ninja bag, handed it to her and said: "Since you want me to team up with me, then fill your stomach first. I won't save you if you hold me back!"


The girl looked at the sumptuous food in front of her and couldn't help but swallow. She glanced at the smiling Natsume Yang and sat down in embarrassment.

Eat slowly, dont choke, Ill give you some water!

The girl may have been really hungry and choked several times, so Natsume Yang was responsible for giving her water when she choked.

five minutes later.

Which scroll are you, the scroll of heaven or the scroll of earth?

Natsume Yang didnt know this girl, but he didnt know that the girl in front of him knew him.

The girl is none other than Kanyue Qianxia.

"I am the Scroll of Heaven...but I haven't collected them all yet...wouldn't this be...very embarrassing?" Kantsuki Chinatsu asked tentatively. She was very concerned about Natsume Yang's evaluation of her.

Theres nothing to be ashamed of. If you havent collected them all, go ahead and collect them. Anyway, you still have one day, so dont be in a hurry!

Xia Muyang shrugged and threw a piece of dried meat into his mouth.

Well, lets go! Guanyue Qianxia breathed a long sigh of relief, and then stood up.

You are a medical ninja! At this moment, Natsume Yang suddenly spoke.

Well, whats wrong!

Hearing this, Kanyue Qianxia's body tensed up for a moment, and then she asked pretending to be nonchalant.

Its nothing, I just find it novel. Not many medical ninjas have combat capabilities!

Natsume Yang scratched his head. For some reason, he felt that Kanyue Qianxia gave him a very comfortable feeling.

"Hehe, of course, I graduated third in our class. Although I prefer to be a medical ninja, I have not slackened on my combat training!"

"I always feel that even as a medical ninja, you must have the power to protect yourself, just like Tsunade-sama, who can not only cure diseases, but also participate in wars and make a great name!"

When Kanzuki Chinatsu talked about Tsunade, she had a look of admiration on her face and couldn't help clenching her fists.

You are really the most special ninja I have ever seen so far!

Why is it so special? Kanyue Qianxia asked quickly.

"How should I put it? I think you have a very clear plan for your life and know how you want to go in the future."

This is rare at your age. There are many people in their thirties who still dont understand how they want to go in the future, and they are always confused!

Xia Muyang pinched his chin, thought for a long time, and gave his answer.

Really, hehe, thats great!

"What about you? Do you have any ideas for your future?" Kanatsu Qianxia looked at Natsume Yang.

Me, I want to become stronger, protect the people I want to protect, and then be free and unfettered in this world!

Isnt it very lack of pursuit? After all, other peoples future thoughts are how to become Hokage and how to protect the village! After finishing speaking, Natsume Yang said mockingly to himself.

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