The Supreme Level Up System

Chapter 159 Revelations

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Aion left the enemy territory behind, but his death knights still were at it, even when he made them attack at midnight, and it was already morning. Aside from the old man martial artist and the earth mage, all of the others had armor that hid their faces. So, the chances of them being found out were close to zero. Moreover, they lived before in a kingdom too far away from that country. Only a mind reader would connect the dots.

When the pace of the notifications Decreased, Aion changed classes and then and then made the death knights disappear. He was pretty sure that they had destroyed several bases and killed one thousand of enemies. So, they must have paid the price for destroying Artemisia's homeland… if only a little.

Around one week after they left the temple, they were back at the Zaera kingdom, and after two more days, they finally reached the capital. Despite the circumstances, they needed to say sorry to some people. Aion's siblings that got married… Still, when they arrived at Lexus ' home, they only found him in the garden. The weddings happened ten days ago, but even so…

"Oh? You two returned a lot sooner than expected…" Lexus said. "I take it that things ended well despite everything."

"I am sorry for causing so much trouble," Artemisia said.

"Well, this was beyond anyone's control or expectations," Lexus said. "I take it you came to apologize to your brothers, but they have already moved. I didn't give them many details in order not to worry them, but they understood that you had some serious business to attend to, and they knew that you would return soon. You can visit them, but I wouldn't recommend it."

Aion didn't think much about that, and while he didn't have any experience when it came to the lives of newlyweds, he could guess that it would be troublesome to bother them now.

"A letter will do," Lexus said. "While you write them, I want to hear what happened."

In the end, Aion cut the details about the fights that he had, but he couldn't hide anything from when his mother woke up, and as one would expect, Lexus found the mention of a dragon hard to swallow.

"An ice dragon? In the mountains?" Lexus asked.

"It is a long story…" Aion said.

Aion couldn't hide the other things since his mother was there, and that was a good opportunity for him to ask a few things. He mentioned Sauros' group and then told him how he met him for the first time, and then the expression of his father darkened.

"You invaded other cities and towns at night and freed slaves? Just to annoy the lords of those areas?" Lexus asked.

"I figured they had too much time on their hands since they bothered me with the stuff about the annexed lands," Aion said. "That didn't become a problem since they weren't following the laws of slavery. Regardless, that isn't the point here. The point is that someone attacked, drugged, and kept in jail like a dog, someone that knows a lot and one of the leaders of a family that has quite the story."

"True, they become nomads, and they don't have a large army like before, but their powers still are quite troublesome…" Lexus said. "I can only think that someone from his kingdom wanted to have their power under our control. Unfortunately, investigating any of that is impossible since the slaves were freed… not like we would have learned about this if you hadn't told me."

"Right, but this isn't the problem…" Aion said.

"Yes… now they have a reason to have a problem with us, a good one," Lexus said. "Based on what you said, it doesn't look like he is chasing that. Based on their story and what kind of people they are, the idea that they are guarding some places because of the gods doesn't seem crazy."

Lexus wasn't much surprised that a dragon came from another point in time and invaded their era. Aion was pretty sure that it came from the past… some people in the future might have reasons to change the past, but Aion doubted that such a thing would happen as long as he kept that statue in his inventory. That is if that is the only key to travel between space in time. It was pretty clear that it wasn't since those morons tried to destroy the key.

"There are many other things that we need to investigate, and I will see what I can find on my end," Lexus said. "For the time being, you should return to your territory and recover from this ordeal."

"Speaking of which, who is managing the lands in my place?" Aion asked.

"No one. I just went there once and as fast as possible to tell everyone that they should keep working as usual," Lexus replied. "I made sure to contact some people that I trust there to keep an eye on things behind the scenes, and so far, they only reported that things are going well."

Aion didn't know if his father was laid back or had that much trust in the people of his territory. Nevertheless, if he said that, Aion wanted to think that it was true, but since he didn't have much faith in the people that have been living there for generations, it wasn't hard not to imagine pandemonium waiting for him.

"After this incident, my guess is that other survivors of the Mirelis kingdom won't try to pull off that kind of crazy stunt anymore, so you two can rest assured," Lexus said. "Still, you two shouldn't relax. I want to believe that your secret is well-hidden, but we can't say for sure if that is indeed the case."

Aion also wanted to believe that, but he won't let those unpleasatant surprises get the better of him again.

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