The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1853

Lu Qichen apologized to Zhou Fu because he felt that Zhang Lu had made these things.

The reason why Zhou Fu said that he didn't care about him was that he had arranged the accident, but he didn't expect it to be self defeating.

After listening to Zhou Fu's words, Zhou Jiajia couldn't believe looking at him. Her eyes were full of shock. She didn't expect that her father would be willing to take risks for herself. Therefore, the other party was the one that Zhou Fu had found, but his fists and feet had no eyes. It was possible for him to be injured if he was not careful. Now, isn't his injury the best explanation?

Looking at Zhou Fu's wound again, Zhou Jiajia felt even more dazzling. All this was because of her, because her own father would be injured, because her own father would do such things.

Now, the more Zhou Jiajia thinks about Yue Wohuo, she feels that she is too unfilial. Yes, she likes Lu Qichen very much, but compared with this man, she hopes her father can be peaceful.

"Dad, I don't like Lu Qichen any more. Don't hurt yourself like this in the future. Don't try to fix us up. Don't do stupid things, OK?" Zhou Jiajia looks at Zhou Fu in tears, her eyes full of remorse.

Zhou Jiajia doesn't want Zhou Fu to please Lu Qichen for his own sake. Everything should be over.

Seeing Zhou Jiajia like this, Zhou Fu immediately nodded with moist eyes and agreed to her request. He knew she had figured it out.

As long as Zhou Jiajia can figure out what to do with his father, he is willing to.

"Daughter, have you really figured it out?" Zhou Fu is still a little bit unbelievable.

After all, Zhou Jiajia had to be with Lu Qichen when she was dying. How could she suddenly want to open up because of such a thing?

Zhou Jiajia saw Zhou Fu didn't believe in herself, so she chuckled and said, "Dad, Lu Qichen is a very special man, but no matter how special he is, he is not as good as you are to me. You are the best person in the world to me. If you are with him, you will be hurt. I would rather not be with him."

At this time, every sentence she said was sincere. She knew that she could not forget Lu Qichen in her heart for a while, but what should be forgotten still had to be forgotten.

"Well, well, I'll be content if you think so." Zhou Fu looks at Zhou Jiajia happily.

Zhou Jiajia said everything and relaxed a lot.

The father and daughter talked a lot, as if they hadn't talked like this for a long time.

After Zhou Jiajia and Zhou Fu had dinner, she watched him fall asleep and then returned to her small room.

Looking at the furnishings in the house, Zhou Jiajia couldn't sleep.

It seems that since Lu Qichen appeared, her life has undergone earth shaking changes, which she had never thought of before. Now as long as her eyes are closed, her mind is full of his shadow.

First love is always so hard to forget.

Zhou Jiajia sighed and murmured to herself, "Zhou Jiajia, it's time to forget that people don't like you at all. What can you change if you're not willing to

After saying this, she was relieved a lot. Now she only hopes that Zhou Fu can be safe.

In the hotel.

When fan te helped him to get back to the hotel, Lu Qichen was already in the hotel room. He knocked on the door and looked at him with his eyes. He was relieved that his boss was not hurt.

"Don't worry, those three people are just small and can't hurt me." Lu Qichen naturally knew what he was thinking when he saw fan tezhu like this, so he said something that could make him not worry.

"Mr. Lu, there are two such things. Let's go back home. After all, China is our territory." Fantezhu looked at Lu Qichen with a frown. He didn't want to stay here at the beginning. Now he wants to return home more urgently.

Lu Qichen saw that fan te's help was like an ant on a hot pot. He immediately looked at him with a smile and said, "what's the hurry? You're following me. What have you never experienced? Are you afraid of these things?"

"Mr. Lu, you are really sincere. If something happens to you, I will go to the funeral." Fan te helped Lu Qichen with some pique.

Seeing this, Lu Qichen's smile grew stronger.

Now he shook his head and patted him on the shoulder and said, "the Lord is not here. If you and I leave, who will sing the play?"

"Mr. Lu, let's go to the theatre. Why should we participate in this play?" Fantezhu is strange. Why does Lu Qichen have to gamble with his own life?

What's more, fan tezhu felt puzzled. Did Lu Qichen's play have something to do with Zhang Lu? But he didn't make it clear. Fantezhu was really out of his way. But now that Lu Qichen didn't want to reveal too much, he could only follow orders.

Lu Qichen saw that fan tezhu no longer questioned, this will smile, took the mobile phone directly to the balcony.

Fan te helped Lu Qichen to take out his mobile phone and made a phone call, which was too far away. He did not hear what he said.

After dialing the phone, Lu Qichen told the other party a few words and hung up the phone.

"Well, it's all arranged. You should be calm and calm." Seeing that fan tezhu still had a sad face, Lu Qichen patted him on the shoulder again and comforted him."Well, you said that. What else can I say?" Fan te helped to see Lu Qichen's eyes so firm that he could only say so.

"What has Zhang Lu done in the company recently?" Lu Qichen doesn't worry about his own life safety. He knows his own ability, so it is unnecessary to worry about it now.

As soon as Lu Qichen's voice fell, fan tezhu was very excited and said to him, "Mr. Lu, it's ok if you don't ask. I'm really puzzled. You said that Zhang Lu has just won a project and made a net profit of more than a billion yuan to the company. This was originally a great joy, but what happened to you in the past two days?"

Lu Qichen frowned at fan tezhu's deliberate betrayal.

Fantezhu understood in an instant and said, "another project of our company, which is in great demand, lost to the other party, only lost 0. Five points. Is it possible if this is a coincidence? "

"Whose company is it?" Lu Qichen looks at fan tezhu with a locked eyebrow.

"Fang Hui."

In fact, fan LUT didn't get in touch with this case?

Fang Hui?

Hearing Fang Hui's name, Lu Qichen was lost in thought.

It is not a coincidence that this man appears at this time. Is everything related to him?

"You go to check the contact between them. Don't miss anything. Also check what Fang Hui is doing recently. I want to know all the people and things around him." Lu Qichen looked at fantezhu seriously. It was very important for him. He had to know it clearly.

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