The Sponsored Heroines Are Coming for Me

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Silvias face turned red.

It was only then that Ian realized his mistake.

Its unbearable.

As for the Laurent family, it was a so-called celebrity family itself.

Elegant, sophisticated, and aristocratic.

Silvia had undoubtedly received a conservative and strict upbringing.

Given Silvias conservative values, being cast as a newlywed couple was undoubtedly infuriating for her.

As Ian misunderstood Silvias situation and momentarily sat down to observe her condition.

Why is she even meddling now?

The guide from the exchange was visibly annoyed.

It happened that he had recently broken up.

The reason for Ians arrogant demeanor was clear. No matter how you looked at it, the female side, compared to the black-haired man, seemed endlessly more wasteful.

To the point of feeling a pain in the stomach.

Even with a hat and sunglasses covering, her face looked dignified.

Her elegant and sophisticated fashion sense was believed to be the best among actors in the capital.

The attitude of the employee facing Ian became somewhat unpleasant.

Have you tried trading stocks?

It would be fair to say this is my first time.

Although Ian had experience in his previous life, this was his first time here.

In that sense, Ian replied.

The employee opened his mouth with a mocking tone.

Let me explain briefly then.

Um, thank you.

Do you know what determines the price of securities?

I dont know.

If you know that, you can become rich easily.

If you dont even know that and come to the exchange, its not right. Even if its just to see your wifes face, Ill teach you a bit.

What was this person?

Sudden pretense of knowledge. Of course, in modern stock trading, he had seen such people occasionally, but here too? While Ian was bewildered, the employee grumbled.

The value of a company ultimately depends on how much profit it generates. In that regard, its good to look at guilds that are undervalued for a long time. Sales are important.

I see.

Not only that

It was a one-sided act of pretending to know.

It seemed that even Silvia wanted to hear it, judging by the way she looked at him.

Shes one of the upper echelons.

Ian chose to ignore the employee. While listening with one ear and letting it go with the other, they arrived at the main building of the exchange.

Welcome to the Central Branch Headquarters of the Continental Securities Association!


A cry of admiration escaped as the magnificent golden spectacle unfolded before their eyes.

It was a splendid and dazzling sight.

The dome-shaped interior with an endlessly high ceiling was luxurious with white marble and gold leaf decorations.

Numerous devices, like Kirtos terminals, were hanging from the towering pillars so long that they could only be seen when fully raised.


The constantly updated numbers inside, turning red and green, were endlessly dazzling.

Lets go! Lets go!

People cheering.

Oh no! My money! This is for my daughters medical expenses!

People in despair.

Torn securities were flying in one corner.

On the other side, the newly rich were throwing bills.

What unfolded before their eyes was an endlessly fatal and decadent scene.

When you think about it, this is no different from a casino.

In modern times, stock trading is done through the internet and phones, but here, everything existed in physical form. Buying stocks meant receiving them on paper, and when delisted, they became real scraps of paper.

Welcome to the stock exchange.

In a scene rarely seen in modern times, Ians heart raced involuntarily.

It might be more troublesome later, but thats a story for another time.

Ian picked up a catalog placed nearby.

[Column 1 Transportation]

[Column 2 Grain]

Each column had a different theme, and the terminals hanging there were bewilderingly tempting.

What about mana Is there a separate category for mana? Ah, its classified as energy.

Ian flipped through the pamphlet.

The employee, looking somewhat condescending, muttered.

Energy is difficult for beginners to get into because of its volatility.

Ignoring the comment as if he hadnt heard, Ian grabbed the pamphlet he had.

Large guilds are more prevalent in the transportation sector. Its good for beginners. Even your wife is so pretty, but you need to manage money well.

Well, I see. Its fine. Were looking for the energy section. Lets go, Silvie.

Silvia was surprised by Ians words.


It was the first time someone had given her a nickname in her life.

It was an impulsive decision she made while playing on Kirtos.

The likelihood of not being able to meet seemed high but the thought of that animal-like woman, with her tails swaying, made her anxious, so she went.

To catch up on the delayed work, she would have to work through the night, but with this kind of reward, it was nothing.

I made the right decision to come.

Silvie, arent you coming?

Hehehe. Ill go!

Silvia followed Ian with a lively step.

The sight of it made the veins on the forehead of the employee pop out.


Of course, it was another countryside guy coming to the exchange for the first time.

On the female side, they were infatuated with the guy to the point where they couldnt even criticize her compared to that black-haired man.

It was to the extent that it hurt.


This situation was not unfamiliar to him.

The case of a country bumpkin making some money and showing off to women.

The employee couldnt control the boiling jealousy.

I must intercept him.

Women tend to easily fall for a few coins and some seemingly sophisticated gestures.

Many people working in the stock exchange believe that if youre a stock exchange employee, you must be rich and smart.

They subtly attack the men with plausible knowledge, and later, when stock prices drop, they say, I told you so.

This was not the first time he had intercepted a woman like this.

Trying to boast about making money through stocks in front of an innocent girl wont work.

The employee immediately followed Ian.

And he started pretending to know, speaking loud enough for Silvia to hear.

Recently, there has been a rapid increase in travel demand. From that perspective, guilds related to travel seem quite promising. The price-to-expected-earnings ratio is below 3.3, the lowest in history. You can expect at least double profits.

Its okay. I already have some stocks in mind.

Ian responded firmly.

The employee frowned.

Is it a small guild by any chance?


The employee finally realized that this was not going well.

He probably got fooled somewhere.

Either that or this novice wouldnt be so confident. Its easier this way.

Its a fact that they will fail anyway.

All he needed to do is finely craft the logic.

Anyway, his goal was Silvia.

After that black-haired man failed, she would be his.

The employee glanced at Silvia and continued speaking.

What stocks are you planning to buy?

Its a company called Ecomana.

What? A company with no significant revenue. Look. The annual revenue is not even 10 gold. The net profit is in the negative. Theres even a risk of capital erosion.

Silvia stared at him in response to the employees words.

An even more excited employee continued.

If you want to invest in mana-related businesses, its better to go for stocks from more reputable guilds. There are traditional mana distribution companies other than these tech stocks.

Hmm, I see.

If it were me, I would buy stocks from a more reputable guild for a stable life with my wife. Its better to invest in stable bank stocks rather than energy. Undervalued stocks that are stable for a long time are safe. You should invest in that direction.

However, Ians response was nonchalant.

Oh, well. Still, Im going to buy this.

He showed a firm stance.

A move without any logic. How ignorant and pathetic.

At this point, even that woman must have realized his arrogance.

The employee chuckled slyly and whispered to Silvia.

Try to stop him, madam. He seems not to know anything. This is definitely a scam guild.

Saying that, he subtly placed his hand on Silvias shoulder.

Silvia looked down at his hand in silence.


Just a moment ago, Silvias mind was filled with a flower garden.

A newlywed couple

This was a role play that Ian had started to hide Silvias identity.

Even though she knew it was just a role play, it felt like playing pretend after a long time. Moreover, the fact that Ian was her partner made it even more enjoyable

Her lips couldnt stop smiling.

Try to stop him, madam. He seems not to know anything. This is definitely a scam guild.

Who is saying that someone doesnt know anything?

In terms of information, Ian was superior to Silvia herself.

In response to the employees clear disdain, Silvias expression instantly hardened.

She spoke coldly.

What if its a scam?

Excuse me?

Isnt it all about making money?

Sharp and cold eyes, just like her original personality.

And youve been pretending to know all along. Since when did stock prices determine the intrinsic value of a company? Prices are determined by the market sentiment and peoples psychology. Dont you know the saying that stocks perpetually undervalued are the fair value? It seems like the level of the association is lower than I thought.

No. Maam, its just that Im concerned about

Concerned? Since when did association employees intervene in personal transactions? Did the rules change?

Silvias eyes were sharp and warm, as if piercing with a needle.


The employee bowed his head without realizing it.

Her gaze was as intimidating as facing a high-ranking superior. Instinctively, a sense of fear arose.

Silvie, dont be like that. Hes just saying it because hes worried.

Hehehe. I didnt realize.

Then, as if her expression from a moment ago was false, Silvia turned to Ian.

Now the employee understood.

The temperature difference between the way she looked at the black-haired man and the way she looked at others was more severe than the difference between hot and cold baths.


A device resembling a telephone.

Ian picked it up.

Please tell us the stocks you want to purchase.


The current value per share is 0.01 silver. How much would you like to order? The minimum order amount is 1 silver, 100 shares.

1 gold worth.

The employee standing next to him muttered quietly enough for Ian to hear.

Buying such trash stocks with that money.

Ian casually ignored his murmur.

The expected average execution price is 0.011 silver. Would you like to proceed with the order?



A paper surrounded by gold foil was printed from the magical engineering device.

[Continental Securities Association Guaranteed Securities]

[EcoMana 9091 shares. Total value based on the current price is 1 gold.]

Ian clenched his fist lightly.

On the other hand,

Putting 1 gold in the trash, huh?

The employee glancing at Ian over his shoulder silently celebrated.

One gold was an amount most laborers would have to work for six months to earn.

Refund Please refund. I said its for my mothers medical expenses

Its impossible. If you continue like this, well call security. Please leave.

The sight of an investor nearby begging.

That black-haired mans future seemed bleak.

Watch and see. Hell whine about not getting a refund at half the price.

With the thought that these people would also part ways with the stock exchange, and naturally, the woman would be in his possession.

The employee chuckled to himself.

Glancing at Ian with a smirk, he shrugged.

Crazy guy. Whatever.

In truth, Ian didnt care about what the employee thought.

Ecomana was expected to rise to 1 silver per share in a short period.

The current price was 0.01 silver per share, so in terms of profit, it was a 10,000 percent increase.

In other words, it was 100 times.

Just in case, lets assume I split the sell order with a 20 percent margin

If Ian did that, the money in his hands would be at least 80 gold.

Even after repaying the principal, it was a substantial amount to buy several houses near the academy.

If I can quietly buy more without attracting attention

If the stock price crashed for some reason, he might be able to quietly accumulate more, but that would be too greedy.

80 gold was already enough money for activities for a while.

Anyway, the future I know is not just about this.

Grinning, Ians mood lifted.

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