The Sponsored Heroines Are Coming for Me

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

[ Kirtos Anonymous Bulletin Board ]

[ Title ] Today is the day of the disciplinary committee for the celebrity.

[ Content ]

The disciplinary committee is convened today. The reason is s*icide threats, and there are victims like Sharon and others lol his never-ending harassment is amazing.

[ Comments ]

I came back after a long time, but why is Ian a celebrity?

Havent you seen the grade assessment?

[Moving picture] Come after seeing this, its crazy.

Wow, what skill is this? *Shivering*

It turns out, he was a romanticist. If he cant have you, hed rather die.

Dont exaggerate him, lol.

Honestly, there seems to be some story behind it.

Without a sword, isnt Ian better than Sharon, a water rocket who cant use mana without a sword?

Talking about a 4.5-star water rocket, lol, crazy guy, lol.

Dont insult Miss Sharon. Ill report you.

Sharons fans are here again.

Looking at the growth trend, Ian might catch up soon?

Wow, there are a lot of crazy people above. Did everyone forget who Ian was collectively? Even among the extreme, he was extremely annoying. (Deleted post)

Are you an employee by any chance? I heard you got caught posting on the Raymond board recently

Wasnt it your Laurent boss and not Raymond? (Deleted comment)

Lolol, seeing your its definitely an employee.

Isnt Ians story the most interesting these days?

Ive never seen Kirtos Anonymous so lively.

Are you friends with him? Put him on.

If you get involved with Ian in real life, youll be treated as a crazy person and end up joining him, lol.

I hope the disciplinary committee results come out quickly.

If the results are good, he will become the real academy celebrity, lol.

In fact, once the disciplinary committee is convened, its almost impossible to avoid punishment. Even if its just Linas punishment, it seems like itll be a relief.

Like any prestigious Academy.

The Lichten Academys disciplinary committee was notorious for its harsh punishments.

Initially, ensuring maximum freedom for new students, but once a certain line is crossed, the committee proceeds.

Therefore, if the disciplinary committee is convened, avoiding strong punishment is practically impossible.

Lina Rosewells punishment became a controversy for being the weakest in the history of Lichtens disciplinary committee.

In my case, expulsion is a real possibility.

Expulsion needed to be avoided.

It was tantamount to missing the flow of the entire main story, becoming no different from a death sentence.

Just looking at the next main story that will be held shortly, the premise condition for intervening in Act 2, Frozen River, can only be fulfilled by being a student of the Academy.


Ian let out a small sigh.

A faint breath briefly obscured his vision before disappearing.

Lichten Academy Main Building Basement.

The air here, where good students cannot enter, was cold and damp.

The waiting room with various metal interiors exuded a chill and intimidation.

Considering that Lichten Academys basic interiors was nature-friendly and luxurious, the designers intention behind this place became apparent.

[ Suspect Entrance ]

Inside the iron gate, voices of professors exchanging opinions occasionally echoed.

It must have been a discussion about what would be an appropriate level of punishment.


Ian calmly refined the words he had prepared.

He did his best in preparation.

Now he just had to wait until he was called.

While vaguely concluding this.

Are you Ian?

A womans voice reached him.

She seemed to be in her early to mid-thirties.

A beautiful face but somewhat intimidating.


Unlike the long sword at her waist, her luxurious clothes emitted a soft rustling sound.

Was she a knight?

A luxurious and somewhat burdensome fragrance lingered.

Aran Alteach. Responsible knight of the Crimson Flame Order.

Ian was surprised.

The Crimson Flame Order was one of the two major knight orders of the Empire.

Being a responsible knight meant holding considerable power.

Contrary to her appearance, the woman could produce a bright smile. Her demeanor felt somehow familiar.

Im also the older sister of Yurran. Today, consider me as Sharon Pierces guardian.


The Bloodstone Cultist he was on the same team with not long ago.

Ian only now realized the true identity behind that bright yet uncomfortable smile.

Theres a considerable possibility that shes a Bloodstone Cultist.

Bloodstone Cultists were reaching out even to the Crimson Flame Order.

Shocking, but is it really that surprising?

Thinking of the characters he would encounter in the next scenario, most of it made sense.

Of course, he should think about it when that time came.

Ian quickly turned his head.

There was no reason for someone like her to be here.

It didnt make sense unless she was related to Sharon Pierce.

In other words, this person was a card chosen by the Pierce faction to exert pressure on the disciplinary committee.

I didnt expect them to call someone of this caliber.

Should I scratch her a little?

It seemed like an opportunity to introduce some variables.

After a moment of contemplation, Ian nodded politely towards Aran.

I am Ian. I am well aware of the reputation of the Crimson Flame Order.

Arans eyes widened.

She probably didnt expect such a response.

Ians actions were merely an attempt to get to the point with her. Dealing with people like her was familiar territory.

Hmm? Despite what Ive heard, it seems like we can communicate well. You have manners.


Aran produced a diplomatic laugh. She then spoke.

Im quite busy, so Ill get straight to the point without beating around the bush.

Please go ahead.

Ian, I want you to admit that you were wrong. Do you know what that means?

Oh my, dont make such a scary expression. Its just expulsion at worst, right?

So, what do I gain from this?

With a graceful laugh, Aran continued.

Instead, Ill take you in as an apprentice of our Crimson Flame Order. We treat our mages well. Or, if you prefer, I have connections with a guild I know well. With a recommendation from a responsible knight of the Crimson Flame Order, there wont be a difficult place for you. Think about it. Even if you graduate from the academy, the path youll eventually have to take, I can help you get there faster.

Oh, and

Approaching a step closer, Aran whispered.

Of course, if you wish, Ill provide you with money as well. Enough for several years.

Well, that was the deal.

Anyway, Bloodstone Cultists were true to their nature.

Despite the pleasant words, the moment you agree, all control shifts to the other party.

Listening to flattering words, they lure you into a trap from which you couldnt escape.

Ian found himself chuckling without realizing it.

Aran was furious.

Are you laughing right now?

I apologize. It just happened.

You. Do you know what the Crimson Flame Order is?

Crimson Flame Order or whatever.

From my perspective, being expelled from the academy meant death.

Well, I thought it was a pretty well-known knight order, but now it doesnt seem like it.

What, what did you just say!

Oh, didnt you hear? An order with an old woman as the responsible knight.

What, what did you just say!

Oh, didnt you hear? Auntie.

You b*stard!

Arans face swelled intensely red.

An uncomfortable sound like huffing and puffing was audible for a while.

Losing composure over such a provocation.

It was easy to see the angle.

Is she the type who climbed to the top through political maneuvering rather than skill?

After a while, Aran spat out her words with great difficulty.

Truly like a child from a failed family. Lacks manners due to a lack of proper upbringing. I dont know where this person is getting involved. Such an unlucky child.


She even did some background research.

Suddenly, Ian felt a shiver down his spine.

Why are they showing interest in me like this?

Aran Alteach.

A knight under the influence of the Pierce family, but also a Bloodstone Cultist.

Come to think of it, Ian, who was originally Pongpong, was destined to sacrifice himself to the Bloodstone Cult. Although his destiny changed slightly after his possession by Ian, the interest of the Bloodstone Cultists had been relentless.

If you think about it, they were all trying to get Ian involved.

So, does that mean they dont intend to kill me?

A woman right in front of him, enraged.

Ian spoke coldly to her.

Maybe youre just a bodyguard of the Pierce family. Now that youve lost your flexibility, youve been assigned to do menial tasks?


A piercing scream.

Aran closed the distance in an instant.

The thick scent of luxurious perfume irritated Ians nose.

You. Dont you know that youre standing in front of someone superior? Without that person, you wouldve been finished already. Prepare yourself. Ill not only get you expelled but also make you completely miserable Ill somehow

Ian observed that even in the face of such humiliation, Aran didnt draw her sword.

At this point, he became genuinely curious.

Who in the Bloodstone Cult could have an interest in him?

Regardless, pondering on it now wouldnt lead to a conclusion.

He had already shattered Arans mental composure, and that seemed sufficient.

Besides, many professors disliked imperial authority. It might be a while before the overbearing imperial knights came rushing in.

I look forward to what youll show me. Oh, and the audience entrance is over there. Its dark, so be careful as you explore.

Ian, confident in his ability to provoke, was scratching at her with confidence.

Disciplinary Committee Hearing Room.

Seven disciplinary committee seats arranged in a semicircle, imposingly positioned. In the center below, interrogation chairs are arranged in a surrounded shape.

The proceedings here proceed as follows.

Victims testimony.

Interrogation of the accused.

And the vote and verdict of the seven disciplinary committee members.

Before the victims testimony began.

Professors who would serve as disciplinary committee members were already seated in the seven committee seats.

The most noticeable among them was Professor Violet, who was in charge of the Mezai class in the Department of Magic.

Long violet hair falling gently over her shoulders. Beautiful eyelashes and subtle purple eyes. And long legs.

Despite her beautiful appearance, her personality was straightforward and unreserved, befitting a magician.

Professor Violet was very uncomfortable.

It was because of the fat-filled voice of a professor.

At the prestigious Lichten Academy on the continent, facing such an incident with these delicate and refined students is unacceptable. Especially considering the recent issues with womens rights

Professor Todd Cam of Hexology Defense, boasting as if he were the chairman. His frog-like face twisted every time he spoke.


Violet let out a long sigh.

There wasnt much reason for her dislike of Todd Cam.

Hes just a lackey for Raymond.

Todd Cam emitted the stench typical of corrupted humans. Though only a small part, Violet, born with elven lineage, could sense it.

Thats why she was convinced.

Theres no way Ian would have done this.

He was a gloomy kid, but determined.

Even when faced with obstacles, he had the resilience to get back up.

Well, it wasnt necessarily in the right direction, but

After the s*icide incident, he became almost flawless.

Ians performance afterward shone like a gemstone, to the point where Violet wanted to carve it herself.

He even mastered a movement skill with the Earth element.

It meant he knew how to put in the effort.

So, the notion that a person like him would resort to s*icide threats just because girls wouldnt meet him?

Its just not convincing.

Moreover, the attitude of the so-called victims side was suspicious.

At least two of the disciplinary committee members were professors from Emilia Raymonds side.

And it was clear that the Bishop of the Lichten Branch on audience platform was supporting the saint candidate Aria, while the knight from the Crimson Flame Order was supporting Sharon Pierce.

Famous figures to an almost exaggerated degree.

Honestly, just by looking at them, one could believe it was a witch trial.

The urgency of the victims seemed strangely doubtful to Violet.

Therefore, Violet had made up her mind.

To actively defend Ian.

Honestly, even if he committed the crime, she intended to defend him, given his exceptional talent.

Seven professors of the disciplinary committee.

Among them, only Violet and Suzy Dismal of Clinical Magical Pharmacology, were firmly on Ians side.

Ian should have prepared well

While Professor Violet pondered with her long fingers resting on her chin.


The meeting room door opened, and someone entered.

Sharon Pierce.

The appearance of the victim of the case.

The official disciplinary committee hearing had begun.

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