The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 121 Accept Ethan Lu

Chapter 121 Accept Ethan Lu

Just as Lexi was about to apply her lipstick, she stopped midway as she furrowed her brows.

'What am I doing?' She thought inwardly.

Indeed, she retouched her make up after her call with Ethan Lu without even realizing what she was doing. Hence, now that Lexi was almost finished with her touch up -- she finally became conscious of her unusual move.

"Uh, no…" She whispers before picking up facial wipes and removed her makeup.

Abigail Fan who was lowkey observing her while driving could not help but be surprised at her artist.

In retrospect, Lexi always dressed up whenever she goes out. Therefore, it was normal for her to touch up whoever she's going to meet. But, why did she removed her makeup after putting it on? In her mind, Abigail Fan was more baffled than the confused Lexi.

Clearing her throat, Abigail Fan mustered her courage to probe as this was something that she'd know; "Ummm, Lexi, are you seeing someone?"

"Hmm," Without turning her head to the driver's seat, Lexi didn't stop on wiping out her lipstick as she took her manager's words in a literal way.

Of course, her response sent tidal shocks to Abigail Fan that soon gave her a slight headache.

She clarified, "I know it's good that you've moved on with Mr. Liu but… you see, your scandals are still around and being in a relationship right now --"

"What are you talking about?" Even before her manager could finish her sentence, Lexi interrupted midway as she turned her dismayed gaze on her.

She added and rolled her eyes, "I am seeing someone later but not seeing as in dating, duh?"


"And why would you even think I'd date someone after everything that happened? I mean, I am so not ready for it. Also… I don't want to use anyone just to forget someone, you get me?" Lexi's voice slowly faded as she uttered her last remarks.

One of the reasons that frustrate her was that Lexi acknowledges that she's at her worst state. She was broken, confused, lost, and struggling yet, the damn system wished her to accept Ethan Lu. Indeed, her next main task was to ACCEPT Ethan Lu's confession.

However, no matter how deep her thoughts wandered on her next task, Lexi just couldn't follow the system's desire. Not only it was unfair to her but to Ethan Lu as well.

She probably liked him as a 'friend', but Lexi hadn't seen herself being in a romantic relationship with the guy.

Therefore, now that she thought about it, Lexi was conflicted if her decision to meet with him tonight was the right judgment. After all, if Ethan somehow confessed his feelings to her, Lexi might reject it in an instant… or she thought.

"Ahh… alright? I was just concerned because before being your business partner -- I am your manager and, well, a friend." Raising both her brows, Abigail Fan coaxed in a low murmur after glancing at Lexi's exasperated countenance.

Lexi slowly closed her eyes as she lightly massaged her temples in distress, she expressed, "Forget it, drop me at the hotel -- let me just rest."

After a quick contemplation, Lexi changed her mind and instructed her manager to send her to her original destination.

She felt dumb agreeing to Ethan's request without a thought as she somehow got giddy to catch up on him. But now, with the involvement of the system's task and Ethan Lu's feelings for her? -- Lexi felt like running away from it.

By the time Lexi mildly relaxed with her final decision, her manager's next words made her eyes abruptly opened her eyes and her mouth parted apart.

"Huh? But, we're here." Slowly pulling over on the side, Abigail Fan turned her head to see the aghast front of Lexi which made her brows creased in confusion.

Just then, a light knock outside of the car snapped Lexi back to reality. Turning her head to her window side, Lexi saw an unfamiliar face of a man with a formal suit. On the other hand, Abigail Fan's brows knitted more as she was intrigued by the man.

'Is this the man she'd meet? Who is this man?'

Lexi exhaled heavily before turning her head to her puzzled manager. "Don't wait. Just drop my things in my room -- I can manage to go back." With that said note, Lexi unbuckled her seat and then exited the ride without another word; leaving her manager with thousands of questions.

"Why is she so changeable these days?" Abigail murmured as she stared at Lexi's figure while following the man from behind.

Slightly shaking her head, Abigail Fan threw the matter at the back of her mind. What's important to her was, Lexi gave her words and she must give her the benefit of the doubt.

"She knows what she's doing." She convinced herself as she started to revved her car and made her way back to the hotel.


Currently, Ethan Lu was on the second floor of the simple restaurant and was patiently waiting for his date to come. Hence, the moment the familiar ride of Abigail Fan arrived at the said meet up, Ethan Lu's lips curled into a smile and without a second delay, he called her.

However, as usual, Lexi didn't answer immediately. Fortunately, he already gave one of his men a heads up -- the reason why one of his guards welcomed and guided her to where they'd dine.

When Lexi entered the premises and Ethan couldn't see her anymore, his heart started to pound uncontrollably and felt nervous.

He had many scenarios in mind when they meet again, but what he was going through right now, this anxiety and uneasiness that started to envelop his heart was one of the unexpected ones.

"It's okay, it's okay… it's just dinner -- nothing to worry about." He muttered to calm himself down as he walked back and forth.

"Mr. Main Task, you are so rude. Why there's always a bun and dumplings on the menu when you date her? You're doing this on purpose, do you?" Frowning in dismay, Churu humped as she stood on top of the table while stomping her adorable feet. She heard Ethan's every order and she was frustrated when she heard he ordered a plate of dumplings and buns. Now, Lexi only needed to see it before she gets teased again.

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