The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 203: Impotence

Chapter 203: Impotence

If anyone looked at that street where the two young people from the Chambers and Hayes families were standing, they would see a peculiar scene at this moment.

There were two carriages parked side by side, in opposite directions, while within a radius of 20 meters away from those two means of transport, several people were lying on the ground, passed out.

However, there was no sign of a struggle or even of people who were intent on fighting. Or rather, no people intended to fight outside the carriages...

The four individuals in those two carriages were still sitting comfortably in their respective positions as they faced each other through the glass windows of their carriages.

And while the ordinary citizens of Hadia were nearby fainted, no physical damage had appeared to the two carriages or knocked out their coachmen.

Of course, the coachmen were strong enough to withstand the spiritual pressure generated by these people. As for the carriages, the pressure of Spiritual Generals was not enough to damage the structure of these objects.

Anyway, after a few seconds in this confrontation, there was no significant imbalance since the difference in the spiritual energy of those involved was not great.

And right then, one of the middle-aged men said in a firm voice. "Let's stop here. There's no point in a confrontation like this, young master. Let's get on with our business!"

That was Kevin's bodyguard, Clive.

As for why he had called Kevin as a young master, that was simply because that young man was the son of the current patriarch of the Chambers family!

At the same time as Clive was convincing Kevin to drop this issue, on Vivian's side, her bodyguard was trying to do the same.

"Miss, we don't have enough strength to beat these two. At the most, we would waste our time to pull off just a draw."

Hearing this, Vivian felt helpless for a moment since there really wasn't much difference in their strength. And inwardly, she felt an overwhelming urge to kill every member of the Chambers family because of what Leroy had done to her younger brother.

But unfortunately for her, these two people in the next carriage were strong enough to protect themselves from her and her bodyguard.

And soon, she began to regain her calm.

She wasn't a hotheaded person, but her grudge against the Chambers family had already been established, and seeing Kevin in this place had heated Vivian's blood.

After a few seconds, she then turned to the coachman's side and said. "Let's continue our journey."

She then sighed for a moment and then continued. "Hah, but I don't like coming to a 'dirty' place like this town... If it weren't for the fact that we're looking for a resource sold in the Black Market, I would never set foot in this place!"

The Hayes family was a very decent family that valued justice... And as a member of this organization, Vivian also had a strong sense of justice, which made her despise those who used slavery or dubious means.

So, she was not in Hadia to participate in the slave auction but to find out if she could buy a specific item in the Black Market.

She didn't like doing that, but when this was the only place she could trade what she needed, there wasn't much to do. Vivian would swallow her ideas and try to get her business done as soon as possible, leaving this place without delay after that.

It was hard for someone like her to ignore all this around her, but she was too weak to do anything about it. In fact, even if the entire Hayes family tried to go against slavery in the Cromwell Kingdom, they would only be ostracized.

After all, many families in this region were agricultural powers, which were very useful for captive labor.

As for why the Hayes family was different from the others, that was simply because they had developed differently from the other powers in the realm.

Rather than being an agriculturally focused power, the Hayes family was an economic power that understood slavery was not profitable for their businesses. After all, slaves didn't shop!

Perhaps, for this reason, the family of Davy and Vivian had followed a path of development different from many other families in the Cromwell Kingdom.


When they saw that the opposite carriage was moving again, on Kevin's side, the young man was sitting beside one of his carriage windows while having one of his fists clenched tightly. "Bitch, if I were a little stronger, I'd make you my slave!"

He had been angry at Vivian's earlier comment. The truth was that Kevin and Leroy were cousins, as their parents, the master of the Chambers family, and the supreme elder were biological brothers.

But they weren't just cousins. The two could be considered best friends. Because of that, when hearing about Leroy's tragic death, Kevin had been furious inside.

He felt terrible about not being able to avenge his cousin. Kevin knew about the fact that Minos had killed Leroy. Still, the Chambers family couldn't take revenge on someone who was in one of the sects of the Flaming Empire...

And that made him, as well as other family members, feel uncomfortable with this situation even more than usual. After all, the Chambers family was an arrogant, dominant power that enslaved thousands of people.

So, it was even more challenging for them to feel this sense of inferiority!

"Let's go. The biweekly auction will start in a few hours. See if there's any information about the lots that will be auctioned today..."

After that, Kevin dropped the subject and continued talking about his goal, which brought him to Hadia today.

This time Kevin was the Chambers family representative sent to participate in the biweekly auction. Or rather, he had decided to come here and fulfill this role.

As the only son of the Chambers family's patriarch, Kevin wanted to start preparing for when he would become a Spiritual King. He wanted to have great deeds and influence within the family, than just being the son of the family master.

With this, Kevin hoped to become the next patriarch of the Chambers family in a few decades!

And for that to happen, he wanted to create his own strength within the family, with subordinates nurtured by himself. After all, it wasn't because he was the son of the current patriarch that he would be the ultimate successor.

And as a good member of the Chambers family, Kevin felt that using talented slaves was the best way to strengthen himself. He had a dual cultivation technique, which used his partner's cultivation to increase his own.

With this, he hoped to find a suitable slave who had Black talent that could cultivate up to the Spiritual King stage with relative ease so that he could use her as a cauldron.

But not only that, but Kevin also wanted to have some slaves for human reproduction. After all, even if these children were going to take decades to reach the Spiritual King stage, it would be worth it.

Kevin's own bodyguard was a product of this system, having been the son of two slaves in the Chambers family. He had been raised as a servant by Kevin's father as if he were a bastard son of the master of this family...

And obviously, Clive didn't know the truth about his own origins. As far as he knew, he was the bastard of the Chambers family's patriarch!

This system worked because there weren't many people like Clive. After all, there were many difficulties in having children with Black talent. Such a thing could take centuries to happen if the couple did not have the grace to get pregnant before!

This was the main reason why Spiritual Kings did not have many children, even though most of them in this region had a few centuries of life!

And because of that, victims like Clive would have a hard time figuring out the scheme behind what had happened to them.

They knew the Chambers family had these methods, but they were indoctrinated in a way that made them believe that in their case, it was different...

It wasn't difficult to manipulate a child, after all...

Anyway, someone like Kevin could take decades to make each breakthrough in the 6th stage of cultivation. With that, having subordinates with Black talents, like the children generated by that system, was really very attractive to people like him.

Suppose he could get a newborn right now, considering Kevin's cultivation level and the resources given these subordinates of the Chambers family. In this case, he could get this individual to level 50 when he was around level 54!

And for someone of level 54, having a level 50 servant was indeed something exciting in the north of the Central Continent!

And for all that, Kevin had decided to come to the city of Hadia for this biweekly auction, taking over as his family's envoy.


After that, time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was nightfall.

It was time for the slave auction to be held!

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