The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 171: Farmland

Chapter 171: Farmland

After talking for a while with the people in that bar, Eden had already completed his mission and was just waiting for these men to prepare to travel with him.

There were not 50 people there in that establishment. Still, all those who were there either needed an opportunity like Eden brought or knew someone who needed it.

As a result, he no longer had to worry about attracting more people to the Dry City. Only those who were at the bar would be enough to spread this information to as many people as he wanted.

And that happened with the other four soldiers of the Black Plain Army who was fulfilling this mission, passed by Minos.

It was not difficult to attract the interest of humble people, who needed to run after every spiritual crystal they could get. Life for people with White talent was difficult anywhere, so it wouldn't be bad for these people to get some extra crystals.

Anyway, after the five soldiers of Minos carried out this mission, they had to wait until they could leave this town and go to the Dry City.

Each group would leave through a different exit from the City of Waters and on different days. This was a measure to lessen the chances that they would attract the attention of Cromwell Kingdom army soldiers, who watched the entrances to that place.

A force couldn't inspect the entire border of a territory. Therefore, the inspection was carried out in the border cities, where most people passed when entering a domain.

And as for the possibility of people entering the kingdom, without going through these cities, well, there was not much to be done about it. The borders were extensive, and there were not enough soldiers for every meter of the border to be inspected.

And even if there were enough people for that, there were still possibilities to ignore this type of barrier. After all, someone could enter a kingdom across the sea or fly with spiritual beasts.

It would be even more challenging to carry out this type of inspection in such cases.

For all this, if someone really wanted to enter a kingdom without being noticed immediately, it would be impossible to prevent it. Thus, there was no reason why royal families should invest more in this aspect, leaving only checkpoints in border cities of more importance.

Anyway, the five groups that were going to the Dry City just had to be taken care of when leaving the City of Waters. After that, they were able to proceed quickly to the territory of Minos without having to face many problems.


Meanwhile, in a town near the northwest coast of the Cromwell Kingdom, there was a sizeable agricultural territory that spanned thousands of hectares, with many types of crops growing there.

If someone saw this region from above, they would see several circles of different colors, as if it were a beautiful painting.

But in the middle of these circumferences, several smaller cities occupied the adjacent spaces between each of these agricultural fields, which have circumferences forms.

This place really looked terrific when looked at from above. It was as if the sovereigns of that region had subdivided the cities into these areas so that the population was as close as possible to each field of culture.

And when looked at more closely, one could see that most of these places were predominantly residential, while some scattered cities had many buildings, as if it was shopping centers.

Anyway, in one of these commercial cities, in a room in a building in the central region of that place, some people were discussing administrative matters of that region.

This was the main town of that place, Farmland, one of several agricultural barns in the Cromwell Kingdom. This place had such a large production that it was about 100 times larger than what the Black Plain currently had!

Anyway, while talking about the deals made in the last year, someone finally said. "Ehh, to finish my report on the deals made in the previous year, for the northern area of ??Farmland, I noticed that the Plain Black didn't buy a single kilo of grains from our region in this period."

"Oh?" A woman who was sitting at the end of the conference table in that place exclaimed in surprise. "Maybe they started doing business with the Kingdom of the Waves?"

Upon hearing this, an old man in the meeting room nodded and said. "It wouldn't be strange. That place is impoverished, and it is always looking for lower prices. Perhaps a merchant made a good price for them in the previous year."

"Hmm." Other people agreed. Although strange, it was not entirely uncommon for them to encounter situations like this.

Although the Cromwell Kingdom was specialized in agriculture, this did not mean that there were no other options in this region of the Central Continent. And the Kingdom of the Waves was the largest in area of this region.

Therefore, there was undoubtedly a good supply of food items in this other state in the northern region of the Central Continent.

"Hm, this has happened in the past..." Someone commented. "Anyway, business with the Black Plain is not significant for us. Let's talk about Stone Island. I heard a worrying rumor coming from that place..."

"It's true. I never thought that the day would come when someone would start selling items of high spiritual concentration at such low prices..."


Quickly eight days passed, and all five groups that the soldiers of Minos had organized had already left the City of Waters. And even the last one, it was almost reaching Dry City, being only a few kilometers away.

At this time, four carriages were approaching the southern entrance to the Dry City wall, with the group that came with Sergeant Eden.

He had stayed last, but finally, he was arriving at his destination, after three days of traveling, stopping just for the group to rest.

And it didn't take long, and they were all allowed to enter the internal territory, protected by this great wall. These 50 people found it a little strange that such a construction was here, but they did not take it too seriously.

None of them knew the Dry City, so there was no way for them to know if there was always something like this here. Nor was the idea of ??walls in the Spiritual World strange, so none of them paid more attention than they should in that place.

Another essential thing, none of them could feel the spiritual strength of those soldiers who were protecting that place, so there was no way they could be surprised at how strong the guards in that place were...

Anyway, after a few minutes, the group finally arrived at the Dry City, with each one showing great surprise. The appearance of this place was completely different from what they imagined and even looked better than the town from they came!

"Incredible! It seems that everything I know about this place was wrong!" Someone said, from inside one of the carriages.

And while these 50 people were actively talking about what they saw in the city, they finally arrived at their destination.

When they realized this, they all got out of their carriages while watching the surroundings from where they were.

This was an avenue in the center of the Dry City, where the headquarters of the Black Plain Army was.

There were many public buildings in this area, from where they could see many people coming and going, with smiles on their faces.

Seeing this, some of them had the following thought. 'I've never seen people so happy leaving a library!'

But as they watched the surroundings, Eden suddenly said. "Well, follow me. I will take you to the place where you found out about the details of this service..."

After saying that, it was not long before Eden headed for a part of the headquarters of the local army, where the entrance exams for new soldiers were usually carried out.

This was the place where these people would understand what this 'service' was, that they had to do... After all, they couldn't talk about it in the middle of the street. This would disturb the citizens, who were doing their affairs, and would also take the attention of these people from the City of Waters.

Anyway, after 3 minutes of walking, the whole group arrived at an open area, where there was a small bleacher and a fighting stage in the middle of that place.

"Please, have a seat somewhere. We will already talk about the service..."

Upon hearing this, they all sat in different places in that place while talking to each other.

"Will the service be done elsewhere?"

"Hmm, maybe he wants to do some planning before we start..."

"But this is strange, didn't you see this place we entered? There were a lot of people wearing the same type of clothes."

"Yes, this looks like a battalion, just like the Stokes family in the City of Waters..."

And while the conversations continued, suddenly a woman came on the stage that was there, in front of all these 50 people.

She then said. "Welcome to the Dry City. To begin, we will pay the 50 crystals promised, and then we will start talking about the most important issue here..."

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