The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 170 Hunting For The Forest Spirit Seed Part 9

Chapter 170: Hunting for the Forest Spirit Seed Part 9

"Are we all going to dive inside?" Gilbert turns to look at Kayn.

Normally, Kayn would have immediately agreed to this after seeing that they are close to finding the Forest Spirit Seed. But this time, he choose to remain quiet.

The reason for that is that he remembered the time when they were passing through the underwater cave in the Springwater Canyon. He saw countless monsters roaming around the area and understood just how dangerous it was for the current him. If it wasn't for the presence of the Guardian Turtle, they wouldn't even be able to stay long in that kind of place without the risk of dying.

"I don't think that would be a good idea," Jude responded instead. He also recollected the memories in the Springwater Canyon just like Kayn, thus he was able to understand what the latter is currently thinking.

However, if they don't do it, everything they've been through would all just be for nothing.

"Even if we don't want to, we still have no other choice," Kayn finally spoke. That is their only choice if they want to find the Forest Spirit Seed.

"We should send someone to contact the others first before we think of going in there," Jude suggested.

"Let's put a hold on this for now. In the meantime, let's cover this place and make it seem like nothing happened here," Kayn decided what is best for everyone on his team. As much as he hates postponing this, it's more dangerous for them to enter such a place without enough preparation.

"Are you sure the Forest Spirit Seed would still be here tomorrow?" Gilbert expressed his concern. As an assassin, he had experienced multiple instances where leaving a treasure for a day equals not getting the treasure anymore.

"That's why I told you to cover this place and make it seem like nothing happened here. If we don't do that, there won't be any Forest Spirit Seed waiting for us here tomorrow, but instead piles after piles of dead bodies," Kayn was certain that if anyone find this clue, a war would instantly break out between different organizations. That is how valuable a Forest Spirit Seed is.

However, even in that case, there is still a chance for them to get the Forest Spirit Seed. After all, an underwater cave isn't as simple as any cave. Just that one factor alone where the place is almost entirely covered with water is already a huge disadvantage for land-dwelling creatures like Humans. Not to mention, the monsters waiting for them inside would definitely possess the advantage in such an environment.

"Alright!" Gilbert acknowledged.

With that being said, Kayn's team quickly started covering the hole they made.

Jude was responsible for most of the work since he is a mage, whereas Kayn and the others did the detailed layout to make it seem like the area blend in completely with the surrounding.

Needless to say, they left a sign that only they would recognize so that they won't have to look hard for this certain area again tomorrow.

As soon as they were done, they made one patrol in the surrounding area just to make sure that there was no one nearby. And only after they were done with that did they finally leave to return to their camp.

Because they were already very familiar with the path they took to reach the northern part of the Slumbering Forest, it didn't take them long to return to camp.

Their camp is located at the southeast of the Slumbering Forest which can almost be labeled as the middle of nowhere. It was because of that that despite multiple huts being constructed around the place, no one was still able to find them.

"You've made a lot of progress Gnarlak," Kayn greeted the upcoming Goblin Chief. "Weren't you supposed to construct your Village underground?"

"We are," Gnarlak pointed at a cave that wasn't there previously.

Clearly, it was a cave that they built.

"These huts are actually for you and the others. After all, it wouldn't be good if you sleep underground as well," Gnarlak explained. "They are complete with all basic commodities that you will need for your days of stay in the Slumbering Forest,"

"Thank you for your great work," Kayn can't help complimenting Gnarlak for his effort. Looking at the hunt, it even seems like the inside was fully furnished and that it wouldn't be just like any ordinary hut at all.

"Since the others are still not here, I'll go take a rest first," Gilbert quickly proceeded to choose the hut that he likes. "Call me when they return,"

Seeing Gilbert hurrying to look for a hut, Jude and Charles also did the same.

"Can I?" Kayn also doesn't want to be left behind.

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Gnarlak turned around and pointed at a specific hut. "We specifically made that hut just for you. It has everything that I believe you will definitely like, at least that's what we think after the days we've been observing you,"

"And those two?" Kayn pointed at the other two huts close to his hut. "Its for Friedrich and Chastine,"

"So they are the huts for the leaders?" Kayn finally understood.

"Not really. We made those huts specifically for the three who contributed the most in saving our tribe From the Mountain Monkey's Lair," Gnarlak clarified so that Kayn won't misunderstand.

"Thank you," Kayn expresses his gratitude.

"Your party will always be treated as special guests for our tribe," Gnarlak bowed respectfully.

Kayn walks to his hut to check what Gnarlak prepared for him.

The moment he opened the door, he was immediately greeted by a scene that he didn't expect a hut would have.

A huge bed, a kitchen paired with a counter, a personal bathroom, and a living room. Moreover, there was also a small door at the corner which he immediately felt curious about.

Approaching the door, he opened it carefully to see what is inside.

As he pulled the door, he instantly sees a stair leading to somewhere underground.

Gnarlak, who was standing outside the hut, quickly explained. "That stair leads to our village underground. You could say that we made a special path specifically for the three of you,"

"I didn't expect that," Kayn indeed didn't expect that Gnarlak would provide such convenience to him. In this way, he won't have to waste time walking to the cave located a considerable distance from the location of the huts.

"By the way, there is a level there which if you pull it would immediately cover the stairs with a layer of dirt,"

In other words, Kayn can use it to escape in case someone attacks this place.

"It seems like you know me quite well," Kayn was greatly impressed by it.

"As long as you're happy," Gnarlak was glad that Kayn appreciated all of his and his men's effort.

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