The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 107 Forming A Party With The First Squad

Chapter 107: Forming a party with the first squad

The moment Kayn enters the Hanging Vines Cave, he instantly understood the meaning behind its unique name.

It isn't actually because of the hanging vines at the entrance of the cave that's why it's called the Hanging Vines Cave. Instead, it's because the inside of the cave is covered by numerous vines hanging from the ceiling of the cave.

Moreover, what's very shocking is, inside the cave is literally a world of its own. It's like entering a new world underground.

The cave was enormous in size. He couldn't even begin to see the other side, let alone the edge when he turns to look at both his left and right.

Looking down below, their platform is probably hundreds of feet above the ground level of the Hanging Vines Cave. So, in order to get down and back up, they'd have to make use of the vines nearby the platform. Or, if one doesn't mind spending longer, they can use the tunnels that lead to the caves nearby the Hanging VInes Cave.

"Why didn't you inform me before that the inside of the Hanging Vines Cave was actually this enormous?" Kayn asked Gilbert. But upon observing closely at the latter's reaction, he could instantly see that he was surprised as well.

"It wasn't this enormous when I visited this place in the past," Gilbert silently mutters.

"When did you last visit?"

"A year ago,"

"This means that in just a few months, the Hanging Vines Cave increased in size," Kayn can't help feeling curious at the reason why.

"No need to worry," Friedrich suddenly arrived after disappearing for quite some time. "I went to scout the edge of this cave, and I found out that the Ordinary Spiders are using their feet to destroy the wall of the cave,"

"Probably, they made used of their huge number in order to be able to enlarge the cave to its current size,"

"How huge is the cave exactly right now?" Kayn wanted to know.

"From here to the entrance of the second floor, it's still the same, twelve thousand meters away. But from our left going to the right, it has increased by ten times. If my calculation is correct, it should be around one hundred kilometers or so,"

"That's freaking insane!" Cedrick was shocked beyond belief.

"Even if all Heroes present in 'The Bridge' right now cooperate with each other to compete against this Monster Lair, we would still not be able to compare to them," Roshan expressed his thoughts.

"Not necessarily," Friedrich shook his head. After all, unlike those Ordinary Spiders, the Heroes have their Gifts, and also the Passive Skills and Active Skills of their respective weapons.

"I am just saying,"

"Anyways, because of the unexpected changes in the Hanging Vines Cave, I plan to inform Old Chief George to temporarily put a halt to this mission and find another new one if possible. What do you think, Kayn?" Friedrich turns to look at Kayn.

"Forget about that. No changes will be happening in the mission," Kayn instantly rejected. "Instead, because the difficulty of this mission has increased to a significant degree, I propose that we make this into an official party raid?"

A party raid. Just like what its name suggests, it implies a group of Heroes creating a group to achieve a common goal. But unlike guilds, this group is only going to be temporary and once they achieve their goal, it would immediately disband.

Hearing Kayn's proposition, Friedrich, Cedrick, Rosha, Kimberly, and Gilbert looks at each other.

Friedrich coughed and right after asked, "Can we all discuss your proposition for a bit?"

"Go ahead," Kayn chuckles.

Friedrich and the others immediately distanced themselves from Kayn and soon started discussing about the latter's proposition.

After ten minutes or so, Friedrich and the others return and look at Kayn.

"Regarding your proposition, we agree,"

"I already expected that," To tell the truth, it was Natas who was relaying their conversation to him in real-time.


Kayn quickly interrupted, "Let me guess, you want to get a share of the loot?"

"How'd you know?" Friedrich felt slightly surprised.

"I've learned from doing a dungeon raid,"

"So, is it alright for you?"

"As long as you agree that I'll get twenty percent of all the loot while the eighty percent will be divided between the five of you, then it's fine for me,"

"Are you serious?!" Cedrick was in disbelief. He was honestly assuming that it would be a fifty-fifty split.

"Wouldn't that be disadvantageous for you? After all, we practically wouldn't have come here if it wasn't for you," Roshan informs Kayn with kind intention.

"Tell me, assuming that I have fifty percent share from the loot, where could I possibly use that many resources?"

"I don't know. Maybe to use it to increase your stats and mastery once you enter the 'Tower'?"

"Believe me, the majority of the resources here aren't comparable to what we can find inside the 'Tower'," He had already finished reading some books describing the resources that can be found in 'The Bridge' that's why he knows about it.

"Did your school teach you about that?"

Kayn simply nodded his head.

"If that's what you truly want, then we don't have anything against it. However, we will owe you a favor for this instead,"

"Do whatever you want," Kayn already knew that they would do that. Previously, he became aware of what type of character Friedrich is. That guy basically prepares for almost everything ahead of time, and because of that, he was informed by Natas what they would do in case this happens as the latter had predicted it as well.

"Since this is your mission, how about I give you the leadership for the first squad temporarily?" Friedrich suggested.

"That's more like it," Kayn instantly agrees. He was about to propose that, but Friedrich beat him to it first.

"So, what's the plan?"

"I honestly only have two plans in mind,"

"One is, to get to the third floor,"

"And the other?"

"And the second one is, there's no second plan other than the first plan at all,"


"Are you serious?!"

"How about you lead us instead, Friedrich?"

Contrary to Cedrick, Roshan, and Gilbert, Friedrich smiled upon hearing Kayn's plan.

"I like your idea,"

"Which part of it exactly?"


"Are you insane?!"

"What Kayn simply meant is; we adapt to the situation and respond accordingly as we make our way to the third floor,"

"If I remembered correctly, he seems to not have said it like that," Gilbert felt stupid.

"That's the reason why I am the leader of the first squad," Friedrich softly smacked Gilbert's head.

"Let's go!"

With that being said, Kayn and the others used the vines to go down to the ground.

As if Friedrich and the others were feeling very confident in their skill level and their capability, they choose different creative ways to go down.

Friedrich stabbed his sword into a vine, and grabbed its hilt, before using his heavy weight to propel himself downward.

Roshan didn't bother using a vine as he just jumped straight down. With his endurance, plus being a guardian, such a height isn't considered a problem for him.

Cedrick and Kimberly, respectively being a Priest and a Mage, uses their knowledge in magic to slowly hover down to the ground.

Lastly, Gilbert, being a nimble assassin, decided to swing from one vine to another as he made his way down.

"What are you waiting for, Kayn?"

"Rest assured, the vines are very tough,"

"Don't worry, we will wait for you down below,"

Shaking his head nonchalantly, Kayn took out his Molten Ice Sword from his Storage Ring before jumping straight to the ground just like how Roshan did it.

"What the fuck!" For the first time ever, Gilbert swore.

"Cedrick, Kimberly, quickly use a magic spell to catch Kayn before he reaches the ground!" Friedrich panicked.

"Okay!" Cedrick and Kimberly nodded their heads as they used their minds to control their hovering to chase after Kayn.

"I'll try to catch him myself!" Roshan also volunteered to chase after the falling Kayn.

Meanwhile, both Friedrich and Gilbert tried their best to catch up as well.

However, because of how fast Kayn was falling, Cedrick and Kimberly were unable to do anything to catch up to his speed.

On the other hand, because of how heavy Roshan's body was, and in addition to that, he has nothing to use as a foothold to quickly move to the location where Kayn is falling, he was also unable to help.

Eventually, the ground was finally closed to them.

"Kayn!" Friedrich and the others extended their hands to try and grab a hold of Kayn.

To their surprise though, Kayn simply glimpses at them before letting out a provoking smile on his face.

In the next moment, Kayn brandished his sword at the ground.


A searing and freezing crescent-shaped sword wave was released from his sword which swiftly hit the ground.


At the same time upon releasing the attack, Kayn was sent flying above, thus creating a considerable distance from the ground. Subsequently, using the Molten Ice Slash instantly reset the speed of his fall. Meaning, even if he hits the ground now, it won't be considered as him falling from a hundred or so meters. Instead, he simply fell from the remaining distance between him and the ground.

Regardless, there's still ten meters or so of distance in between.

Following soon after, Kayn activated Sword Dance.


Right after, he uses Temperature Reset, which immediately reset the cooldown of all the Active Skills he had just used, including the Molten Ice Slash.

This time, instead of brandishing his sword to the ground, he made a slashing motion with his back against a nearby vine.



Because of that, after being sent flying once again, Kayn soon caught onto the nearby vine. He swiftly stabbed his sword deep into the vine and uses his weight to propel himself to the remaining distance to reach the ground.

At the present moment, Friedrich and the others had already stopped moving and are now dangling onto a vine each. Deep inside of them, they all can't believe what they have just witnessed from Kayn.

"Holy shiiiiit!"

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