The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 7.2, Party Night

Chapter 7.2, Party Night

| The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley” | Next Chapter>>

“Hmm, now this is starting to look like an actual party,” Blazer observed, his eyes scanning the tavern.

“Wow…” Lina murmured, her face lighting up with excitement at the unexpectedly lively party that had begun.

“There she is — the star of the day has arrived!” Bruce cheered.

“Come over here!” Betty waved, her voice welcoming as she beckoned Lina to join them.

“Welp, looks like we’re not the main attraction here, either,” Idéa grumbled.

Midors attempted to placate her, but Idéa’s frown remained unchanged.

Hornel chuckled at Idéa’s lament. He added, “She wrapped up the graduation beautifully, leaving everyone — attendees, students, faculty, and alumni — with a refreshing sense of closure. Even Professor Irene was surprised.”

“…Yeah, can’t deny that.”

“By the way, what’s with the doodles on Sir Blazer’s face?” Hornel asked.

“It was a penalty game. The sunglasses doodle that forms when his eyes are closed was drawn by Sir Bruce, and the bone-with-meat mark on his forehead was drawn by Miss Betty,” Idéa explained.

“And the star on his right cheek and the teardrop on his left?”

Hornel glanced at Idéa and Midors, suspecting one of them.

Idéa shook her head, while Midors wore a troubled expression.

“It was Duncan.”

Hornel sighed in exasperation. “…Makes sense,” he muttered.

Meanwhile, Tarawo glanced up at Blazer with a mischievous look. Noticing the Chihuahua’s gaze, Blazer tilted his head.

“Your forehead looks tasty.”

“It’s a shame I can’t let you eat it,” Blazer replied.

Tifa interjected dryly, “Water is all he needs.”


Tarawo’s tail drooped as he feigned excitement. Blazer crouched down and whispered,

“You know, Tarawo, your Master might be kinder than you think.”

“…Are you sure?”

Blazer’s soft chuckle filled the brief silence.

“She said it’s ‘all you need,’ but she didn’t say ‘no,’ did she?”

Blazer’s raised voice caught Tifa’s attention.

She took a leisurely sip of her grape juice, giving a slight snort.

“Does this mean I can eat?” Tarawo asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.

“A dish or two won’t make even a dent in the team’s savings. Go ahead, order whatever you like.” 

Blazer chuckled, patting Tarawo’s head. Tarawo’s tail wagged vigorously.

“Fwahahaha! Blazer! Your wallet is doomed! Excuse me, Duncan!” he called out gleefully as he dashed off toward the counter where Duncan stood.

Blazer watched him go, then settled himself next to Tifa. “You could be a bit more lenient, you know,” he suggested.

“I can’t afford to spoil him,” Tifa replied curtly, her tone signaling the want to end the conversation.

Blazer scratched his head, a mirror image of Tifa’s earlier exasperation.

“A difficult Master-Retainer relationship indeed…”

“Food’s ready!” Natsu’s voice rang out, bright and cheerful, as she approached with a tray.

Fuyu was close behind her. “Sorry for the wait.”

“Woo-hoo! Finally! We’ve been waiting!” Bruce exclaimed.

Natsu and Fuyu set down vibrant salads made with crisp, fresh vegetables, pasta subtly infused with garlic, and platters of succulent, fatty meats.

“Let’s dig in!” Bruce announced, grabbing a plate and piling it high with food. He began eating with a voracious appetite.

“Hey, don’t hog it all to yourself! What about the others!?” Betty scolded.

“The table is a battlefield! And you’ve got meat in both hands too! Where’s your feminine grace, huh?” Bruce retorted.

“Hmph! It’s the age of strong women!” Betty shot back.

“Oh yeah?”


Their spirited banter filled the tavern with laughter. Lina, watching the exchange, chuckled and turned to Fuyu, who had finished serving and now sat beside her.

“It’s surprising Sir Gaston gave you a break,” she said.

“It’s only a half-day off. I wish I could’ve seen your graduation, Lina,” Fuyu sighed wistfully.

“Lina was super awesome, you know! Like a saint bathed in sunlight!” Natsu gushed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she recalled the scene.

“Aww, I wish I had thought to ask Sir Gaston for a full day off…” Fuyu lamented, her shoulders slumping.

Lina gently placed her hand on Fuyu’s head.

“Considering how hectic things are right now, just managing to get a half-day off is quite an achievement. I even heard from Professor Irene that Sir Gaston said, ‘It’s hard to find someone who can handle Fuyu’s workload.’ Isn’t that something?”

“Yeah, yeah! I was there too!” Natsu chimed in. “She said he said he had to divide work into twenty parts just to keep track of it all!”

“That IS incredible,” Bruce interjected, having overheard their conversation. “Well, it sounds like our Itsuki is probably facing a similar challenge…”

From across the room, Itsuki, who was engaged in taking another customer’s order, called out to Duncan.

“Duncan, an ale for Bruce! Put it on my tab!”

“Aye, aye♪”

Immediately after Duncan’s reply, Bruce hunched his shoulders slightly, a look of unease crossing his face.

“…Well, I do appreciate the free drinks, but I guess I should be a bit more mindful of what I say…”

Natsu’s laughter rang out, a hearty sound that drew smiles from Lina and Fuyu, who exchanged amused glances.

Lina patted Fuyu’s head once more.

“You’re irreplaceable, you know. Sir Gaston values you immensely, even if he does complain sometimes.”

“……I know.”

Fuyu’s smile brightened.

Just then, a burst of energy entered the room as Lala came rushing in from the kitchen, a large plate held triumphantly above her head.

“Kept you waiting, huh!?”

Bruce, puzzled, looked up. “Huh, Lala? I knew you were in the kitchen, but what were you up to…?”

“I was making this!” Lala declared, placing the grand platter in the center of the table.

Tzar, appearing beside her, elaborated with a hint of pride,

“”It’s roasted garlic from our very own fields, seasoned with crushed rock salt. We’ve picked it at the peak of its season. It’s perfect with drinks, and a touch of pepper might suit your taste.””

The savory aroma of the roasted garlic mingled with Tzar’s description, making everyone’s mouths water in anticipation.


“Yup, yup! Dig in!” Lala encouraged.


Without hesitation, everyone reached eagerly for the roasted garlic. Bruce took his first bite, and his fork dropped in astonishment.

“……Yeah, this is GOOD!”

Betty, Hornel, and Midors quickly followed suit.

“So good…!” Betty exclaimed, her fork also slipping from her grasp.

“This is amazing!” Midors said, tears briefly streaming down his face.

Hornel savored the flavors. “The texture is fluffy, the aroma tickles the back of my throat, and the subtle saltiness… it’s delicious!”

Lala, standing by, puffed up with pride as she observed everyone eagerly devouring the roasted garlic.

The scene was so compelling that even other adventurers were drawn. Some were left speechless, much like Bruce and Betty, while others, like Midors, were moved to tears.

“”Yes, yes, isn’t it wonderful?””

“Wonderful, wonderful!”

Tzar and Lala nodded, looking satisfied.

Then, everyone’s attention was drawn to two more forks reaching eagerly for the garlic.

“……This IS delicious.”

“Oh-ho… not bad at all.”

Everyone turned in surprise.

“S-Sir Gaston! And Professor Irene!” Betty stammered, still holding her fork with a piece of garlic speared on it.

The sudden appearance of these esteemed figures cast a hush over the Adventurers’ Guild.

“The cleanup is finally done,” Irene said, her voice carrying a note of relief. “We figured you’d all be eating and drinking here, so we thought we’d join you.”

“I can’t get enough of this…” Sir Gaston murmured, his attention fixed on the garlic.

“Stop poking at the garlic, old man!” Irene snapped with a touch of exasperation.

“Shut up, you old bat. Good food should be enjoyed while it’s still good,” Gaston retorted coolly, dismissing her words.

Natsu and Fuyu, quick to respond, hurried to fetch chairs for the two.

“Thank you, Fuyu.”

“Thanks, Natsu.”

“”You’re welcome!””

“So… the Magic University will be quiet until the next semester’s entrance ceremony,” Irene remarked, settling into her chair with a sigh of contentment.

“We, on the other hand, will be busy soon enough,” Hornel said, glancing at Lina.

“That’s right. You’re no longer classmates but comrades and rivals. Do your best,” Irene encouraged.

“”Yes, ma’am!””

“Do you have any advice for them, old man?” Irene inquired, turning her gaze to Gaston, who was still savoring the roasted garlic.

“Hm? Ah… Yes. Don’t let the days chase you. Chase the days and strive to be your best.”

“Wow, sometimes you do say good things.”

“…Anyway, does anyone have the recipe for this?”

“Will you stop eating already!?” Irene’s frustration bubbled up, her patience wearing thin.

Just as her irritation threatened to boil over, the doorbell of the Adventurers’ Guild rang loudly.

“Oh, what’s this…?”

Ryan stepped into the lively scene, followed closely by Reid, Mana, Reyna, Adolf, and Haruhana.

“Aww, yeah! Ryan’s here too! Reid, man, come drink!” Bruce shouted, waving at Reid.

“Bring it on!” Reid replied enthusiastically.

“Don’t go overboard, bro, or you’ll regret it tomorrow,” Mana warned as she followed Reid to the table.

“Looks like they’re all having a great time…” Ryan commented.

“Sure looks like it, sir, ” Adolf agreed. “So… what should we order for drinks?”

“Honey mead… No, ale might be better,” Reyna suggested.

Adolf nodded, ready to place the order, but Itsuki beat him to it.

“Six ales coming right up!”

A ripple of amusement swept through the crowd as Adolf and Reyna exchanged glances, and laughter erupted from the group.

Lina laughed so heartily that she was nearly in tears, while Duncan skillfully poured and distributed the ales from the keg.

“All right, everyone got their drinks?” Bruce’s voice cut through as he took charge of the moment.

Everyone raised their mugs and glasses.

“To Lina, Hornel, Idéa, and Midors! From this day forward, you stand on your own. Before you lie both greatness and challenges. Embrace and overcome them all and strive to become fully-fledged adults!”

The four graduates’ faces tightened with determination.

“But remember, we’re here for you! When you stumble and can’t find a way out, rely on us!”

Their expressions softened.

“And when you do, we’ll push you hard and tell you to stop whining like little kids!”

Then they chuckled.

“Tonight, food and drinks are on Blazer — no, I mean, Team Silver! So drink and eat to your heart’s content!”


The Adventurers’ Guild vibrated with the collective energy of the celebration before settling into an expectant hush, as everyone waited for Bruce’s cue to toast.

“To the four of you! Congratulations on your graduation!”


The Guild erupted in a roar of approval, their voices blending into a jubilant symphony. Yet, amid the thunderous applause, the hearts of the four graduates — Lina, Hornel, Idéa, and Midors — trembled. Unbeknownst to them, tears began to flow.

Confusion spread among them as emotions overflowed.



As the tears continued to fall, Idéa and Midors struggled to wipe them away.


Hornel hid hiding his face — and his embarrassment — in a towel.

Lina, however…

“Thank you… Thank you so much…”


She was the first to embrace her tears with a smile, overcoming her emotions with grace.

Even Bruce, who had spearheaded the toast, stood momentarily speechless, his mouth agape. Gaston and Irene, observing from the sidelines, exchanged quiet smiles.

[Sir Asley… I’ll keep doing my best. Whatever happens… I’ll never stop!]

The vow was silent, echoing only in her heart.

It was a testament to her growth, a reflection of her inner strength, and one of the many forces propelling her forward into the future.


Volume 7 Bonus Story 2 – Whispers in the Wind

~~Brunnera Adventurers’ Guild, Early Morning, Eighth Month, Hundred and Twentieth Year of the Sacred Calendar~~

As the first faint blush of dawn began to erase the shadows from the sky outside the window, a man sat in solitary contemplation. Before him rested a mug filled to the brim with ale.

His name was Giorno.

He was one of the celebrated Holy Warriors, whose title was spoken with reverence among those who knew of his valor in the brutal conflicts that had scarred Sodom.

Ever since parting ways with his Asley — known to him as Poer — he had remained in Brunnera for several months. There was no sign of Lylia, another one of the chosen Holy Warriors, nearby. Giorno sat alone in the hushed expanse of the tavern, eyes closed.

Despite the season being summer, the pre-dawn air carried a bite of chill.

Giorno’s eyelids fluttered as if disturbed by an impending change.

And sure enough, the monotonous idling was over when the guild doors burst open with a clattering force.

Heads turned in the direction of the sound, their curiosity piqued by the sudden intrusion, yet Giorno remained unmoved. It was as though he had anticipated this very interruption.

As the doors swung back to their frame, the newcomer’s eyes swiftly locked onto Giorno’s profile.

“Ah, there you are,” he said.

One of the guild staff, recognizing the intruder, greeted him with a casual tone, “Ah, if it isn’t Huck the informant. Up and about this early?”

“Yeah, something like that,” Huck replied with a grin.

Clad in light armor and bearing the signs of middle age, Huck made his way to Giorno’s table and took a seat across from him.

“You kept me waiting, Huck.”

“Sorry about that,” Huck said, scratching the back of his head in a gesture of apology. “It took a while to verify the details. Had to make sure everything was right.” His eyes darted around, ensuring the privacy of their conversation.

Leaning in, Huck’s tone dropped to a conspiratorial whisper,

“You were right. Powerful monsters are making their way north. Every guard unit coming from the northern territories is reporting encounters with unusually formidable foes.”

“See, I knew it. Have you been able to determine where they’re converging?”

Huck nodded, his expression growing more serious.

“Reports are sparse, but it seems they’re gathering around Radeata and its surrounding towns and villages. There’s also talk of large, organized groups of monsters even further north of Radeata.”

Giorno listened with an unflinching calm as Huck’s voice wavered.

“…Honestly,” Huck continued, his voice trailing off as he fell into an uneasy silence, “I don’t want to imagine what’s coming next.”

“The monsters will head straight for the Holy Capital of Regalia, that’s what,” Giorno said with an air of casual amusement, punctuating his statement with a playful wink.

Huck’s eyes widened momentarily.

“Y-yeah…” he stammered, his voice betraying a note of confusion.

With a deliberate calm, Giorno reached into his pocket and withdrew a small leather pouch, which he placed on the table in front of Huck.

“Thanks as always. Is this sufficient?”

“Yeah, plenty,” Huck replied, accepting the payment with a nod. He stood up, but hesitated, his posture betraying an inner reluctance to leave. With a trace of fear mingled with curiosity, he asked, “What do you think is going to happen then?”

Giorno’s smile was almost mischievous.

“Eh, just another day on the job… but one where I can’t call in sick, I suppose♪”

“Heh… I guess I’ll never quite grasp what goes on in the mind of the Hero of Sodom.”

Huck chuckled softly, shaking his head with a faint smile. He turned to leave but paused, as if a stray thought had intruded upon his mind. He looked up at the ceiling.

“Oh, by the way…” he started, piquing Giorno’s curiosity. “It’s just a rumor, so take it with a grain of salt…”

“Go on.”

“At the end of last month, there was a big commotion in Kugg Village.”

“Kugg Village…?” Giorno put a hand to his chin, contemplating.

“Apparently, the mischievous tomboy princess of the Adams household and the Fulbright pretty boy ventured into the lair of the Blazing Dragons and… well, ended up provoking them.”

“Isn’t that the very lair that even the Adams patriarch struggles with? That can’t be good…”

Huck’s lips curled into a dry chuckle.

“Well, the specifics might be a touch embellished, but they say a servant from the Adams household managed to handle the whole affair. Single-handedly wiped out those Dragons. Apparently, he’s some sort of mage. They don’t know his name, but they talk about his Familiar — a dog with a T’oued color as its name. Something like Kuro, Aka, Kiiro… I dunno. It’s rare to see a beast Familiar these days, so maybe you’ll know him when you see him! Hahaha…”

Huck’s laughter was thin, almost brittle, but then he caught sight of Giorno’s unusually serious expression. The shift was so abrupt that it made him stammer.

“W-what’s up…?”

Without offering a word, Giorno flicked a gold coin towards Huck with a practiced motion of his thumb.

“Whoa… Are you sure?”

“It was a very interesting story♪” Giorno replied, his tone light and carefree.

Huck, still puzzled, took his leave from the Guild. Giorno, meanwhile, downed his now-lukewarm ale in a single, decisive gulp.

“Interesting… Very interesting, Poer,” he murmured to himself, his gaze distant yet filled with a childlike wonder.

| The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley” | Next Chapter>>

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