The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 721

Chapter 721: Raiding Two Villages

Finally, all target locations has been taken care of. Most of the troops will stay there and some will be returned here with me.

After hearing Sonia’s report, I told her to relay a message saying that Angela and the others needed to be returned here. And for those who somehow managed to capture the summoners and master level mages, they needed to be brought here as well.

Only about half of the soldiers and agents from each location were brought here. They’re all tired from just raiding those places while Angela and the others who have been moved from one place to another, they didn’t seem tired at all.

Except for Randy. It seems like he’s still not as strong as the others yet.

Well, that’s natural. He only learned about magic control for a few months while the others have learned it for years. But I heard that he made a lot of progress.

“Well, is this everyone? Albert, should I return you back now?” I asked Albert.

“Later. Can you open a portal to Ian’s location? He should be in the palace since I asked him to do miscellaneous stuffs. I’m going to ask him to get the servants cooked something to reward these people,” he said.


“Then I want you to prepare something for the werewolves, angels, and the vampires to receive as well. Hearing about rewards, they will get even more motivated to do the mission,” I said.

“Sure. But the vampires part should be your job since you’re a doctor. Go ask the hospital to prepare a lot of blood bags.”

Thanks to the blood bag, many people who got injured badly could recover. And hunters feel at ease knowing that the chance of survival from bad injuries increased. Though it’s not just them.

Even commoners feel good knowing that there’s a method to increase the chance of survival. Especially for those whose job is prone to get into an accident. Like carpenter or miner.

As long as they can be taken into a hospital, they have a chance to survive. And they don’t need to ask for a healer to heal them for a high price. The commoners don’t have that much money. Though getting blood transfussion is not cheap, it’s still cheaper than asking healer to heal.

And thanks to the blood donation system as well, more people are willing to donate their blood. They didn’t earn a lot of money doing it. But it’s still enough for them to last a few days when they don’t have a job.

And the more blood donated, the more rewards we can give to the vampires. Though their most sought after blood is mine. After my blood, it’s master level mage’s blood. And then expert level and so on.

But thanks to being an Aura master, my body can produce blood faster than mages. So now I can donate blood once every few days if possible. Though since I received this mission and stayed in this world for a while, I couldn’t donate my blood in a while.

But it’s still not a problem for me to give one or two blood bags as a reward for the vampires who took this mission. Even if it’s just one sip, they would enjoy it.

Though now that I have brought the blood bags here, only the Vampire Queen, Arin, has no interest in it. She prefers to suck my blood directly. But that does make it easier for me to reward her later since I don’t need to prepare anything.

The other vampires should be interested in drinking my blood directly as well. But they know that they’re no match against Arin.

We had a meal in front of the confused summoner and Derek. They think that it’s weird that we’re having a meal right before we started a fight.

During all this, I also drunk some Mana Potions. I have used portals many times tonight and will probably use it a few more times. Everyone also drunk some potions. After all they were fighting ferociously before.

After Albert gave some speech of encouragement to the soldiers, I returned him back to the palace. And then we rested for one hour before we make our move to the two villages where the church of the cult were built.

I also brought here the other two summoners. With only one of them, the disfigured woman, has a familiar left.

Randy and Kayla approached the two summoners who no longer have any contracted monster left and asked them about what they knew about the two villages. As for the lawless kingdom, that’s for later. After we finished with the two other places.

“So, how should we split the forces?”

After questioning the summoners and didn’t get much since they have been staying in this world for too long, Kayla asked me how I will split the forces.

“One of the village is related to slave trading. Derek over here, the master level mage from the cult that I managed to recruit, is going there to kill everyone there. And I will also go there to watch over him.

“As for the monsters, the vampires will come with me while the werewolves will go to the other village. The angels will split in two and go to both places. One group will be under me and the other will be under Graham in the other village. As for the rest, you can discuss it with Kayla since you two seem to be the smartest ones here.”

The places we’re going to, even though there’s just churches there, doesn’t mean that there won’t be any bishops or archbishops. Maybe the two places are even more dangerous than the place where I caught the Archbishop from before.

From the information that we got from these summoners, that might be the case.

Even though it’s just churches and not cathedral, the two places seem to have more master level mages.

One hour passed and everyone has been split into two groups.

One is with me, Derek, Kayla, Angela, and Veronica. Victoria, Ray, and Arin are with me here. The vampires and half of the angels will come with me as well.

The other is with Kron, Graham, Jewel, Randy, Wendy, and Candy. That’s a lot of -ndy. The werewolves will help them alongside the other half of the angels.

I left some werewolves here to watch over the three summoners. The two-headed snake is still protecting the disfigured woman. But we’re all ignoring it as if it’s not something special.

It’s just a snake. Spot is an even bigger and stronger snake than that two-headed snake.

By the way, Spot is staying on Earth in case someone needed transportation to move somewhere fast. He won’t be helping us here.

“Alright. There will be huge battle, so win and survive. There are still more battles to fight later. Once you’re done there, just wait in case we haven’t finished yet on our side.”

I opened a portal to the transfer point of the man with a missing arm. The portal is a huge one that can fit five people. And it’s inside a building. So Jewel stood at the front in her triceratops form as a vanguard and to protect the others.

I also looked at the situation inside while the other soldiers started entering it. I helped with shooting some people who are trying to attack the soldiers before they enter the portal.

I see Kron and Wendy already facing two master level mages. And I could see more people who might be master level mages approaching. I hope everyone will be okay.

After everyone entered, I close the portal. And now it’s time for us to move.

“Well, as you can see, there will be a battle right away as soon as I open the portal. Everyone, get ready.”

For this side, I will obviously be the one leading the others.

...Is what I thought.

As soon as I opened the portal, Angela flies in and started fighting by herself.

“Victoria, go after her!”

Riding on Ray, Victoria is the fastest one among us. She reached Angela in an instant and protected her from the incoming attack.

I entered the portal, and then I was greeted by a thick and strong Earth Wall. The caster is a master level mage, but he’s not in this room where I opened the portal at. He’s above us.

He might be a master level mage in both wind element and earth element. He might be the most difficult enemy to fight here.

But I also paid attention at another place. There’s a separate building from this church we entered. And in there, I can see some people are being chained and tortured.

That must be the place where the slave trader keep the potential slaves to be sold. All of them are wearing the same collars.

That place seem to have a lot of guard protecting it. Even seem to be more heavily guarded than this church.

“Derek, the building outside over there is where they keep the slaves! Kayla, watch over him together with some vampires!”

Derek just blindly trusted me and destroyed everything on the way to the other building.

Once this fight is over, he will join us. That would be great.

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