The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 662

Chapter 662: Break the Wall

When I wake up, it’s already morning. And there’s a random stranger in front of me.

“Fuck! Who the hell are you!? Can’t you have a better face at least so I won’t get this surprised when I wake up!?” I shouted.

It was crazy. I woke up seeing an ugly man in front of me. No one wants to see that. Unless that person is married to an ugly partner.

“You... do you know where you are? How dare you insult me! I won’t forgive you! I as your master order you to hit the wall. Once you feel the pain of your broken fist, you won’t dare to disobey me or insult me anymore!” The ugly man said.

What? Hitting the wall? Me? What the hell?

Oh, right. Now that I remember there’s a collar on my neck. After the ugly man ordered me to hit the wall, there are needles coming out of the collar trying to pierce my neck. Though I quickly used Aura to protect my neck so I didn’t feel any pain at all.

But still, hitting a wall? Is that the best he can do? Ordering me to hit the wall? Not punching myself or tire myself out until I faint, but hit the wall until I broke my fist.


I have to say that it’s quite original. But that’s stupid of him to ask me to hit the wall.

But then I heard the other people inside the prison whispered something.

“It’s here! The hit the wall punishment!”

“It was painful. My fist broke after a few punch. And lightly punching the wall is not allowed as well.”

“He’s a newbie. There are a few newbies here so they need to get a taste of the punishment. They had no choice but to do it if they want to live. Or else, their will be killed by the collar.”

I see. So punching the wall is a common punishment here. And when I see the wall with my Divine Vision, I can see that the wall has been reinforced with steel. Though it wasn’t as good as when Celestine used her magic to built one.

“I said go and punch the wall!” the ugly man shouted again.

Burnes and the others are here as well, but they didn’t say anything to me. They’re just watching. I guess that means I can do anything I want.

Then let’s do it.

“Oh, you’re finally moving,” the ugly man said happily.

I walked to the wall. I can see that behind the wall I’m facing, it’s some kind of waiting room for the guards. There are other ugly people in there. So it’s fine if I punched through the wall and the rubble hit them and kill them, right?

As I walked, Burnes and the others from the circus who got caught asked everyone to move away from the wall. The ugly man confused why Burnes told the others to move, but he doesn’t care. He’s probably thinking that there’s nothing we can do.

And so, I punched the wall and destroyed it. The reinforced wall got destroyed and the rubble hit the other guards on the other side. Though they didn’t die. They just lost their consciousness.

“W-what!?” the ugly man, along with the other prisoners, were shocked seeing what they expect to happen didn’t happen at all.

Seeing that the other guards lost their consciousness, that mean there’s only one ugly guard left.

And after punching through the wall, I walked casually toward the last ugly man standing.

“What!? Wait, stop! Don’t come over here! Is the collar not working? Stop! Kill yourself!”

The ugly man keep trying to give me order. But the needles coming out from the collar are not strong enough to pierce through my Aura. There’s nothing he can do.

Oh, now that I look carefully, there are two collars around my neck. The other collar should be a Magic Restricting Collar. I have used it so many times that I can tell without appraisal.

Other than me, only Burnes and those from the circus have the Magic Restricting Collars. I guess the others don’t need them anymore since they are under the order of their master.

But seriously, is this ugly man in front of me the master? Why not someone else?

Whatever. Let’s kill him.

I grabbed one iron bar, and pulled it to the side and destroying the other iron bars. Making a wide gap that lets me walk out of the prison easily.

And I pulled one iron bar and raise it high before swing it down and hit the ugly man on the head. Killing him instantly.

If it’s a sword, he would be sliced in two. But it’s an iron bar. So the ugly man become uglier before he died.

“Man, I didn’t notice that I wore two collars,” I said as I casually ripped the two collars on my neck with my hand.

Then I looked back and see the prisoners have shocked expression. Except for Burnes and the others who are trying to remove their collars with Blobbykey.

I approached Burnes after he removes his collars.

“Is it fine to just do this?” I asked Burnes.

“It’s fine. I already got everything. There’s only fighting and killing left. Though there might be some expert level mages among the slaves,” Burnes said.

“...Why do we encounter more expert level mages nowadays? I thought they were supposed to be rare,” I asked.

“Rich man, more resources. Randy used the money to bring obedient slaves in, and get their magic level raised to expert level. Once they achieve that level, he will stop giving them resources so they won’t get any stronger. As for Randy himself, he has reached expert level in two of his elements. Earth and Lightning. At least we have learned that Randy has at least two elements,” Burnes said.

Who is Randy again? Is that Corrupt Lord’s alias? Or is it the other way around?

Whatever. It’s not like he will live for long anyway.

“Oh, Roy. If you’re going to kill everyone, at least don’t kill the lord yet. His majesty has something to ask him. We will bring him in for questioning,” Burnes said.

“What else have you learned?” I asked Burnes.

Apparently, the agents who were sent to this city by Albert, most of them were caught and became slaves. There are even some staying in this prison. But most importantly, there is one agent who actually sided with the lord willingly. That guy is dangerous. I wonder what kind of information he has informed to the lord.

But I think it’s fine. The corruption in this city has happened for a few years already. Even before I first met Albert. And since the agent disappeared, there’s no way he would know me unless we have a traitor. But Burnes doesn’t think that’s the case. There’s no more traitor after Albert set up that audition with me in the past. Asking the agents and everyone close to him if they are traitors or not.

...But I don’t remember if Albert asked them about their relationship with the cult or if they have betrayed the kingdom. Maybe Albert needs another audition again. Interviewing each one of the agents.

Though at least the agents should have been asked if they are loyal to him or not. If that’s the case, there’s nothing to worry about. Which mean the one who betrayed the kingdom and is siding with the lord of this city has been here for a long time and won’t be able to receive any new information which is hidden from public.

“So, any ideas on how we move next? Or you want me to just kill everyone?” I asked Burnes about our next plan.

“Can you bring Wendy and the others here? I think we need reinforcement. Some agents who got captured were not strong in battle. And we also need to investigate if the enemies are slaves or willing to side with the lord themselves. Oh, before that, make sure that Thomas and the others are in safe place,” Burnes said.

“Then I’ll get Wendy and the others here. Have you told them to return?” I asked.

“Yes. They are ready to return.”

And so I opened a portal to Wendy’s location. And now, Wendy and all the other circus members are here. But is it fine to return here instead of outside? This is a prison after all.

Whatever. It seems like they are fine with it.

I ignored the confused noise of the other slaves. Some who are agents sent by Albert were released. As for the others, they will stay here until it’s safe.

“Roy, I think it’s fine if we’re the only one fighting. You don’t need to fight. But just in case, please watch over us so our plans will go smoothly,” Burnes said.

“Okay. Then I’ll bring Thomas away from this city.”

I used portal to move to Thomas’ location, and after telling him about our plan,I moved him back to Cassau.

...It seems like he’s the one who moves a lot with portal. He’s not a combatant after all. We need to make sure that he’s in a safe place.

And now, let’s watch the battle. And while I’m at it, let’s make sure that no civilians become victim during the fight.

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