The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 331

C331 Planet Modification Plan

Lo Ya used the Mother Star as the starting point and divided the space into six directions. Relatively speaking, the A2-2 was 22 degrees to the left in front of her. The position that was 6 degrees above her changed slightly with time.

It was a solid planet with a diameter of 6900 kilometers from the star.

There was a small amount of methane on the surface, a large amount of nitrogen and 30% carbon dioxide. And 0.6% of other gases. There was a gaseous planet in the ring 130 million kilometers away. There were countless ice crystals surrounding it, and the material structure was very simple.

Lo Ya’s initial plan was to use a large transport ship to transport the ice to A2-2, but she found that each time she threw a thin ship, it would be a waste. So she set up an ejector in the ship’s body to spray the liquid onto the surface of the planet.

This way, it would avoid landing impacts, save costs, let the ship use it over and over again, and also save time. With the solar panels that covered the entire body and the nuclear fuel inside, it could work endlessly back and forth.

With 20 days of transportation of one cubic kilometer per cubic meter, it only needed four to five trips to create a lake that was the size of Taihu Lake.

The evaporation of the lake itself was also increasing the atmosphere of the planet. As the source of life, Lo Ya felt that this process was necessary.

Plant-type insects had been born and could be photosynthesized. The reproduction method was also split, but it was no longer a tail but a branch on the side.

As long as these branches were stuck on the ground, they could quickly grow roots. They would form a new plant that would thrive and grow. They could absorb minerals and secrete corrosive rock liquid through photosynthesis and other methods. Over time, the rock became even softer and softer.

This way, the accumulation of soil would not require tens of thousands of years. It would only require the efforts of a few generations of plants to form some less valuable soil.

In February, the first huge cube transport ship was formed. Its cost was about one-fifth of an ordinary transport ship. The defensive capabilities of most of the surface areas were only about 250 mm steel plates. The quality was extremely light. It was a triangular shape supported by a hollow insect shell.

The bio-fusion engine itself had a very high strength, which was why it could ensure the ship’s acceleration. However, because the outer shell was too large, the power of the fusion engine was very low. It could only help accelerate slowly to prevent the ship itself from being damaged due to the pressure.

In short, this was not a ship that could fight. It couldn’t even withstand some of the worse environments. However, the low cost was not bad for Lo Ya. Plus, the continuous supply of solar panels. Furthermore, it did not need to land. It could always play a good role.

Of course, Lo Ya did not dare to use it to store bugs. Otherwise, if she encountered danger, all the bugs inside would die in one go.

The spaceship carried Lo Ya to Planet C2-3, which was the giant gas planet with a ring. With the help of a large number of bugs, it slowly threw the meteorite into its mouth.

The high temperature in its mouth would melt the ice crystals and then flow into the space inside. The rock would be spat out and thrown directly into the gaseous planet as waste.

With the help of 5 million small beetle, countless mouths continuously swallowed. Later on, he found that this kind of work efficiency was still low, so he simply widened his mouth. Then, he let the cube transport ship slowly fly, and stuffed large amounts of stones into its stomach.

After melting, the solid finally came out from the other end, and the liquid remained in his body.

After this method was carried out for five days, he had no choice but to rely on the small beetle again. The main thing was that the liquid water storage food was already very large, and there was a high chance that it would leak out. In addition, the liquid in space itself was not easy to control, so the small beetle once again entered a working state.

Opening and closing, one after another. The entire giant transport insect was filled with densely packed workers.

This scene once again gave Lo Ya inspiration.

In the StarCraft game that she played in her previous life, there were hardworking workers like the worker bees. The cost of the small beetle was lower than the worker bee. If it was transformed into something that could carry a large amount of objects, A creature that could fly at short distances, wouldn’t it be better?

The Slime and Nourishing Insect already had the ability to replenish energy, but the transporting effect was too poor. Therefore, the new small beetle didn’t need to collect energy. It only needed to be responsible for cutting and transporting the tiny objects.

Besides the size of the Strength, there were also flexible tentacles and limbs that could be used to carry out detailed tasks. If there were a lot of them, they could build a huge project on the planet and create everything that a civilization should have.

The buildings of the Insect Clan in the design should be filled with a gloomy style. Together with the mysterious light, they towered into the clouds and were as big as a maze. The underground could be hundreds of kilometers, and the ground could be several kilometers tall.

Of course, it would be best to integrate some scientific and technological feelings, so that the darkness would not lose its mysteriousness.

Actually, with the current technology, it was not difficult to achieve these things. After Lo Ya issued the evolution command, the inside of the swarm began to construct new genes. Within half a day, she specially produced a new type of small beetle – Engineering Beetle.

This kind of beetle was produced on the foundation of the small beetle. Its size was about the same as before, and it was also 60 centimeters. However, the bug limbs were strengthened, and there were eight long tentacles that could extend and shrink, helping to transport items.

Its tail had an additional super-small vector spray, which could shoot out the energy produced by the chemical dye, helping it fly and change directions in space.

Taking into account some of the planet’s surface conditions, they also had a pair of wings that could extend and shrink. When necessary, they could assist in jumping and flying.

The Engineering Beetle could be used in conjunction with the transport ship when it was being transported, because the cost was low. It could be produced without limit, so the loss was not a big deal. In addition, their combat strength was only slightly weaker than the small beetle, so they would also have a certain level of combat strength when necessary.

After the first cubic transport ship was filled with liquid water, it slowly accelerated and left. Lo Ya was ready to evacuate a portion of the beetles here and transport them to the nearby satellite station. The first batch of Engineering Beetle would be transported over one after another until it was full of 10 million.

These insects would work day and night to transport ice to the transport ship that came here. The A2-3 rings had a total of four rings, and it was almost impossible to transport all of them. The 1060cm beetle seemed to be a terrifying number, but in fact, for this place, It could only be considered pitifully small.

After 20 days of acceleration and deceleration, the cube flew to the area near A2-2. As planned, it opened the drainage port and created a chemical reaction to produce gas, releasing the liquid water inside.

Due to inertia, the circular water column that was 80 meters long flew downwards, forming a long dragon that began to fall towards the surface of the planet.

Finally, they would safely reach the surface.

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