The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 728

Chapter 728

Although the man said he was the only one who knew where the summoning was taking place, Davey found his intentions quite obvious. The man clearly just said that so Davey couldn’t threaten him anymore.

“You can never find it by any ordinary means! Only I know how to get in, so if you kill me, you will never achieve your goal!” he screamed.

Davey silently stared at him. He then backed away, unable to hide his relieved expression. "Really?”


The man could likely stay silent and keep the intel from him. However, Davey assumed that the man was also trying to buy some time to figure things out in the middle of this surprise attack.

He couldn’t help but find his target's endeavors quite pitiful.

“So, if you want to achieve your goal, you shouldn’t just—”

"Stop talking," Davey interjected.


“You don’t need to say anything.”

‘I can get the information out of you myself,’ he thought as he approached the man.


There wasn't much the man could do since his devil mana had been contained. Still, Davey knew this was their territory, not his, and that they were the kind who would do anything to survive.

"S-stop him!” the man shouted.

At the same time, something flew toward Davey's solar plexus with gelid killing intent. As he dodged, an eerie-sounding kick followed up.


A young girl in a qipao now blocked Davey's path. Just like Rinne, her face was void of expressions.

“Interesting,” he muttered.

The girl took a step away from Davey and then bent down slightly. Refusing to give him a chance to react, she then charged toward him and aimed for his solar plexus again.


She swung her white leg toward Davey’s neck like a snake trying to restrain its prey. Unlike the incapacitated elder, her fierce attacks and pure physical strength managed to pressure and hold Davey back.

Meanwhile, Park Soo-Hyun, the culprit who led Davey here, had disappeared.

“S-stop that bastard!" Park Soo-Hyun shouted violently as he turned to run away. Davey tried to chase him, but the girl in qipao slid in between them. She then rolled up her side slit skirt and untied the straps around her legs.

“Oh, I’m not interested in striptease,” Davey said calmly.

Instead of responding, she simply took out small, thin brass knuckles and put them in her hands.

“I'm not letting you get past me,” she said in a machine-like tone. Her eyes flashed as she lunged at Davey again. Watching her swing her fist at him, he thought it’d be best to sidestep her attack and knock her out.

He swung at her. However, The moment his hands touched her, they were deflected away.



She landed a punch on Davey's abdomen, then another, targeting his solar plexus nonstop. Davey tried to counterattack, but she continued to deflect, offset, and counter his offensive, seemingly showing him her martial arts expertise.

Against her, Davey was like a child with no skills being forced to rely on pure strength against an expert with immaculate skills.

The longer the girl's offensive continued, the faster her attacks became. Eventually, he stumbled a few steps back. Exploiting the opening, she launched herself at him, wrapped her white legs around his neck, and mounted him as if he were giving her a piggyback ride. With her arms now around his neck, she was ready to make her final attack.


Just then, Davey blocked her elbow with his seemingly petrified arm. He then grabbed her leg, which had been strangling him.

“You’re not old enough for this line of work," he said.


Davey slammed her on the floor. She looked at the ceiling blankly.

“Geez, what a surprise.”

When she tried to get up, he clicked his tongue and casually slapped her arm away. Unlike when she had stopped his attacks earlier, he completely countered her this time.

“There aren’t many homunculi of this level of perfection. I think I get what happened now.”

Although she seemed human, she was by no means ordinary. No matter how good technology became, there were limits to creating complete egos without the permission of God. In her case, although she lacked emotions, she clearly had an ego.

‘How can she not be subjected to God's wrath, though?’ Davey thought.

Davey knew that she wasn’t some deus ex machina. He was also certain that no ordinary homunculus could have the abilities she had. Hence, he could only think of two possibilities. She was either a cyborg or a homunculus with the foundation of a human being. Either way, he couldn't really care less.


Davey hit her shoulder, then tried to attack her again. However, she bounced back up, counterattacked, and swiftly distanced herself. Right after, she cautiously went on the offensive. Davey figured she was trying to block or offset his attack and launch another counter.



To her surprise, her attack did not cancel out Davey’s. Instead of crushing her, however, Davey cast the Touch of Death from his fingertips and took control of her body. As if her knees had given out, she stumbled and collapsed.

She stared at him blankly while she quietly placed his hand on her forehead.

“Geez, don’t go around without any underwear on.”


Davey finished her off with the Touch of Death, throwing her consciousness into the darkness.


The girl on the floor was around mid-teens at best. Unlike Tionis, who was fast-growing, she was very young. For a homunculus, she had a strong ego, and she seemed to have been modified with a human as her foundation.

Her existence was a taboo but not completely so. Rather, she was a subtle deviation from one.

Davey knew he could just cut her head off, but he decided not to. Instead, he reached toward her and planted something.

“This should be enough for now.”

He figured doing anything beyond this would be meaningless. She wasn’t part of his goal, after all.

The surroundings had become extremely quiet. All the people he had captured had taken advantage of the commotion and ran away. He wasn't worried, though. He knew exactly where they were headed.

The shaking coming from below indicated that this underground space had more than just a few floors.

Davey pulled out Red Ribbon and split the floor without hesitation.

Shing. Woosh!

He stabbed Red Ribbon into the ground and fell with it.


As soon as he came down, someone shouted, “Stop him!”

Soon, massive gravitational magic spread throughout the area, weighing Davey down. Sudden changes in gravity created an extremely harsh environment for living beings like him.

While struggling in the gravitational field, he scanned his surroundings to determine what he was about to face.

“You don’t have to kill him!! Just make sure you restrain him long enough!” a man shouted.

As commanded, the gravity around Davey increased even further. It seemed he had only taken out a couple of the enemies with his shadow clones. After all, compared to the place where he had first encountered the elders, this space housed a far stronger force. Dozens—perhaps even hundreds—of people were deploying gravity magic circles all at once.

“Interceptors! Reload magic!”


Light began to flash from all directions. It seemed like the elder had prepared multiple obstacles so they could escape or stop Davey until they had achieved their goal.

"Hmph! I've put up a barrier using a special metal that negates all magic except that gravitational field! It doesn’t matter how strong or smart you are! You won’t be able to break through this!" the man shouted, seemingly provoking Davey.

Seemingly reminding Davey that he was in a trap, the walls flanking him began to slowly close in.

The gravitational field, barrier, and walls would overwhelm any ordinary human. Nevertheless, Davey just calmly and quickly analyzed the situation. Soon, he concluded that he didn't have to go all-out with his magic and risk being counterattacked.

“I guess all I can do now is resort to brute force.”

If his pure physical strength wasn't enough, he figured he'd just have to become even stronger. Hence, he equipped the title Destroyer, which continuously increased his physical abilities. Soon enough, as if reflecting will, he began to feel energized.

The power of Antares, the 5th-ranked Malicious Spirit, began to flow through his hands. He could feel its power at his fingertips. Although he didn't look any different, he could feel himself internally changing.

Davey soon realized that the gravitational field controlling him had been rendered useless. Well, it had never been strong enough to neutralize him in the first place. Still, he thought that he should at least test out his new powers when he had the chance.

"Alright. To the lower floors we go.” He aimed his fist at the floor.

Noticing his strange behavior, his enemies quickly cast interception spells. Not long after, they fired their magic at Davey.

If they had used devil mana, he could have crushed them using hierarchy. However, he couldn't do the same with mana.

Hence, Davey slammed his fist on the floor instead.


Heavy shockwaves rippled from the point of impact and blew past his opponents.

Thanks to Bull Antares' power, which he had temporarily gained, he split the ground apart with just one hit. Moreover, even though he opted not to use any buffs—relying only on the power that his title had given him—the tremendous force still shook the entire place and split the ground.

"W-what?! How is this possible?!”

Davey rode the floor to the level below again, letting the gravity pull him down. Feeling something eerie coming from deep underground, he realized that he no longer had time to waste.

He launched himself from the collapsing floor. He then awakened Red Ribbon and Blue Ribbon, turning them into telekinetic blades. He soon had a long blue-red sword in his hand.

“Let's make this quick, Super Ribbon. Get them all simultaneously.”

As if expressing its agreement, Super Ribbon let out a loud noise.


[Splitting the Mountains]


Super Ribbon, which could cut through everything in its sight, precisely split the ground. At the same time, the magic that Davey's foes had prepared to stop him crumbled and disintegrated.

As he fell, he waved his hands at the disruptors, conjuring black flames at his fingertips.

“Here’s a parting gift for you.”

‘I'm heading underground now. Don't follow me,’ Davey thought.


The huge explosion threw the floor and all the humans on it into shambles.

Although one certainly stood no chance against superior numbers, that only held true when they weren't massacring weaklings.

When Davey reached what he assumed to be the lowest floor, he noticed a drastic change in the atmosphere. Silence filled the air along with a subtle chill.

He could tell that the Illuminati elder who had run away from him was somewhere in here.

“Is he over there?”

At the far end of the basement was a large, tightly closed metal door. Whatever was beyond it, it was giving him an eerie feeling.

“Geez, I told you to not summon it. It’s not like you had anywhere else to run away anyway.”

He lifted Super Ribbon and, with his left foot, stepped toward the door. He split it cleanly and cut the elder inside in half.

“The moment you let me in here, you were already done for."

Davey grimly smiled at the man on the floor. Meanwhile, the enormous force continued to flow.

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