The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 547

Chapter 547

The ones hidden in the wilderness undoubtedly possess matrices prepared for assaults at any time.


With a high-pitched whirring, Megalodria's attack, resembling a supercharged water jet blade, cleaved through the barrier and iceberg, incinerating everything in the vicinity.

The polar regions, perpetually covered in ice, harbor temperatures nearing minus 40 degrees Celsius. While similar latitudes in the central continent's northern Pandora region were unbearably cold for any lifeform, this polar area where Davey was situated could still sustain some life. The place was so cold that there was a joke about urine freezing mid-air, but the iceberg's solidity, ordinarily beyond standard, was irrelevant to Megalodria.

A massive cloud of cold air rose, and the chaos within the iceberg was invisible to the naked eye. However, it seemed that Davey was not the only one sensing numerous high-temperature energy sources inside.

"Lord Davey, high-temperature energy sources detected!"

Simultaneously, a huge crimson beam of high-temperature mana struck back at the attackers. Before Davey could act, Perserque deflected it with a wave of his hand, but Megalodria, as if waiting for this moment, recklessly took the beams head-on.

[Come forth, you insignificant beings!] Megalodria disregarded their desperate resistance and slowly lifted its massive body into the air.

As it ascended, blocking the sun, its six wings fluttered, gathering black spheres at their tips. Each sphere, mixed with the power of a storm, began emitting a chilling and ominous aura as if compressing a city-annihilating storm. Almost simultaneously, a far greater number than before of high-temperature energy sources was detected beneath the destroyed iceberg, an attempt to block any incoming attack. However, Megalodria, seemingly unconcerned with such resistance, flapped its wings backward.


Then, with a high-pitched noise, it threw the black spheres toward the hundreds of incoming high-temperature beams, as if attempting to erase Megalodria.


With a loud resonant boom, the beams began to distort as if in another dimension. When the beams converged into a handful, the black storm spheres burst forth like a whirlwind, releasing accumulated grudges.


Startled by the fierce wind, Perserque rolled off Davey's shoulder, but he reflexively caught her and shouted, waving his hand.

"Ease up!"

[Hmph! I am controlling my strength,] Megalodria retorted.

Despite the infuriating claim that it was holding back while causing such widespread devastation, it was surprisingly not a lie. The level of destruction made it dubious if anyone could still be alive, but Megalodria's fighting spirit had not yet faded.

[We are far from done!] Megalodria shouted, slowly lifting its body before plummeting down.

As Megalodria disappeared into the massive iceberg, a series of loud explosions echoed. After a moment of silence, a large black shape burst out from the iceberg and approached Davey.

With each massive thud of its steps, the colossal Black Dragon King, Megalodria, extended a large chunk of meat toward him.



[The scenery below is quite a sight. Go and see for yourself,] Megalodria suggested in a slightly subdued tone.

Davey checked the massive chunk of meat thrown by Megalodria. It was about 10 meters in size, resembling an ogre in stature but with the skin color of a troll. Most bizarrely...

"Holy crap. How many heads does it have?"

This monster's presumed head region had at least seven spots. Twin-headed ogres or trolls, or even cyclopes, were seen as rare, higher-tier mutant monsters. But something with this many heads was unthinkable. An artificially created life form. It seemed to have put up a fair fight against Megalodria, but that was to no avail against a Grandmaster-level entity like Megalodria.

"Davey," Perserque, who had been examining the monster, narrowed her eyes and informed him, "Remember the incident at the Ordem Territory?"

The Ordem Territory, where Baris and Winley had been, had once been in chaos due to the Melting Acceleration Virus. Currently, Baron Gorneo, the medical professor at Heins Academy, and Count Lington, who met his end by Davey's hand at that time, hailed from there. It was also the territory entangled with a Swordmaster plotting schemes after escaping from the empire.

"Ordem Territory, huh?"

"The human experiments conducted by Count Lington back then. This creature closely resembled the chimeras we saw there."

While the methods of creating chimeras might share similarities, they could never be completely identical because each process was almost like a personal secret. However, the method used by Count Lington, the central villain and a member of the Coalition for Disease Control at that time, differed in every aspect from the current method, except for one.

"Megalodria, what's the power level of this creature?"

[It seems incomplete, but if it were finished, it would have been at a level comparable to a Master by your standards, contractor.]

"So, just one difference makes the chimera that much stronger."

A Master level was undeniably among the superhuman ranks. Of course, it would not be a problem if a Master appeared now. But what if, just what if, these creatures could be mass-produced like what Count Lington did? The balance would collapse in an instant.

"Megalodria, feel free to dispose of any nuisances. They seem quite sprightly, so let them romp around as they please."

In response, Megalodria's eyes flashed.

Numerous bizarre life forms began to emerge from all around, a mere tactic to buy time. Davey, drawing out Red Ribbon, aimed its tip at the vast facility beneath the iceberg that Megalodria had already shattered once.

"Seems like we've found something worthwhile, just in time."

He descended into the giant metallic door, which Megalodria had completely smashed, and saw several more layers of defense. It was a clear attempt to buy time, likely because the research here would cause significant trouble if revealed to the world.

"Resistant metal, huh? It won't be easy to cut through."

"Move aside." Davey vibrated Red Ribbon, focusing on the solid metal floor. He began to see the internal structure of the metal.

When handling metal with blacksmithing skills, only he had a unique method to manipulate the structure of the metal. In that regard, he could easily see the internal structure of such metal barriers, especially as Hongdan's power was growing stronger.

[Transcendental Longsword]

[Mystical Speed, Quick Draw]

[Piercing Redlight Sword]

A red trajectory flashed once, and the iron wall, several meters thick, began to be sliced apart. Davey then leaped into the facility.

"The... The barrier?!"

"Stop him!"

Those who had noticed his presence now seemed to realize that the enemy was not just Megalodria.


"Awaiting orders."

"Kill them all, except for the ones we've captured." Davey would take care of the necessary ones himself.

At his command, Perserque swiftly flew up to Rinne's head. "I'll assist Rinne. You should be careful too. You never know what might happen."


Slowly closing his eyes, Davey, holding Red Ribbon in one hand and drawing Blue Ribbon with the other, let his mana spread out like a wave of sensation, revealing the structure of the underground facility bit by bit. It was astonishingly large and seemed quite old. How long had they been preparing for something like this?

"Looks like we've hit the jackpot."

He effortlessly cut down the chimeras rushing to block the passage. Without a hint of mercy, it was not until he reached the lowest level of the underground that he saw it. About a dozen monsters, each around 10 meters tall and wielding hefty weapons, surrounded him.


Each one growled, seemingly complete and exuding the aura of a Master level. Davey lightly flicked Red Ribbon as he looked at the giant chimeras, which made Count Lington's manipulations seem almost cute.

"Let's see what you're hiding."

* * *

"Emergency! Director Strom!"

Individuals cloaked in black robes burst in all at once.

An elderly man, busy concocting reagents for research, looked at his abruptly intruding subordinates with irritation. "What is this disruption? Didn't I make it clear that no one is to interfere during my research?"

"Intruders, sir!"

"Hmph! The leader assured that this place was impenetrable and undetectable to anyone."

"But... But sir..."

The man clicked his tongue leisurely. "Send out the failed creations. They might be useless garbage unfit for mass production, but possessing the strength of Masters, they should suppress the intruders."

"But... But sir..."

One of the robed men muttered reluctantly, "Just moments ago, fifteen Swordmaster-level chimeras guarding the lowest manufacturing floor were all... slaughtered by a single individual."


At that revelation, the potion in Director Strom's hand fell and shattered.

The leader ordered the destruction of the data including the most critical, the Deathlords body.

A foul smell wafted up from the potion, but he did not pay it any heed and asked, "So, should I stop the research and flee this place immediately?"

"The enemies are all perilous! Outside there's an unidentified dragon! Inside, a man and woman are rampaging through the facility, causing total collapse!"

Strom, seemingly annoyed, clicked his tongue again and lifted his mana stone staff.


Simultaneously, one of the robed men's heads exploded.

"Useless fools. Prepare the mana gate." Director Strom eyed a nearby giant test tube. Inside lay a woman with light gray, birch-colored hair, asleep. "Wake her up."

"But... But sir."

"That so-called great Death Lord? If this creature is created from the power of such a monstrous being, she should suffice."

A top-tier creation. The woman in the test tube was an absolute masterpiece, dwarfing even Master-level chimeras in comparison.

As he nodded, a man hurriedly began to drain the test tube.

"Let's see later how well my greatest creation defends us."


Just as he was about to turn around, a splitting noise echoed, and the area turned eerily quiet.

"Hmm?" Director Strom, puzzled, furrowed his brows as he looked at his men. "Didn't I order you to wake her and activate the mana gate? I am busy and precious. Move to the next hideout..."

"No need to go."

A calm male voice interrupted.

"What... Ugh?!"

As Director Strom turned to locate the source of the voice, he saw a black-haired man walking through the fallen robed men. The moment their eyes met, a chill ran through his entire body, freezing him in place. It was a terrifying killing intent unlike anything he had ever experienced.

"You just need to die here." A young man with bloodshot eyes looked at him coldly.

I must escape. I must escape at all costs!

As a primal sense of danger set in, Director Strom took a step back and then turned to flee. But the very man that had caused him to retreat seemingly appeared behind him in an instant, grabbing his throat.

When had he gotten behind me?

The movement was incomprehensible, and fear began to cloud the director's eyes.

Joining the Illuminati, he had initially agreed simply because it allowed him to conduct research unbound by law or morality. But he could not comprehend who could possibly infiltrate this supposedly perfect laboratory.

"Ugh... Ack..."

The boy, chillingly expressionless, gripped his throat. He slowly opened his mouth.

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