The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 532: The Shadows Beneath the Water

Chapter 532: The Shadows Beneath the Water

The birthday banquet in honor of Anisha, the first consort and mother of the twin siblings, Baris and Winley, was in full swing. No longer confined to the role of a mere consort, she had ascended to become the third queen of the Rowane Kingdom. As the celebration unfolded for the foremost lady of the kingdom, second only to the reigning king in prestige, the event promised grandeur. Expectations were high, with numerous nobles and royalty from various realms anticipated to be in attendance.

Davey had never held much enthusiasm for such gatherings. While these events might have appeared resplendent and harmonious on the surface, political intrigue always lingered beneath. These occasions could swiftly transform into battlegrounds, especially when political agendas intertwined. Men typically faced fewer challenges since their battles primarily played out in political assemblies rather than social gatherings.

However, for women, the scenario was starkly different. For them, social functions resembled veritable war zones, where dresses, makeup, and accessories served as covert weaponry. These women tacitly acknowledged the competition and checks-and-balances system at social events.

Why? Because they believed it was their way of bolstering their husbands' positions. While husbands paraded their power outside, their wives sought to establish influence and connections during these gatherings. This tradition had stood the test of time, and the Rowane Kingdom was no exception.

Anisha, the present queen, wasn't inherently driven by ambition. Initially devoid of any aspirations for the queenship, she only ascended after the passing of King Krianes' primary queen and the subsequent self-imposed end of Queen Lynesse. Though Anisha's support base was initially weak, Davey's decision to relinquish his claim to the throne and support Baris had significantly bolstered her position, rendering her an unassailable force in comparison to the second consort.

With the waning influence of powerful noble factions and the ensuing stabilization of the kingdom under the royalist faction and Queen Anisha, the current Rowane Kingdom was well on the path to recovery, a progress further expedited by the kingdom's burgeoning wealth.

Davey seldom graced the palace with his presence following his official attendance at the Rowane Kingdom's political assembly. Consequently, he felt somewhat detached from palace affairs. Nevertheless, his formidable reputation remained untarnished. Merely uttering his name made people uneasy, not that they would openly admit it, but their eyes betrayed an underlying fear. This fear largely stemmed from the numerous disturbances he had caused at previous social events.


As Davey made his grand entrance, all eyes turned toward him, only to quickly avert their gaze or avoid his piercing stare.

"Davey, in other lands, they hold you in high regard, but here, you're almost like a specter," remarked Perserque, following closely with her ceremonial robe gracefully trailing behind her and her hood drawn. She playfully teased, "People should lead more benevolent lives."

"Why be kind for the sake of others?" responded Davey, his tone tinged with petulance.

She laughed in response, casting a mischievous glance around. Then, with an alluring smile, she playfully circled around him, her gaze tantalizingly appraising him. "Hmm..."

"What's on your mind?" Davey inquired.

"Aren't you curious about how the palace views you at this moment?" Perserque asked.

Davey's reputation was known far and wide across the continent, but in the Rowane Kingdom, especially in the capital, his standing was far from illustrious. He was labeled as the Bloodthirsty Prince and the Detestable Bastard.

While rumors often had a tendency to exaggerate, there was an element of truth to the tales. The actual atrocities committed by Davey during the kingdom's reform were undeniable. Those who had suffered at his hands spread dreadful stories, cementing his current notoriety.

"It's perhaps advantageous that such rumors persist," Davey noted, as it served as a deterrent against those who might stir unnecessary trouble.

"Are you prepared?" Perserque asked teasingly, her smile taking on a sultry edge.

"I assure you, no matter who it is, if they threaten you or spout nonsense, they won't meet an easy end," Davey affirmed.

She chuckled in response, turned her back to him, and gracefully made her way toward the entrance of the grand banquet hall, lightly waving her hand.


At the same time, a gentle breeze graced the scene, delicately lifting Perserque's hood. This revealed her hidden countenance and her cascading silver hair, which swayed in the open air.

The ambient murmurs and background noise fell instantly silent. Even those who had been pretending to engage in deep conversations quickly hushed, their eyes fixated on the captivating sight. A profound hush descended upon the gathering, an expected consequence. While Perserque had no reservations accompanying Davey, her beauty was the very embodiment of a once-in-a-lifetime allure that could mesmerize nations. The instigator of this spectacle, Perserque, bestowed Davey with a mischievously playful and breathtaking smile.

"So, Prince, will you be my escort?"

"Place your trust solely in me."

Accepting Davey's offered hand, Perserque beamed at him. Davey led the way, and then he commanded, "Make the announcement."

At Davey's subdued and deliberate tone, the herald, who had been completely captivated by Perserque, blinked in surprise. "My apologies! Your Highness, the..."

Davey gently patted the man's shoulder. "Just make the announcement."

"Yes... Yes!" The herald, who had expected to face consequences for his mistake, looked at Davey with mild confusion when he realized there would be no retribution. He then quickly announced, "Introducing Prince Davey O’Rowane and his fiancée, Perserque!"

With that declaration, the previously animated banquet hall fell into anticipatory silence. All eyes turned toward the entrance, awaiting their arrival. While Queen Anisha was the central figure of the banquet, those in the know seemed keenly intrigued by the newly arrived Perserque.

The collective scrutiny came from the country's most influential figures, and the weight of their honor and prestige was palpable. Yet, Perserque responded with a radiant smile. As the pair stepped into the banquet hall, the overwhelming hush persisted, with only the faint echo of her graceful footsteps audible.

Having asserted their presence, Davey, leading Perserque by the hand, bowed his head to acknowledge King Krianes, who watched him closely, and Queen Anisha, who offered a faint but warm smile.

"Prince Davey O’Rowane and his betrothed, Perserque, now grace us with their presence."

Although they had never held an official engagement ceremony, it was of little consequence. It was merely a formality.

"Welcome." King Krianes, who had been observing Davey with a close eye, breathed a sigh of relief.

* * *

Their entrance was nothing short of mesmerizing. No elaborate spectacle or orchestrated event was required. Their mere presence enthralled the entire audience. For the other beauties in attendance, it was a dream scenario. Not even the loveliest lady in the room could command such rapt attention.

"My goodness... they're quite remarkable."

"I heard he was a bloodthirsty lunatic..."

"That's right. I've also heard he's not exactly the most affluent..." The ladies' whispers filled the air.

"Is that... Lady Yurbara?"

A petite girl with blonde hair, dressed in a pink gown, cautiously approached a black-haired girl.


"Are you alright, Lady Yurbara?"

"Ah, I was momentarily captivated by their beauty."

While maintaining a composed demeanor, Yurbara's gaze remained fixed on Davey and Perserque.

"That woman..."

"She is genuinely beautiful. I must admit, I'm surprised. It's no wonder Prince Davey is captivated," Cecily replied with equanimity, to which Yurbara nodded.

Rumors about Davey were often tinged with fear, but the truth was that the ladies viewed Davey as a significant opportunity for advancement.

"Who would have thought he'd be so decent and impressive...? The rumors here can't be trusted."

"You know, when my father mentioned a marriage proposal to Prince Davey, I shouldn't have declined..."

"Oh, what a shame! If that marriage had taken place, you could've been in that position instead of that commoner woman, right?"

"Why not?"

It was comical how they were already indulging in appetizers before the main course. Yurbara's sarcastic comment caused Cecily, her close aide, to cough uncomfortably. The ladies seated at the table promptly redirected their attention to Lady Yurbara.

"He hasn't married yet. Let's make sure we warmly welcome anyone new to our table during the banquet."

Following Lady Yurbara's words, Cecily chimed in, and other ladies swiftly echoed their sentiments. Lady Yurbara essentially held the leadership position in the social gatherings of unmarried ladies. Ordinarily, this dynamic might have been different with royals like Winley, Aeonitia, or Tanya present. However, Winley and Tanya were indifferent to the inner workings of social circles, and Aeonitia was too young to even make her debut. Consequently, in meetings of unmarried ladies, no one truly had the influence to rival Lady Yurbara. In just a few short years, Lady Yurbara had accumulated substantial influence, both the envy and admiration of these gatherings' attendees. This position was inherently coveted by aristocratic ladies, something they all aspired to attain.

"We've prepared a modest gift for the Queen," Davey announced shortly after, producing a small box from his coat and presenting it to Queen Anisha, capturing the ladies' attention.

"It's a ring known as the 'Tears of Moonlight.'"

The ladies' eyes sparkled upon hearing this. "Could it be...?"

Their astonishment was impossible to hide. While most noble men were oblivious to the value of jewelry, for the ladies, these precious stones were akin to weapons, and they recognized the significance of what Davey had presented. Those in the know were well aware of this legendary ring, a masterpiece crafted by the finest dwarf artisans and blessed by fairies. Some things remained unattainable even with ample wealth. The 'Tears of Moonlight' was a gemstone for which collectors would pay any price, particularly since it had never been publicly seen. There were rumors of a wealthy lady who had offered a vast sum but failed to acquire it. Its uniqueness and rarity significantly heightened its value.

"My, such a precious treasure..." Queen Anisha, captivated by the exquisite ring, found herself at a loss for words. In response, Davey offered her a gentle smile.

"Thank you for attending the Queen's birthday. Prince, we're grateful for your visit. And you, young lady." King Krianes addressed Perserque, the silver-haired girl by his side, and she bowed respectfully.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Thank you for standing by the Prince's side."

"May both of you find love and happiness."

Pleasantries were exchanged, and subtle envy began to creep across the faces of the surrounding ladies. A lady in a blue dress, holding a fan to her lips, remarked, "Speaking of which, Lady Cecily, I heard your father is overseeing tax matters for the Heins estate."

"Well, yes. Haven't I shared news about Lady Perserque, who is destined to become a princess?" Cecily, dressed in pink, responded with a grin, eliciting giggles from the other ladies.

"Perhaps we could make room for Lady Perserque?"

As other ladies started to pressure Cecily to invite Perserque to their table with thinly veiled excuses, Cecily offered a somewhat strained smile. "Oh, that would be delightful... but I'm not sure if the Prince would approve."

"After all, it is an assembly of unmarried ladies. It would be wonderful if Lady Perserque could join."

Although their expressions seemed bright and cheerful, the underlying emotions were far from that. Their faces betrayed a subtle jealousy, sharpness, and disapproval.


Then, Lady Yurbara, who had been quietly observing Davey, spoke up. "Please, let Lady Perserque honor us with her presence."

At her words, Cecily beamed brightly. "If the lady wishes, I'll do my best."

"I hope she decides to attend. Although I'm uncertain if she's truly deserving of the position."

"Come to think of it, it seems the rumors are accurate."

"What rumors?"

"About the Prince's chosen fiancée, Lady Perserque actually being..."


"A commoner."

They were unaware of Perserque's lineage.

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