The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 529

Chapter 529

A moment of eerie silence hung heavy in the air. Amidst the tranquil stillness, the knights blinked in bewilderment, struggling to grasp the recent events. Illyna let out a sigh. Perserque slowly approached, retrieving a small vial from Davey’s pocket, while Rinne, seemingly bored now that the wind had ceased, stretched out and promptly fell into slumber.


As Davey slowly retracted his strangely resonating fist and turned away, Perserque reached him and playfully tapped him on the head.

"You went too far, Davey," Illyna chided.

She then turned her gaze to the emperor, who remained frozen in a defensive stance, her expression marked by a scowl. Carefully, she opened the vial and gently lowered the rigid emperor to the ground, pouring a restorative potion into his mouth.


Finally, a response came, and knights from the Contas, who had been discreetly escorting the emperor, rushed forward to assist him.

"He's not deceased, merely unconscious. He should awaken shortly."

Under ordinary circumstances, it would have been expected for them to display anger when their emperor was treated so disrespectfully. However, they remained composed. It was a matter of empire tradition and protocol. To intervene now would tarnish the prestige of the emperor they served—a direct insult they could not afford to make. They were keenly aware of this fact.

"What on earth... What just happened?"

Only after the emperor's attendants had carefully carried him away did Fildyr approach, appearing utterly flabbergasted. He then proceeded to stamp repeatedly on the spot where the emperor had stood.

"One moment, there was this 'whack-whack-bang,' and then it was over. The emperor appeared to have the upper hand..."

"Idiot," Illyna muttered, causing Fildyr to shoot her a hostile glance.

"What did you say, bitch?"

"Have a problem?"

"Uh... No, I mean, who said there was a problem?" Fildyr retreated, his gaze averted toward the ground.

"But it's truly captivating. The emperor's punches have left a chaotic scene all around..." As Davey surveyed the environment, he could discern the extensive damage caused by the emperor's attacks. Without a doubt, these marks bore witness to the immense power behind his strikes.

Passing by, Davey lightly tapped Fildyr's shoulder. "If you channel all that destruction into a singular focal point, your adversary won't survive."

This principle held true not only for the emperor but also for Davey himself, who possessed the capacity to harness such formidable power. However, the traditional duel of the empire, known as Magra, currently operated under a rule that prohibited lethal harm to one's opponent.



Suddenly, the ground beneath where Davey had stood began to warp, as if the reaction had been delayed.

"Wha... Why is the ground...?" Fildyr, startled and shrieking, lost his balance and awkwardly glanced at the inquisitive stares of the Renda sisters and Lucia.

"What's with that expression?"

"Fildyr, look beneath you..."

Hearing their words, Fildyr cast a puzzled glance downwards. Then, his face went blank. From a distance, the ground appeared to be indistinctly gouged.

"What is..."

"Do you want a better view?"

At Illyna's suggestion, Fildyr slowly regained his footing and effortlessly scaled a nearby tree, gazing down once more. "What's down ther..."

He was rendered speechless.

Only from the treetop could he truly discern the scene. What met his eyes was not a randomly gouged pattern; it was a vast imprint spanning several hundred meters, reminiscent of a colossal demon. What he had initially glimpsed was just a fraction of it, leaving him understandably stunned.

"That guy truly is a monster."

"He's unquestionably not human," the Renda sisters murmured in agreement.

* * *

After consuming a high-grade restorative elixir crafted by Davey, the emperor swiftly regained consciousness. Upon awakening, he immediately noticed Davey and urgently inquired, "What was that at the end?"

"The Penetration Technique?"

"Penetration Technique?"

Davey nodded in affirmation. "It's like this."

He picked up a sizable stone nearby and struck it.


The back of the stone shattered instantly.

"Such an attack method is new to me. Magic has something similar."

The method of external force, or Penetration, was well-known in martial arts. Those proficient in external techniques employed it as a means to overcome internal power.


"Don't quite grasp it?"

"How many could comprehend it after witnessing it just once?"


It wasn't Davey who was unusual; it was Illyna, who started deciphering the principle after a single observation.

"Davey, is this how it's done?"


She swung her hand through the air, and an intangible force struck Davey's chest. Watching this, a chill ran down the emperor's spine for the first time.

"No wonder Emperor Pallan bragged so much before falling ill. Seeing your skill, I understand why."

"Any lingering pain from the aftermath?"

"Wounds are the symbols of a warrior, just as scars are."

"If it poses any physical strain on you now, it may disadvantage us. Listen carefully. You have only one task at the moment."

Davey handed over a brooch he had prepared beforehand.

"I'm targeting foreigners..." He then unveiled part of his plan to the emperor.

"The Grand Knight Commander has reported back. While I plan to have the knights return, I intend to roam around and investigate on my own."

A man without clear nationality or status would undoubtedly face numerous challenges while gathering information. But it didn't matter.

"You have the Contas emperor's guarantee badge, right?"


The guarantee badge given by the Contas Emperor to Boris was a symbol that could verify his identity. With it, Davey's movements could become much more flexible. That had been his aim all along. Luring them was simply a bonus.

"It was brilliant how you made it seem like a simple coincidence, using the emperor's personality to ensure no problems arose. I've learned something from you today."

"Take care. Illyna and I will conduct separate investigations."

"If someone sees us together now, it wouldn't be good. We should leave as soon as possible. Can you use a teleportation spell?"

Upon Boris' request, Davey nodded affirmatively. It was not a big deal.


"Ah... no..."

Just then, he could sense the desperate glances from others. It was Fildyr, Lucia, and the Renda sisters. Their eyes pleaded, as if begging him not to.

[The Anchor Knight can't leave. They probably want to explore the world as much as possible now.]


After Perserque discreetly explained, Davey grasped the intentions of the four. Seeing his subtle acknowledgment, they frantically signaled him not to proceed. If that were the case, there was no choice in such situations...

"I'll send you right away."


The teleportation spell activated.

"Da... Davey! You traitor!"

"How could you betray us!" Fildyr and Shayir yelled in fury, lunging at him.

Davey deftly defended against the two. "I'll invite you to my domain later. For now, please return."


“I've encrypted it to prevent backtracking. If they notice even this, eliminating the Knights won't be a challenge for them. So, don’t worry.” Boris nodded in agreement at Davey's words.

“I won’t forget this, Davey!”

“We’ll seek revenge!” the four of them shouted in anger, then vanished instantly.

Davey sent Boris and the rest of the knights back. Since another group of knights had taken over the investigation of the devastated knights near the underground mountain range, Davey saw no need to stay there any longer. After sending Illyna back to the palace and leaving only Rinne and Perserque behind, Davey silently surveyed his surroundings.

“Davey, are you considering investigating the Illuminati?"

“No, let's leave it for now.”


“They’ll reveal themselves eventually. We don't need to be overly cautious. We can openly pursue other activities. In fact, that's more important to me.” Rinne tilted her head, looking puzzled upon hearing Davey's statement.

“Rinne, is everything prepared?”

“All is set.”

With his response, Davey initiated his third teleportation spell. “Let’s go.”

Their first destination was the elves’ sanctuary, the Forest of the World Tree.

* * *

As they ventured into the Forest of the World Tree, Elven guardians began to emerge as if they were expecting their arrival.

“The Forest of the World Tree?”

“Guide them to Emilia.”

“She awaits at the Spring of Spirits.”

Following the elven guardian, as if it had all been prearranged, Perserque looked around with curiosity as they delved deeper into the sanctuary. Soon, they came upon a brilliantly glowing spring, which left Perserque in genuine awe.

“Wow... It’s breathtaking,” she expressed with genuine admiration.

Meanwhile, Rinne, in her own unique way, ambled over to the spring and squatted down, scooping up some water to taste. “Sir Davey, Rinne highly approves of the spring’s taste.”

“It contains the power of the World Tree.”

Watching Rinne amusingly submerge her face into the water to drink, Perserque chuckled and asked Davey, “What brings us here?”

“It’s because of this.” At that moment, Emilia's voice chimed in, drawing Perserque’s attention.

“Emilia, did you finish what I asked for?”

“Yes. It was quite intriguing, so I worked on it diligently.”

The petite elven girl's reply drew a questioning glance from Perserque, but Davey did not explain further.

“Now, all we need is the Mother of the World Tree to bestow her blessing, and it will be complete.”

“Alright. Since we’re here, let's ensure everything is perfect. Where is the core now?”

“It's here.”

Suddenly, at the center of the spring, light began to gather, revealing the form of the World Tree, Al. The figure, with long flowing hair, gracefully descended to the middle of the spring, walking lightly on the water's surface.

“You always bring something within you every time you visit.”

Though the Crystal of the Void was left in Heins' domain, it appeared not to have been entirely removed.

“Emilia, you’ve worked hard.”

“Not at all, mother. I truly enjoyed it.” Emilia blushed with modesty.

Shortly after, the core accepted a wooden container from Emilia, levitating it as it began to infuse it with energy.

“In the name of the World Tree, I bless you.”

With the core's murmurs, a radiant light seeped into the wooden container. She then handed it not to Davey, but to Perserque.

“Why give this to me?”

“Because from the start, it was intended for you.”

Perserque's eyes widened in surprise at Davey's words.

“Open it.”

Upon Davey’s nod, she carefully sat down and gently opened the wooden container. As the lid lifted, revealing its contents, Perserque's eyes filled with both astonishment and bashfulness. “Davey... What is this?”

“It’s a gift.”

Upon hearing Davey's words, she delicately retrieved an item from the wooden container—an enchanting dress that shimmered faintly with ethereal light. After all, she was still a woman, and she naturally had a deep appreciation for beautiful things.

“It's exquisite...”

“It took some dedicated effort to tailor it perfectly for you. Thank you, Al.”

“Hmm. What's so challenging about something like this? Besides, thanks to the item you sent, the World Tree's children have a better life now. That wristwatch, in particular, is quite splendid.”

Chortling at Al’s words, Emilia playfully nudged Perserque's back. “Go on, try it on.”

“Wha… Wait, I’m not ready…”

“Hurry up. If it doesn't fit, we'll need to make adjustments. But, unless you've put on weight, it should fit you like a glove.”

Gently prodded by Emilia, Perserque entered a small wooden hut not far from the spring.

Once Perserque went inside, Al's smile faded as she said, “The Abyss stirs unsettlingly.”


“Was it Verdandi? The Abyss’s princess mentioned her.”

Verdandi had, for some unknown reason in the past, completely halted the Abyss’s characteristic destructive behaviors. She now lived peacefully under the World Tree's watch with her son, the former King Grid. Once hailed as a witch and considered one of the six great beauties of the continent, she now held the title of a mother to one man.

“The Abyss's princess poses a threat, but the simpler Abyss entities you first encountered are also dangerous. You need to protect that child closely.”

If the Abyss secured Perserque, they would be the victors. Conversely, if Davey protected her to the end and severed all ties with the Abyss, they would triumph. Either way, the situation was too complex to retreat from.

“Do you know about the Illuminati?”

“The Illuminati? That’s unfamiliar to me.”

Why would the World Tree be interested in those entwined with the human world? After a brief silence, Davey stiffened as the door to the wooden hut opened, revealing a girl slowly stepping out. His gaze was transfixed on the girl dressed in a dreamy gown adorned with hues of mixed green and white.

“Da... Davey.”

Though she attempted to appear composed, Perserque's voice, tinged with tension, called out to him with a blushing face. But in that veil and dress, she looked absolutely stunning.

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