The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 522

Chapter 522

"The target has lowered their guard."

The individuals dressed in priestly garb communicated through a crystal ball.

"Well done. How was the verification?"

"The target seems to have acquired the item we've been searching for," they reported with a tense tone.

A leisurely chuckle echoed from the other side of the crystal sphere. "You've done well to lure him in. It's a bit concerning that he acted quicker than expected, but not overly fast. I was worried he might know about the relic of Hermesia, but it's a relief he doesn't."

"Despite him being a top-tier threat, he’s not that knowledgeable."

"So far, none of the top-tier threats our organization has identified have been easy to deal with. Are you planning to defy the higher-ups' commands?"

One’s face contorted at the stern retort. "That... is..."

"Due to the incompetence of one leader, our organization has already ceded priority to them once. We lost a valuable outsider with unique abilities. Are you saying you'd defy orders again?"

Though only a voice came through, they felt an oppressive weight on their hearts. One of them knelt down, gasping for breath, and struggled against the pressure. Yet, despite his efforts, he admitted, "I was shortsighted. Please give your command."

"It's a clear provocation. Even though we need the valuable item he has, there's no need to intentionally make him suspicious. Do not engage."

"But... but! It's a golden opportunity to deal with all of them at once! We can retrieve the valuable item and incite conflict..."

"Are you saying you can't follow my instructions?"

The young man's voice made the priestly-dressed one nod silently in acquiescence. As the light from the crystal ball faded, he quickly changed from his priestly garb into a black robe and ordered, "Keep an eye on them. Tonight, we seize the opportunity and eliminate them all."

A menacing intent gleamed in his eyes.

* * *

"Ugh... I... I can't drink anymore..."

The old tavern was not very crowded. However, upon closer inspection, the occupants were far from ordinary.

An emperor of a great empire. And the princess of the central superpower, the Pallan Empire, also known as the owner of the divine sword. Then there was a Saint, who, with merely a territory, exerted immense influence. What about the rest? Were they insignificant? Far from it. On the surface, they were just innocent-looking boys and girls. In reality, they were official members of a knightly order guarding the continent, having severed their ties with the mortal world.

Except for a clearly disgruntled Boris, the rest were engaged in a drinking battle. They were already downing their 10th massive mug of the barley beer loved by commoners. Only after several large barrels were emptied did one by one start to drop.

Fildyr lay sprawled out on the floor, and Shayir Renda, resting her head on his arm, was fast asleep, both having been out since the first barrel was emptied. Shayir Renda's twin sister, Fendyr Renda, tried to leave with her, but she, too, tipsy, staggered and finally rested her head on Fildyr's other arm and fell asleep.

"Hehehe... I can still drink. Oh yes!" Surprisingly, Lucia Shelman, a devout follower of the First Saint Daphne, was still standing.

Those not of Swordmaster rank had only slightly better detoxifying abilities than the average person when not using mana. However, Lucia drank recklessly without using her sacred power for detoxification, and she still held out even after over ten barrels.

"HAHAHA!!! I like you! I prefer honest women over those who play hard to get. How about becoming one of my concubines?"

"Giggle... I am... a priestess serving Lady Freyja... Giggle..."

"Hmm... I've never heard of a clergy member who can't marry... What do you think, Saint?"

"I wasn't raised in the church, so how would I know? However, our Goddess Freyja is more a goddess who preaches marriage than celibacy."


"Hmm... Giggle! Emperor... Are you rich?"

"Hmm... I have more money than I know what to do with. Do you desire wealth? Everything in this vast western land of the empire is mine."

"Hmm... Then what... What was that thing, Davey?"

"His strength, you mean?"

"Right! Fildyr said men should be strong! Especially the waist! The waist most of all!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha! She's quite audacious, isn't she?"

On the surface, she was a commoner, merely a mercenary girl. Just because one was a cleric did not necessarily mean they held a position of power. It would not be surprising if such a mercenary girl asking the emperor of the empire about his wealth or his prowess in bed got her head taken off several times over. However, Emperor Contas seemed to find it all the more amusing, laughing heartily.

He then raised a hand, with a dangerous glint in his eye, toward Lucia Shelman’s cheek. Lucia, with her eyes half-closed, looked up at him, a bit dazed. "Do you desire that? I haven't met a woman as enticing as you in a long time. Let's see my abilities then..."


"Your cup is empty."

At Davey’s words, he clicked his tongue briefly.

"Why did you stop him, prince?"

"She's still a child."

"Hmm... She seems to be the same age as you. Aren't you an adult?"

"Go ahead then." With a stoic expression, Davey placed a small knife from his pocket onto the table, sticking it blade-first. Even though no intent was revealed, the blade seemed alive as it was deeply embedded into the wooden table.

Seeing this, the emperor appeared to lose interest and became silent. "So you're trying to boss around the emperor of the empire? You seem audacious. If you listen to my request, I'll let this go."

"What is it?"

"Marry my daughter."

Hearing that, Davey downed his full glass in one go.

"You are of royal blood. Royalty may have many privileges, but they also have duties. I hear you're refusing political marriages for the sake of one woman?"

At his words, Davey remained silent. He had fulfilled all other duties, but he had been stubborn about this one.

"How long do you expect that to last?"

"It's not impossible."

"If you thought so, you shouldn't have become so noticeable." The emperor gave a bitter smile. "If everything in life went as planned, I wouldn't have become an emperor or taken multiple women I didn't love."

He shook his cup roughly, offering it for a refill. "One should also know that not everything goes as planned."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"In that regard, how about marrying my daughter?"

At those words, Davey looked intently at the emperor's face. He was certainly a young man, perhaps in his thirties. So then...

"Forgive me for asking, Your Majesty. How old is the princess...?"

"She's nine this year."

‘Damn this man.’

"You seem to want to label me as a pedophile."

"There's no rule that says you must consummate a marriage or have children immediately. To me, marriage is now just a way of protection..."

For the first time, a hint of sadness seemed to shadow the emperor's face, but Davey was focused on emptying his glass.


The drinking competition had started, and much time had passed. Only four individuals, those with excellent detoxifying abilities of Swordmaster level or higher, remained.

"Hmm... Seems like most liquors don't affect you."

"How about this one?" As the emperor blinked at him, Davey presented a black bottle he had set aside earlier.

The emperor's face lit up in curiosity. "Ah, a unique bottle. Some sort of glass?"

"It's similar, but the contents are so toxic that they'd melt ordinary glass." It looked just like any potent liquor, but the emperor looked intrigued rather than wary. "If you can withstand drinking this, I'll acknowledge you."

"A potent drink... What's it called?"

"It's called Ethereal Brew. Named because one sip can send you straight to the afterlife. There's also a sibling drink called Abyss Brew. Care to try?"

"I'll have a glass."

At his words, Davey grinned, pulling out two cups made of dark wood.

"Hey, Davey? Where's mine?"

"If you want to die, go ahead and drink." She flinched at his words and backed away, realizing he was not just making idle threats.

"Drinking with life on the line... Quite intriguing."

"If you're scared, we can stop here."

"Why would I? Let's see. My tolerance is the best in the empire, after all."

Upon hearing this, Davey poured a small amount of Ethereal Brew into a tiny ebony cup.

[Gulp... Without this, I can't sleep. Regular alcohol doesn't affect me anymore. Hey, want to share a drink, Daphne?]

[Shut up, you crazy bastard. Didn't I tell you to take care of your stomach? Want to have another surgery? I told you to watch yourself, you damn snake!]

The alcohol tolerance of Dokgo Jun was Abyss Brew, which was more concentrated than Ethereal Brew. Though one would get drunk after drinking a dozen, ordinarily just a sip of Abyss Brew would knock someone out cold, such was its wicked strength. Davey himself would not even think of drinking it; even back in the military, he used to be like this. Now, even Ethereal Brew might be enough to get him drunk. A drink that could get someone who used the Sword of the Mind drunk was truly evil.

Not sure if he noticed Boris's disapproving look, the Emperor took a whiff of the drink that could make one feel giddy just from the smell and downed it in one go. A burst of mana erupted from his entire body for a brief moment.

"Wow... this is potent." With his face slowly reddening, he tossed a pre-prepared reward, a necklace, to Davey. The necklace was imbued with a strange power.

"It's yours."


He slammed his head on the table and fell asleep.

"... Excuse me." Shortly after, the emperor's escort emerged from the shadows, helping him up and approached Davey.

"The effects of the alcohol should wear off by morning. Let him rest."


"Wow... I've heard that the emperor not only has a high tolerance but also possesses immunity against such toxins because of the powers he has mastered..."

"It's not called Ethereal Brew for nothing." Saying that, Davey drank the small amount of Ethereal Brew he had poured into his cup. Immediately, an overwhelming alcoholic sensation spread throughout his body. Even with the power of mana, the intense intoxication and smell could not be easily detoxified, making Illyna scrunch up her nose in distaste.

"Davey." And when all became quiet, Boris, who was casually sipping his drink, asked with a cold tone, "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" When Davey retorted, Boris swiftly waved his hand through the air. A heavy aura of mana radiated from him, warping the surrounding air, creating a similar effect to a silence spell, muting all sounds. It was a remarkable feat.

"Do you intend to break the knight's order?"

"Break the order? I haven't mentioned anything about the knight's order."


"The emperor thinks of the teacher, those guys, and me as mere acquaintances. The commoners believe we're mercenaries who were fortunate to be helped by the emperor's appearance. Isn't that the best scenario?"

"We didn't have to do this! If I had just kept my head down there, no one here would have cared about our presence..."

"Who said they wouldn't care?" At Davey’s question, he fell silent. "You think after revealing ourselves, they'd pretend not to know?"


"Sir, do you know why Commander-in-Chief Klomen, that strict fellow, let Illyna and me participate in this?" At Davey’s question, he fell silent again. "Do you know who we're fighting against?"

"A dark wizard who annihilated a branch of the knight's order. And there are foreigners with unknown powers too."

"Then I’ll ask you again, sir." Davey asked with utmost respect, "Who has the knight's order been fighting against? Humans who used their wits and hid? Or..."


"Beasts who moved according to instinct? Klomen sent us, experts in dealing with monsters. But also, aren't we here because we're experts at dealing with humans?”

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