The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 500

Chapter 500

"We've encountered an issue."

The men in black robes assembled within a small, dimly-lit cave.

"What's wrong?"

"The cuckoo has been found," announced one among them. His words elicited sharp intakes of breath from the gathering.

"The cuckoo has been discovered? How on earth was he found?!"

"After casting the Mind Talk magic, we discovered that the pattern etched on the cuckoo's body had vanished. It indicated the loss of his soul. In simpler terms, he's deceased."

The others in robes reacted with dry gulps and unease.

"We've got plenty left to accomplish. I can't believe he's already onto us..."

"We can't stay put. We need to leave this place as fast as we can."

"Who are you talking about? Who is it?"

"Davey... O’Rowane. The Saint of this continent."

Shock rippled through everyone present.

"Who... Who did you say?"

"The Saint of this continent."

"Damn it!"


Dark mana surged forth, sweeping through the surrounding area as the man shouted furiously, "Are you saying that such a monstrous human has appeared here?!"

"Damn it!"

Only someone foolish would remain unaware of the danger posed by a man named Davey O’Rowane. Indeed, the true extent of his powers remained a mystery, even to the most inquisitive gossips. After all, who would believe that the saint, associated with holy mana, wielded both sword and magic?

The robed men, at their wit's end, scrambled in chaos. Then, one of them stepped forward, quietly pulling down his robe's hood to reveal skin as black as night. He had been silently observing their frenzied actions.

"Whether sooner or later, this was an inevitability. The Saint is aligned with the Alpha Reinforcements. To vanquish the Last Wisp, we knew we'd have to confront him," the black-skinned man explained calmly.

"But facing him now would be suicide!" cried one of the robed men, his body trembling violently.

"I—I've witnessed it! I've seen how that man tortured his enemies on the battlefield!"

"We must leave this place immediately!"

Their ability to strategize against adversaries typically involved facing opponents of moderate strength. But this time, wasn't their opponent a monstrous force?

The black-skinned man observed the panicked robed men quietly as they clamored for escape.

"Yet how do we escape? If he's truly the Saint we know, he's undoubtedly on his way," one questioned.

"How would he know of this place? Can he even reach here?"

"He's not someone who needs to extract information slowly! He's likely heading here straight from the cuckoo's revelations."

"Underestimate him at your peril. First, let's flee this place and head to our established base in the area..."

"No. We will not abandon this place," the black-skinned man finally intervened after silently observing.

"What are you saying?! We don't have time for this! We must move swiftly!" protested the robed black mage.

The man shook his head at the mage's urgency. "Haven't many outsiders followed us this far? Let's use them as shields and descend further."

The robed men understood the implications of the black-skinned man's suggestion to descend deeper.

The Tartaros Subterranean Mountain Range was an inferno underground—an immense mountain range buried deep beneath the earth's surface, resembling another world hidden below.

However, if it were merely an immense mountain range concealed beneath the earth's surface, it wouldn't deserve the title of "hell on earth." Indeed, it was no ordinary mountain range.

"Once we're ensnared in the labyrinth below, there's no escape."

"That labyrinth sprawls endlessly. And the worst part? It suppresses our ability to wield magic. Not to mention, it's infested with vicious, ferocious monsters."

"True, if it's the underground mountain range... Besides, it's time for the lava baptism."

"Lava baptism, huh? I understand. Yes, that should hold him back."

"In the end, the Saint is still human. Once he's trapped, he won't escape for a while. And we'll finally fulfill our long-prepared wish," the black-skinned man said, his tone laden with foreboding.

"Moreover, there's a dungeon awaiting him. Its traps will surely confine him. We must swiftly analyze and harness the abilities of the outsiders. Time is scarce, so move quickly," he urged.

"Fufu..." Laughter slowly emanated from the group as one of the black mages chuckled.



Their cold, eerie laughter intertwined, forming a chilling harmony, oblivious to the impending consequences awaiting them.


The delegation of tasks was straightforward. Paladin Fildyr, accompanied by his partner Lucia Shelman, ventured forth with the twins Shayir and Fendyr, alongside Illyna and Davey serving as trackers. The rest of the team remained stationed at the knight order’s headquarters, establishing communication with the nearby Last Wisp Knight Order to seek additional support.

"These were recently occupied," remarked Illyna, examining the remnants of a bonfire in one corner of the cave.

"Indeed. These traces reek of dark magic. You can't miss it; it's too sinister."

"Dark magic thrives on secrecy and stealth. Let's move. The trail leads inward," directed Davey.

Fildyr nodded, unsheathing his sword and readying his shield at Davey's instruction. Lucia Shelman steadied herself, gripping her mace firmly. Meanwhile, the elemental twins, Shayir and Fendyr, summoned their spirits to stand by their side.

Then, Shayir turned to Davey, speaking softly, "Davey, pull a stunt like that again, and I'll be seriously angry with you."

"Understood. My apologies."

"There had to be a better way to demonstrate the potency of hypnosis magic, right?"

"I'll be more careful next time."

Shayir glanced at Davey with teary eyes upon hearing his response. "Sob... Now I won't find a husband..."

"Get a hold of yourself, sis. The world won't collapse because our shared family knows the color of your underwear," retorted Fendyr.

"You know nothing, you brat!"

“Haaa… You guys are too loud.”

Davey pressed forward, interrupting the quarrel between the two sisters.

"Wait, Davey," Illyna called out, a frown creasing her face as she scrutinized the traces closely. "This... Doesn't this appear to be a trap?"

"A trap?" Shayir echoed, voicing her skepticism.

"Doesn't it seem plausible? Dark mages excel in stealth and camouflage. After leaving such conspicuous signs, do you truly believe they fled? Moreover, the direction these traces lead... it's quite problematic, don't you think? Do you realize what lies ahead?"

Everyone halted upon hearing Illyna's words.

"The Demon World... Tartaros Subterranean Mountain Range..."

As murmurs spread, Illyna asserted her viewpoint firmly, "Davey, I understand your strength. But it wouldn't hurt to proceed cautiously. You're still human; it's not like you're impervious to harm."

"No. I will press on."

Illyna's eyes widened at Davey's determination. "You're still willing to proceed even knowing it might be a trap?"

"The fact they've lured me here indicates there's a trap waiting inside."

"Isn't that what I said?"

"On the contrary, it also means they're still present."

Illyna fell silent at that realization. Then, she murmured, "You're correct..."

"Indeed." The priest Lucia beamed at Davey. "This is quite an unconventional perspective, isn't it, Davey? You're truly remarkable."

"Though, the existence of a trap implies a certain level of risk," Davey continued.

Fildyr waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, so does that mean it's perilous? We're well aware of the danger. We're risking our lives to pursue them. Unless you're unaware and wish to state the obvious..."

"No need to fear. I'm here, after all."

Fildyr stared incredulously at Davey upon hearing those words. However, his eyes widened when he observed what Davey retrieved.

“Th… That?!”

‘That’s right. They’re the guys that you are terrified of.’

Shayir and Fendyr quivered, feeling a shiver down their spines as they gazed upon the cube in Davey's grasp.

"Ah... that golem."

"I can almost taste the bile and nausea from before..."

For Davey's fellow apprentices, these memories were unforgettable. The one Davey revealed was none other than the leader of the Decepticon Golem Fleet, Megatron. Megatron was a versatile golem, capable of engaging in close combat with its immense drill and chainsaw, as well as long-range attacks using its devastating CS Nausea Bullet.

The group's morale soared upon Megatron's sudden appearance.

"Can they contend with a Sword Master now?"

"Winning might be challenging, but that doesn't imply defeat."

It sounded absurd that a golem could match a Sword Master in strength.

Nevertheless, Davey calmly followed the hastily erased traces. He was the only one maintaining composure and leisure. The rest? They looked around cautiously, their wariness palpable.

‘Come to think of it, wasn’t that located somewhere around here…?’

Exiting the cave where they believed the dark mages had been, they followed the rugged mountain path, relentlessly pursuing the traces left behind. They resembled moths drawn inexorably toward a flame.

In the past, these individuals might have opted for direct confrontation instead of such troublesome pursuits. Yet, hoping for such an error in judgment had become difficult for Davey, especially after his power had garnered some level of notoriety.

Being recognized as a strong individual came with its advantages, but also brought annoying disadvantages—like the current situation.

Fendyr, adept at navigating remote and rugged terrain, led the way with the others supporting her. They took brief breaks intermittently along the mountainous path. Strangely, Davey felt a sense of déjà vu, reminiscent of their group training days.

"Found it. It's heading toward this cave."

Hadn't they been trekking through the forest for about three to four hours before arriving here?

Fildyr swallowed hard at the sight of the cavern's imposing entrance. "Damn. I never anticipated I'd venture into another remote and restricted region in my life."

"And to add to it, the Tartaros Subterranean Mountain Range is among the most perilous in the restricted zones. Even the knight order cautioned us to only observe from the entrance and never venture inside."

If the Pandora Region resembled an arctic landscape, the Tartaros Subterranean Mountain Range was an extremely hot underground cavern. None of them knew what lay within its depths.

‘Right. That’s right. It’s around this area.’

Davey was taken aback to find the landscape and topography perfectly matching his memories. Since he was already there, why not try to unearth some treasure, right? Unlike the nervousness evident in the others, Davey strolled in leisurely, contemplating the prospects of looting some hidden riches. It had been a while since he felt this carefree.

"Are they truly here? The traces all lead here," Fildyr murmured nervously, scanning the cave's surroundings.

The tracks they followed abruptly ceased, as if indicating they were being deliberately lured in. This group of knights had never fought other humans before, so it was natural for them to feel anxious.

Davey's gaze narrowed as he listened intently to the distant sounds while the others gathered their resolve and carefully surveyed the area. As they ventured farther from the entrance, a sudden change occurred.

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud!!!

The cave convulsed as a massive boulder materialized, blocking the narrow passage they had entered moments earlier.

"What the...?!"

"The exit's blocked!"

"Back away!"

Fildyr and Shayir screamed in astonishment while Illyna drew her sword, aiming to strike the rock. She seemed determined to prove her worth as a Sword Master. Brandishing Caldeiras, the symbol of a Sword Master, an aura blade enveloped her sword as she thrust it forward.

‘That…won’t break.’



Illyna stared at the rock incredulously, sent flying back by a tremendous force. "What... Why won't it break, even with an aura blade?"

Illyna wasn't alone in her panic. Everyone knew the potency of the aura blade, which made it all the more shocking and unsettling to witness the rock's resilience against such a formidable strike.

"Davey! What is that thing?!"

"It's coated with adamantium. It won't be cut down easily," Davey explained.

"Ad... What?" Illyna looked perplexed.

"Adamantium. That's how Assassin King Hermesia often fortifies her secret warehouses. I'm not sure where she got her orichalcum and adamantium, though."

The group fell into stunned silence at Davey's revelation. Their initial nervousness and determination now made sense; they finally grasped why Davey had been so leisurely earlier.

"Davey, did you know this would happen?"


"Why didn't you tell us?" Fildyr demanded incredulously.

Calmly, Davey pointed to the wall. "They must think we're ensnared in a trap. And if this trap can't be dismantled, our only option is to proceed to the end of the road, located in the lowest region of the subterranean mountain range. There, you'll encounter quite a lot of intriguing individuals."

Everyone's faces, except for Illyna's, turned pale.

"Adamantium is incredibly hard to breach. So, ultimately, we'll be compelled to head in that direction. But doing so will likely lead to our demise," Davey explained.

"Wha... How is this possible?" Illyna stuttered.

"This blockage is intended to weed out ordinary trespassers and such," Davey continued calmly, pressing his palms against the wall as mana slowly emanated from his body. "Most who come seeking the secret warehouse struggle once trapped here. They end up proceeding to the cave's end, meeting their end."

The cave remained blocked on one side, leaving them only one perilous path to follow. Perhaps countless treasure hunters seeking Hermesia's treasures met their demise in this place.

"Is... Is there any way out?"

"Normally? None," Davey replied.

"Can't you just break it?" Illyna implored.

Davey shook his head. "This area triggers an explosion the moment that rock is scratched."

Shayir turned even paler at the revelation. They realized that trusting Davey's strength alone was futile.

"One side blocked, the other leading to certain death. I've heard the Assassin King's secret warehouses are scattered worldwide. I never expected one to be here," murmured Fildyr, a furrow creasing his brow.

Crack, crack, crack!!!

At that moment, the cave walls began twisting and contorting until their shape had completely altered.

"Ack! Davey! What did you touch?!"

Everyone hastily readied their weapons, preparing for an imminent trap. Yet, Davey remained unperturbed, standing still.

Crack, crack, crack, thud!!!

Soon after, a new passage emerged, a massive door swinging open before them. The cautious and alert knights turned to Davey in disbelief.

"What... What just happened?"

The passage was brief, leading to a spacious opening beyond the doors—a dazzling trove of gold and treasures awaited them inside.

"The warehouse... It's been opened?" a stunned Illyna murmured to herself.

Throughout history, there had been no recorded instance of uncovering and unlocking an Assassin King's warehouse. Yet, surprisingly, one of these clandestine storehouses had effortlessly revealed itself before their very eyes.

"No, wait! I've heard that the Assassin King's warehouses are filled with traps and devices. To access them, you have to overcome various obstacles, right?!" Fildyr exclaimed in shock.

"I witnessed it! You did too, didn't you?! I'm certain I read everything about the secret warehouse in the book called Regression..."

"Who's foolish enough to set traps and devices on the way to their own residence? Come in. Help yourself. I'll even give you that much," Davey retorted.

The treasures hidden within were relics and possessions stolen or hoarded by Assassin King Hermesia during her lifetime. During Davey's tenure in the Hall, Hermesia had illustrated the approximate locations of her warehouses and detailed all the traps and devices she had installed within them.

‘Although I have to say, her drawing skills were truly horrendous.’

All the heroes in the Hall bestowed their strength and power upon Davey. However, Assassin King Hermesia had a different approach. As if disdainful of granting him power, she shoved a massive golden spoon into Davey's mouth. What did this gesture signify? It meant that every treasure within this place now belonged to Davey.

Each item in this treasure trove held immense value, considered precious and priceless. A single piece from here could fetch an astounding price at an auction house.

Ignoring the dumbfounded expressions behind him, Davey smacked his lips as he entered the area brimming with treasures.

"If you head back there, you'll find the way out. But through here, you can catch those dark mages."

Those rogues might believe they knew this place inside out, but they were mistaken. No one knew this place better than Davey did, not even after hundreds of thousands of years, as the landscape had remained unchanged.

Thinking they had Davey and his group under their thumb due to their supposed familiarity with the surroundings, why not turn the tables and use that very advantage against them?

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