The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 498: Welcome to My Inheritance Depot

Chapter 498: Welcome to My Inheritance Depot

Silence engulfed the entire area. Verdande, who had maintained her silence, finally opened her mouth and muttered, “Hercules… I have heard that name before.”

Continuing to murmur the name under her breath, she calmly spoke while waving her hand, drawing someone’s portrait—a man with a huge build and unkempt hair. Despite the differences in appearance, it was unmistakably Hercules.

“Is this the man?”

“That’s correct.”

“Hmm… I’m sorry, but I’ve only seen this man on the Wall of Truth. I also don’t know why you’re implying any blood relation between us.”

Davey’s eyes narrowed at Verdande’s unexpected remarks. “What is the Wall of Truth?”

“I'm sure you're aware that each Princess of the Abyss had her own special powers, right? My ability is to see the truth, albeit just fragments.”

“I don't think it's entirely meaningless, no?”

In terms of might and force, knowledge might seem pretty useless. However, depending on what Verdande could see, it could become a formidable ability. It appeared Verdande’s power was the only inherent ability compared to others.

“What kind of place do you think the Abyss, to which I belong, is like?”

“An endless, bottomless pit. Invaders. Conscienceless thieves. Kidnappers…”

“Stop! Stop! If I let you, you won’t stop at all. Yes… Thieves…” Verdande's expression turned solemn. “I can provide you with information about Hercules that will satisfy your curiosity. However, I need to clarify something.”

“What do you want to say?”

“Just now, you essentially labeled the Abyss as a den of thieves. But in truth, the real thieves are among you. Specifically, that disgusting Goddess, Freyja.”

‘Oh my god.’

The woman in front of Davey was uttering blasphemy in the presence of the Goddess’ Saint. Yet, despite hearing the faint anger in her voice, Davey chose to remain silent.


After the conversation with Verdande, Davey ventured out alone, leaving Perserque and Rinne—though Rinne had asked to join him—back at the territory. He opted to leave them behind due to Urd. Accompanying him, however, were Decepticon Fleet’s Golem Doogie and Avengers Squadron’s Dirro.

“Davey. Davey? What’s wrong? You look troubled.” Illyna approached Davey with a worried expression as they investigated the ruins left behind by the Last Wisp’s knight order, which had been assigned to monitor the Tartaros Subterranean Mountain Ranges in the southwestern region of the continent.

“It’s nothing.”

Davey believed he merely needed to defeat them, to obliterate them. But that was before he knew the truth. After his discussion with Verdande, he realized it wasn’t so easy to condemn them outright.

[You have no idea why this place is called the front of the coin while the Abyss is called the back, do you? That’s because the two worlds switch places periodically. There won’t be many changes once the two worlds switch, but there’s a definite system and order that must be followed.]

Presently, the one positioned at the front of the coin was Tionis Continent’s Goddess of Life, Goddess Freyja. That was Davey's initial assumption. However, now that he knew the other side, he realized it wasn’t the cursed Abyss that was the thief.

He could dismiss it as utter nonsense, but this wasn’t a simple problem. The world that occupied the front and the world that occupied the back of the coin would periodically change, much like flipping a coin. The issue arose when the world at the front disregarded the established rules and order.

[The god you serve, Goddess Freyja, gathered people from the outside. Our world, slated to switch to the front of the coin, was forcefully kept in the shadows. We were supposed to occupy your place. This is the flow of fate that the world adheres to. After hearing this, I don’t need to tell you who the thief is, right?]

Verdande showed no hostility even after speaking these words.

[All beings from the Abyss are fragments of God Thanatos, the god on the other side of the coin and the shadow of Goddess Freyja. The Princesses of the Abyss are potent fragments merged with countless thoughts. As for the others, they’re fragments merged with only a few thoughts, which have mutated and changed in various ways.]

Simply put, around 10,000 years ago, the original Abyss and the current world were meant to swap positions. However, at a certain point, Goddess Freyja descended and, for some reason, disrupted the cycle of worlds by tearing Thanatos—her counterpart—and intervening. It was evident that the power of Hercules, an evolved being who rejected the power of God, played a role in this process.

Essentially, from the perspective of the Abyss creatures, Goddess Freyja disrupted the established order and betrayed them. Thus, in their view, this world became a thief.

In the end, Verdande refuted any claim of being Hercules’ kin. Her will and consciousness had only awakened within the last hundred years at most. And in terms of essence, there wasn’t much disparity between her, Urd, and Skuld.

—We are one.

Davey felt he had finally grasped the reason behind their persistent statements—it had become a habitual declaration.

The Princesses of the Abyss, inherently strong, had started emanating the same intense animosity and authority of their original will. They went as far as annihilating anything in their path. It hadn’t been long since this behavior emerged, leading Davey to believe that some in their world might still be unaffected.

This raised the question: Why did the Princesses of the Abyss show no interest in Perserque? Clearly, she was the entity the Abyss sought, referred to as their Queen or Mother. Abyssal creatures had persistently attempted to reclaim Perserque, seeking a way to draw her back into the Abyss.

When Davey inquired about this, Verdande forthrightly laid out the issues within the Abyss. Essentially, Perserque was the sole soul capable of resurrecting God Thanatos, torn apart by the power of Goddess Freyja.

[No matter how potent or formidable the will's fragment is, it remains nothing more than a relic of something once deemed a deity. Do beings with overwhelming powers like yours not face any constraints? We might manipulate the world's rules to our advantage, but that doesn’t exempt us from our world’s regulations.]

The Princesses of the Abyss couldn't act against Perserque nor take any interest in her; she was a taboo to them from birth.

[Yet, remain vigilant. The Princesses of the Abyss are the sole exception. Many thoughts in the Abyss covet her. I haven’t returned there in some time, but I don't need to in order to discern the situation. They’re likely preparing for a substantial assault in advance.]

The Abyss was gearing up for an all-encompassing war. Even Verdande couldn’t discern the depths of the darkness; she only sensed their intent to obliterate the world at the forefront of the coin.

Accepting Verdande's narrative as truth, Davey asked why she harbored no hatred toward Goddess Freyja. In fact, she seemed to have assimilated well into this world and chosen to reside here.

Verdande appeared bitter as she responded to Davey's query.

[My eyes may witness the truth, yet they sometimes reveal things I wish not to see. Goddess Freyja’s actions are repugnant. But I believe she employed this method for a reason.]

Regarding the reason, Verdande admitted her inability to divulge it. Davey would never uncover whether Goddess Freyja tore God Thanatos apart due to a momentary lapse into malevolence or because there was an issue with God Thanatos.

In such a situation, Davey had only three potential solutions.

Firstly, he could reinstate Perserque as this world’s primary figure, the Demon Lord, once more and compel her to confront Davey, the antagonist. If Davey could extend the sphere of influence to where Goddess Freyja could officially intervene, it would prevent the Abyss from running rampant in this world.

Secondly, he might disregard all of that and acquire power capable of annihilating and compelling the entire Abyss to collapse. For this to occur, Davey had to either summon one of the top-ranking heroes in the Hall or become significantly stronger. However, that was unfeasible, as Davey was still in the process of regaining his full power.

If not that, then he could sever all connections between the front and back sides of the coin.

In reality, there was only one viable solution—to reinstate Perserque as the Demon Lord once more. The Sword God Ares might lack precise knowledge about the Abyss, but he likely perceived certain aspects through his personal power, which led to his decision back then. It was to safeguard the soul of his cherished foster daughter.

However, Davey wasn’t inclined to pursue that course either.

“You’re not withholding anything from me, are you?”

Perhaps because Illyna had witnessed Davey in such a state before, she looked at him with concern. Nevertheless, Davey simply shook his head.

“It’s nothing. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“You should talk if you’re struggling. If there’s something I can assist with, I’m more than willing.”

“What was his name again, Kain? What about that rascal?”

“I’ve been keeping an eye on him as you asked. But aside from being a compliant child… Davey, he’s just a child. He hasn’t done anything wrong. He merely displays the surliness typical of any ordinary child. He’s not malevolent or wicked…”

Davey flicked Illyna’s forehead at her words. Quite ironic, wasn’t it? The God of Balance and Harmony, Neltarid. His existence prompted Verdande, who could peer at the Wall of Truth, to tilt her head in confusion.


“Have you not heard about what happened to the Alpha Reinforcement’s knight order, huh? The ones responsible for the destruction and slaughter are those who have crossed over from Earth. They may not match their level, but their involvement is crystal clear.”


“And that God Neltarid who sent them to this world? He’s a deity no one has ever heard of.”

Kain hailed from the Valkyrie race and served as the apostle of said god.

Illyna could only nod, seemingly understanding what Davey intended to convey. However, she couldn’t mask the bitterness on her face.

“I understand what you’re saying. But he’s just a child. He hasn’t been around for long. If a child like him is abandoned by the one he considers a parent, then…”

‘How sad will he be?’

There was a peculiar sense of recognition that stirred within Davey upon hearing her words. Although he feigned ignorance of her sentiments, the sole reason he was monitoring the situation likely stemmed from the lingering memories in his mind.

‘Do your best to cherish those who are precious to you.’ Wasn’t there something along those lines?

Illyna was acutely familiar with the ache of separation from her family. It wasn’t solely about emotions; Kain was evidently tailing Illyna. Perserque’s confirmation and information served as the most reliable assurances. It would be preferable if Kain were naive and easily misled. But if he concealed ulterior motives...

"Tch. If he proves useless, shake the carrot-shaped jewelry I gave you, and I'll be right there."

"Are you going to kill the child if that happens?"

Davey nodded resolutely, without a hint of hesitation in response to her bitter question. "You must remember. It might not be solely about him, but the entity behind him is exceedingly dangerous. If he does something foolish, I won’t hesitate to end him."

Executing him outright, despite tagging him as dangerous, would be foolish. Unlike the few beings from Earth who arrived here through the game, Kain was their sole link to communicate with the god named Neltarid. Goddess Freyja's tolerance of his existence indicated room for negotiation.

Illyna fell silent after Davey’s words. Ultimately, she could only hug him, resting her forehead on his chest while saying bitterly, “It’s just disheartening that you find it difficult to trust so easily.”


Treating someone kindly wasn’t wrong. However, it was utterly absurd for an unmarried girl who had never seen a stranger in her life to regard him as a son. Moreover, it wasn’t Illyna but Davey who had brought the egg from which Kain was born. So, why was she so attached to the Valkyrie?

Now in the former abode of the decimated knight order, Illyna immediately grew tense when signs of a significant presence emerged in the quiet forest.

After their earlier conversation, Davey was seized by a mischievous impulse. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder and applied slight pressure.

"Heugyaa?!" Illyna shrieked as she collapsed, trembling on the ground, glaring up at him. "Davey!!!"


“Why do you keep doing strange things to my body?!”

“What have I done?”

Illyna bit her lip, realizing she didn't truly know what Davey had done.

“Someone about to get married shouldn't have to deal with this… Haa… that's enough,” Illyna said, a flash of bitterness crossing her face.

Since this was the area where the knight order’s headquarters had been situated, the approaching presence must be the advance scout team sent to investigate.

“Welcome, Sir Boris. We’ve been expecting you.”

Figures clad in black robes emerged from the distant side of the forest, entering the now completely ruined woodland as if they had long anticipated their arrival.

“Melveque, it’s been a while.”

“I believe this is the first time we’ve crossed paths since dealing with the rampage of the great demonic beast Kelsaik. Are those behind you the support troops from Alpha Reinforcement?”


After Boris’ introduction, a man named Melveque scrutinized Paladin Fildyr, Priest Lucia Shelman, the Renda twins, and Illyna, who had been sent to aid in the investigation. Shortly after, his gaze settled on Davey.

“And who is this man?”

It seemed rumors about Davey had already circulated within the knight order.

“That’s right. He’s a dependable ally,” Boris chuckled, boasting about Davey. “He’s the one who saved us all, our noble benefactor.”

“It's quite remarkable. I can’t sense a trace of mana…” Melveque observed Davey with curiosity, sensing an absence of mana within him.

“Let's discuss the situation inside, shall we?”

Melveque agreed with Boris’ suggestion. “We’ll need further investigation, but let’s survey the area first.”

The ruined knight order headquarters exuded a dismal atmosphere. There were no bodies left inside, yet bloodstains on the walls and widespread destruction testified to a violent event.

“Hmm… Bloodstains, but no traces…” Melveque pondered.

If mana or dark mana were utilized, some residual signs should have lingered. However, the area showed no such evidence.

“Let’s split into teams. Fildyr, investigate the upper levels with Lucia. Renda twins, head to the basement. If you notice anything abnormal, withdraw immediately.”

“Yes, instructor.”

Even though they were now both knights of the same order, severing the bond between a student and instructor wasn’t easy. After responding to Boris in a disciplined manner, they dispersed. Davey paired up with Illyna to investigate the exterior of the headquarters.

“There are bloodstains here too. Judging by the quantity, it’s evident they fought here as a group,” Illyna murmured, studying the bloodstains in the garden. “But why are there no bodies?”

Observing the scene in silence, Davey suddenly had a realization. He turned to Melveque.

Melveque said, “Ah, that’s right. There wasn’t a single body found… Um, may I speak freely?”

“As you wish.”

“Okay. Let me explain. When our order arrived, only a few bodies remained. Most of the knights’ bodies vanished.”

“So, some bodies were still present?”

Melveque nodded. “Yes. We’ve relocated those bodies to our main headquarters for a thorough investigation and autopsy. We'll soon uncover the truth.”

“What’s the plan once you identify the killer?”

A single glance revealed to Davey that this wasn’t the work of a monster or demonic creature. So, what if the perpetrators turned out to be human?

“We'll convene for discussion. We can’t simply let this slide. However, the investigation has hit a dead end. There are no traces left, and attempts by elementalists to probe memories in the area have failed—everything’s been wiped out.”

Davey calmly placed his hands on the ground. “You needn’t worry about that.”

Melveque and several other knights eyed Davey with skepticism at his words.

“ you intend to do?”

“I'll access the ground’s memories through a spirit.”

Melveque frowned upon hearing Davey’s calm tone. “No, you... I don't mean to dismiss your intentions, but as I mentioned earlier, even a high-ranking earth spirit failed to access the memories. They were obviously erased…”

“There’s nothing impossible in this world.”

Developing a skill or technique required hard work. And if one aimed to access the earth’s memories...


…they just had to change the spirit and use a Spirit King.

Crack, crack, crack, crack!!!

Simultaneously, the ground cracked and contorted as a colossal earth-formed entity emerged.

“Heok?! A S-S-S-S-S-Spirit King?!” one of the knights stammered in terror, collapsing to the ground.

It was expected; after all, the existence of a Spirit King was akin to a legend among elementalists. Seeing a Spirit King at a time when encountering a top-ranking spirit was exceedingly rare was an overwhelming and startling experience for an elementalist.

Melveque turned to the stuttering knight and exclaimed, “Hey! Marvas, what’s wrong with you?!”

“A Spirit King! It’s a Spirit King! My, my God! Witnessing a Spirit King in my lifetime! Ah, aaaaah! I’d have no regrets even if I died right here and now!”

‘One shouldn’t overwork themselves to that point.’

Marvas, a member of the advance party, gazed at Gnoass as if deeply moved by his presence. He had done nothing wrong, yet Davey couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for him.

[It’s been a long time, Contractor.]

"Gnoass, access the memories of this area. I suspect I know who the culprits are, but I need evidence to convince the others."

"Davey, you know who they are?" Illyna looked at Davey in surprise.

"It's painfully obvious," Davey stated, devoid of emotion.

Simultaneously, Gnoass placed his hand on the ground.

[The memories have been erased.]

“And so?”

[It will be very hard to check the memories.]

Melveque, who had been left stunned earlier, sighed upon hearing Gnoass’ response. “A Spirit King is incredible, but... it's been erased to the extent that such a being can't access it. They must have completely wiped the memories...”

"Then locate it."


Melveque fell silent, staring blankly at Davey.


"I told you, go and find it."

Gnoass furrowed his brow at Davey's composed demand.

[Contractor. I’m sure you heard me…]

“Do you expect me to force you Yuriana-style? Did you think I'd fall for that? Did you think I wouldn’t realize you’re just too lazy to do it?”

Yuriana, Davey’s teacher in spirit magic, was adept at pushing her spirits to their limits. There was nothing she couldn't make them do.

[Damn it! That vicious woman! She torments me even after her death! Just wait!]

Gnoass cried out loudly. Then, after a brief moment...

[I’m finished checking. Normally, restoring deleted memories isn't that difficult. But…]

“Huh? Is he saying he’s restored the deleted memories?” Melveque stuttered, disbelief evident in his voice as the incredible situation unfolded before him.

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