The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

The inside of the underground research facility located in the city resembled more of a maze than what Davey had initially thought. It wasn't very deep, but it sprawled throughout the city, taking advantage of blind spots and areas where one could not easily be seen or caught. Parasol's underground research facility, the one Leon had originally wanted to find, had been abandoned once before.

"There are rumors that those Parasol bastards sold their souls to the devil just to reach the final stage of their research. Looking at the aftermath, it makes me feel like those rumors were quite true," Laeuri said.

Davey glanced at Perserque after hearing Laeuri's words.

‘She’s observing you and watching your reaction. Ignore it.’

‘Is that so?’

"The devil? Interesting. It certainly seems to be the case. After all, even Satan might lose his job to these people, who implanted those monsters inside the bodies of ordinary people."

"Shh... Quiet! We don't know what's waiting for us inside this place. Let's all move silently, please," Leon nodded in agreement with one of the soldiers.

"That's right, Davey. It seems like those bastards used plutium for their research. If we handle things well, you might get what you want on our way to our destination."

"Then, that's a good thing."

"More importantly, we're very lucky that we only encountered one high-ranking mutant on our way here."

Of course, none of them knew that Davey had already taken care of the others before they got anywhere near their current location.



However, that didn't mean there was no threat at all. The place they were currently in was somehow separated from the other areas after the collapse. According to Leon, this place might have suffered from biochemical terrorism, or the managers inside had rebelled after growing tired of their work. Based on Leonhardt's assessment, the latter was the more likely case.

"Aaaah... Aaaaaaah... My legs!" A soldier, who had been bitten by one of the mutants lurking in the area, cried out in pain.

"Damn it! He's been bitten!"

"Everyone, step back!" Leon exclaimed as he crushed the mutant's head with a light-emitting weapon.

The moment the mutant's saliva was injected into the host's bloodstream after a bite, the parasite's egg would also enter the person's bloodstream and start multiplying. Subsequently, the host would cease breathing and succumb, turning into a wild and reckless puppet for the parasite.

In fact, the mutants that Davey and Perserque had encountered weren't biting humans out of hunger. Most of the time, they left their victims after biting them and injecting them with parasitic eggs.

As the soldier trembled, Laeuri drew her weapon and aimed it at the soldier's neck, saying, "I'll ensure you don't suffer..."

"Out of the way." Davey pushed Laeuri aside and placed his hands on the soldier's panting leg.


Black smoke slowly emanated from Davey's hands as an energy mass entered the soldier's body, destroying all the parasite's eggs that had entered through his bloodstream.

"All done. Administer some painkillers and stop the bleeding."

"Ah, right. Davey, you have the power to combat the infection."

Davey nodded quietly.

"Th-Thank you! Thank you very much!" The soldier cried, clutching Davey tightly, a testament to how terrified he was when he was bitten.

"Aren't you quite reliable?" Leon smiled as he patted Davey's arm.

In response, Davey playfully flicked Leon's forehead and asked, "But what is that?"

"That? Which one are you referring to?"


Leon followed Davey's gesture, and he saw six pillars, each as tall as a human, arranged in a large tank that appeared to contain some kind of atomic waste.

"This is a self-powered facility. The solution on the outside reacts with the plutium inside to generate power. This is probably the reason why the underground facility was sealed off."

Davey posed another question after hearing Laeuri's explanation, "So, does that mean we can access the outside as soon as we open this?"

"All the passages we need to traverse to get inside have additional locks that will activate once we enter. If we disable or dismantle this thing, there's a high chance the doors will open."

Davey nodded in understanding. After all, not all the rods inside those tanks contained plutium, right?

"What's the matter?" Leon asked.

Davey licked his lips and shrugged his shoulders.


Leon efficiently managed the situation, a testament to his professionalism. Holding the peculiar equipment in his hand, he made the decision to split the team. Leon chose to lead his team underground to secure the target while appointing someone to guide Davey to his intended destination.

"Reggie, take Davey with you and use the elevator in this area to proceed."

"Is that where the plutium storage warehouse is?"

"I reviewed the map on our way here. I suspect it's situated somewhere around there. It wouldn't be fair for us to benefit from you without compensation, right? Since there are no mutants attacking us, go ahead and retrieve what you need first. I'm aware that you didn't ask for anything beyond guidance while we attend to our tasks, so I'll focus on that."

He didn't need to say more. Davey, Rinne, and Reggie promptly separated from the group and made their way to the nearby freight elevator.

Of course, Davey didn't forget to prepare the area before departing, just to ensure they wouldn't fall into a trap. For Davey, this was a walk in the park. However, for Leon and the others, they were staking their lives on this mission.

‘Perserque, go and stick with Leon. When I send a signal, feel free to run as wild as you can.’

‘Can you still manage with your headache?’

‘Then, please run wild in moderation.’

Hearing those words, Perserque finally left Davey's shoulder and perched on top of Leon's head while remaining invisible.

Observing Perserque making a circle with her small hands, Davey couldn't help but smile.

However, Leon frowned upon seeing that smile. "Uhm... Your smile is making me feel a bit... uncomfortable. I have to clarify, I don't swing that way."

"You seem rather relaxed to be saying nonsense, don't you?" Davey retorted.

Leon smiled cheerfully at that. "I'm still not sure, Davey."

Well, the answer to that was quite simple. After addressing matters in that way, Davey returned to Reggie's side. Reggie had finally managed to open a nearby door leading to another facility and discovered a freight elevator.

"The fact that there are no infected individuals around us is giving me the creeps," Reggie mumbled as he peered outside the elevator while it descended. "By the way, how do you plan to transport all of this ore? There's quite a lot, and it doesn't seem easy to move."

"You'll see when the time comes," Davey replied cryptically.

Reggie looked at Davey in confusion at his response.

Meanwhile, Davey gazed at the green jewels embedded on one side of the elevator. They bore a striking resemblance to the video recording orbs from the Tionis Continent. Perhaps these translucent gems were items that absorbed and emitted light?

Then, Davey noticed Reggie pulling out a small piece of paper. The paper displayed images of a man, presumably Reggie, and a shorter girl.

Reggie said, "This is my younger sister. She's fifteen now."

"She's quite pretty."

"Haha, you think so? To be honest, I'm considering retiring after this mission. I don't want my sister to worry about me anymore. Luckily, the rewards for this mission are quite generous. Once I finish this job, I'll find a small house where I can live with Regina. That way, we won't have to worry about food and shelter anymore."

Davey smiled broadly as he listened to Reggie's hopeful words. People who often died prematurely often expressed such sentiments.

Creaaaaaaaak… Fwiiiiiish!

Steam hissed as the elevator came to a halt, and the doors slid open.

"We're here. It looks like there are no infected individuals here either, which is a relief," Reggie mumbled as he pulled out a map to survey the area. "It's not too far from here."

True to Reggie's words, they only walked for about five minutes through the long, dimly lit corridor in the underground facility before they spotted a massive warehouse. Davey noticed that the humans had sorted and stored the plutium in boxes stacked high within the warehouse. Reggie approached one of the boxes and inspected its contents.

Nodding, Reggie said, "All of this is pure plutium. This is the most I've ever seen in my entire life."

Davey quietly picked up a chunk of plutium while listening to Reggie's comments. One might expect such a piece to be incredibly heavy, but the plutium in his hands felt as light as a plastic toy.

"From the looks of it, you'll need to gather all the plutium in the area to get a ton. We told you before, right? That's not an amount a single human can move."

Reggie was right. A ton was a weight that surpassed human capabilities. However, the sheer quantity was beyond imagination. Of course, since Davey knew what plutium was, he was aware of this fact too.

"It doesn't matter," Davey replied.

Rinne approached Davey and said calmly, "Davey, Rinne has detected a commotion."

Davey nodded. "It seems like they're beginning to stir, huh?"



With those words, the nearby door flung open, and a horde of individuals dressed in black attire poured into the warehouse, brandishing their unique weapons.

“Heup?!” Reggie shouted in surprise as he hurriedly pulled his weapon out and pointed it toward the enemies, the tension rising in the air. “Mister Davey! Please get behind me!!! It’s Parasol!!!”

That's when Davey noticed the unusual snake pattern adorning one side of the men's black attire.

"It's Parasol's crest. Where the hell did these bastards come from?!" Reggie shouted, his face filled with doubt and shock.

"Where did they come from? Well, they must have come in through the entrance."

"Impossible! Just like you saw earlier, the plutium control rods are still connected. That means the facility should be completely sealed from the outside..." Reggie's face stiffened, his words trailing off as he stared at Davey.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I took them."

"Are, are you crazy?! We might have been trapped inside, but why would you remove the only thing preventing the enemies from entering from the outside?"

"Ah, calm down. Don't worry, I hid them well."

Upon hearing these words, Reggie's expression crumpled. It was only natural. After all, he couldn't fathom why Davey would open the doors and allow their enemies to enter. Of course, even if Davey hadn't taken the plutium rods, the enemies could still open the doors.

However, it seemed the men surrounding them weren't immediately interested in attacking. They appeared to want to initiate a conversation. And as expected, a man stepped forward from their group, holding a small crystal ball and rolling it toward Davey. It appeared to be a communication tool.

"A communication tool?" Reggie mumbled to himself as he watched Davey pick up the ball.

The ball resembled the mana communication crystals used in the Tionis Continent, though it appeared to be made of different materials.

Bzzt, bzzt…

Not long after, a light flashed inside the bead, and a video appeared on its surface.

"Hmm... Ah, aah. Can you hear me?"

It was Davey's first time hearing the voice of an old man in this place.

"Ahem, ahem. I'm Doctor Fraun."

Then, an old man appeared in the crystal ball.


"Well, that's what everyone calls me. And, as you can see, I belong to the same faction as the soldiers surrounding you."

Reggie's eyes widened upon hearing those words. He exclaimed, "Dr. Fraun!!!"

"Oh? It seems like you know me?"

“How can I not know the name of the bastard who created those f*cking parasites?!!!”

“Woah, woah. Stay composed. We're communicating through electric signals from a distance. What you see here is just an illusion, even if you're venting your frustration on this image."

"Shut up!" Reggie bellowed at the crystal ball in a fit of anger.

His reaction made it clear that he was ready to pounce at the object and release his rage. However, the armed men surrounding them prevented him from doing so.

"I'm not sure why you chose to deactivate the devices that isolated the interior from the outside world, but it made it straightforward for us to gain access."

"You're most welcome."

The old man smiled with a hint of satisfaction at Davey's response. "You must be aware that we've been closely monitoring your activities, right?"

Davey nodded in acknowledgment. "Certainly, thanks to those green gems, correct?"

"Oh, you're familiar with them? They are quite difficult to spot, considering how well they were concealed." Dr. Fraun paused briefly before continuing, "So, let's get to the point. Are you a human?"

"What's your motivation behind asking that question?"

"Don't attempt to deceive me. I sent numerous mutants to eliminate that rogue Leonhardt, yet none of them even crossed paths with you. Why is that, hm?"

Reggie appeared perplexed as he heard Dr. Fraun's words. Indeed, they hadn't encountered any other mutants apart from the colossal goliath-class creature at the beginning.

"Why, you ask? Well, their heads exploded before they could reach me. That's why they never encountered us."


"Mister Davey, what's going on..."

Davey gestured to Reggie to remain silent when he attempted to seek an explanation.

"Our super-soldiers, who can display strength and speed beyond human capabilities, couldn't achieve something as extraordinary as you've demonstrated. You're a distinct kind of being from them, much like... Yes, much like the entity that assisted us in creating this parasitic virus."

"That's intriguing. By any chance, did they claim to be the Princess of the Abyss or an entity from the Abyss?"

"Oh? How did you become aware of that?"

Upon those words, Davey released a small electric current and allowed it to travel within the crystal ball. The materials and structure may be different, but the use of electric signals remained consistent.

"So, why did you reach out to me?"

"It's nothing of great importance. I'll spare your life if you come to us with my men."

"And if I decline?"

"Then, you leave me with no choice but to die. No matter how mysterious or mystical your identity may be, you won't survive an onslaught of attacks from dozens of people."

All the men dressed in black uniforms pointed their weapons at Davey in unison. Their weapons were evidently unique to this world. They resembled guns, muskets to be precise, but they fired advanced projectiles—metal bullets that emitted a peculiar light.

"Even if you survive, one command from me, and I can obliterate the entire city. You have no escape. So, what will you do?"

Davey then posed a question, "Ah, by the way, the woman who came with us was your spy, wasn't she?"

"Oh? You figured that out already? Impressive. Yes, that's correct. Laeuri is a loyal member of our organization, and she has already submitted a report about you. There's a chance she's already overpowered those individuals, eliminated them, and taken possession of the antibiotics."

Davey nodded. "Then, let me ask you one final question."


"The person, or rather, the entity that assisted you. Is it a man or a woman?"

Fraun appeared confused when he heard this question. "Hmm? That's a rather unusual question. It's a woman."

It was likely one of the Princesses of the Abyss. Davey was already aware of Urd and Verdandi, as well as Sleesia, who had perished by his hand. From what he knew, there were still several Princesses of the Abyss, although he had only met the three in person.

"Thank you for this conversation."

"You're very welcome. If you cooperate with us and come along with my men peacefully, I will spare you."

Davey smiled broadly. "Cooperate? I'm the one who wanted to tell you that."


"Thanks to you initiating this lengthy and fruitless conversation, I've pinpointed your location."

The crystal ball in Davey's hand began to crack, the fracture spreading across the visage of the old man named Fraun.

"What do you mean...?"

"It's quite simple, really. This world also uses electric signals. I'm not a computer, so I can't locate you easily that way. However, I managed to do it by simulating an electric signal using magic."

‘Can’t understand?’

Davey had no need for them to fully grasp the intricate workings of his technique, so the details were somewhat irrelevant. In simpler terms, Davey used his mana to cloak it as an electric signal. Subsequently, he reversed the flow of the electric signal emanating from the crystal ball, tracing it in the process. As their conversation progressed, he eventually managed to pinpoint their location.

Davey remained unaware of the precise whereabouts of the Parasol base or the identity of these individuals, but this method was his sole means to track them.

In this world bereft of magical elements, they remained completely oblivious to the fact that they had been infiltrated by Davey—notably, even their very souls had been manipulated. It was during this process that Davey detected an anomalous magical force disrupting the electric signal. In a world devoid of mana, who else could wield power grounded in abstract, non-physical laws? Davey was keenly aware of the identity of this enigmatic being.

“Go. Go and tell the Princess of the Abyss…”


“I’m coming for her.”

‘Since you like playing Capture the Flag, then I’ll take this land as mine now.’


The crystal ball disintegrated into pieces as Davey tightened his grip on it. Simultaneously, the men dressed in black uniforms moved in to attack him.

In reality, Davey had already suspected that the Parasol group, or whatever they were, would either make contact with Leon or attempt a betrayal through Laeuri. That's why he had left Perserque with Leon to keep a close watch on the woman. However, it seemed these Parasol individuals were more interested in Davey than the others on the opposite side.

"Get down!!!" Reggie, who had been stationary until then, leaped toward Davey, trying to push him to the ground.

Reggie seemed intent on shielding Davey by covering him with his own body. Unfortunately, he was unable to pull Davey down to the ground, and both of them remained standing.

Ping! Shiiiiiiiing!

The men in black uniforms began firing continuously. Reggie, who had momentarily frozen, let out a scream and clutched his head with both hands as he crouched on the ground. After what felt like a long time, they finally ceased firing their guns.

Davey observed them and commented, "Well, it seems that firing a gun follows a similar method no matter the world. They still rely on gunpowder, huh?"

The bullets emitting light hung suspended in mid-air. Davey selected one of the bullets and turned it around playfully. Then, as if in casual conversation, he placed his index and middle fingers to his ear and said, "Perserque, it's me. There's nothing else here. Clean up and join us. Oh, and take those antibiotics or whatever with you."

The incredulous expressions of everyone, including Reggie, were fixed on Davey as they listened to him.

"What the hell..."

All the bullets discharged by those menacing weapons came to a halt before reaching Davey. As for Davey himself, he waved his hand nonchalantly amid the stupefied onlookers, who were confronted with the surreal reality before them.

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud!!!

All of the metal bullets fell to the ground simultaneously. Reggie gaped at Davey, witnessing a spectacle he had only seen or read about in movies and novels.

"What are you doing? I thought you said you have a sister waiting for you to come back?"

"Yes... Eh?"

"Ah, wait," Davey replied calmly as he turned around. "Start the elevator. I'll follow you out after securing all of the plutium here."

After all, he couldn't just leave the plutium, his main goal, here, right?

‘I’m sorry. But the Princess of the Abyss is just my sub-goal.’

Reggie gazed at Davey in disbelief, taking in the sight of the men who had fired at him earlier. These individuals had all become rigid and didn't appear to be preparing any further attacks, likely due to the astonishing events that had just transpired.

He inquired, "What are you talking about? They're all still alive..."

"Still alive?" Davey interrupted Reggie, gesturing toward the men in black uniforms behind him. "Who?"


Simultaneously, distinct red lines appeared on the bodies of the men encircling them. Shortly thereafter, their bodies began to slide off, revealing the unusual sight of Rinne lightly brandishing her lightsaber on the back of her hands.

"Oh my God... What am I witnessing right now?"

Upon seeing Reggie's stunned and bewildered state, Rinne, with a composed and detached tone, remarked, "Rinne assesses those who attempted to attack Davey as inferior. Rinne senses her emotional circuits rapidly overheating. This is identified as signs of anger."

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