The Main Characters That Only I Know

Chapter 141:

Chapter 141:

Chapter 141

A survivor returned.

That was a big deal. 

Yu-hyun wondered why Choi Jung Mo had told him such an important fact separately, and tried to read his intentions.

Their relationship was not that close to just share information casually.

“Who is the survivor, and what is their condition?”

-He is the team leader of the second exploration team, a collector of rank 4. His condition is not very good.

“Hmm. Wasn’t this classified? Can you tell me everything just because I asked?”

-It’s a matter of time before this information spreads through the news. It won’t hurt to tell you a little earlier.

“Still, you contacted me separately, so I think you have some important facts that others don’t know.”

Yu-hyun guessed what Choi Jung Mo had in mind when he contacted him.

It was a foregone conclusion that White Flower Management had to participate in the third exploration team. 

From Choi Jung Mo’s perspective, it was better to share information with Yu-hyun.

Besides, he could owe him a favor by doing this.

-First of all, the environment inside is the sea. The survivor is in a coma, but he said something before he collapsed.

“What did he say?”

-He saw a very white and huge monster…

“A white and huge monster…”

That was something that even Yu-hyun could not grasp.

“Is there anything else besides that?”

-That’s all I know.

That was the extent of Choi Jung Mo’s information. 

He ended the call by saying that the third exploration team would be recruited soon.

Kang Hye-rim, who had been listening quietly, asked.

“We’ll be included in the third exploration team, right?”

“That’s right. With a very high probability.”

“But if there’s a survivor from the second exploration team, isn’t that enough? I don’t think we need to go for the third one.”

Kang Hye-rim thought that the exploration was over at the point where there was a survivor from the second exploration team.

It was unfortunate that there were casualties, but having a survivor meant that they had successfully completed their mission.

Yu-hyun shook his head.

“It won’t be that easy.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Having a survivor from the second exploration team is a lucky thing, but we can’t say that he completed his exploration mission perfectly. The only survivor collapsed as soon as he returned, and his condition is bad. He barely made it back. And the only information he brought out was about the white monster. Do you know what that means?”

“Are you saying… that nothing else has been revealed yet?”

Kang Hye-rim realized how serious the situation was.

Yu-hyun nodded.

“The association said they are preparing for the third exploration team. They know it too. That the second one failed even though there was one survivor. What is the identity of the white monster, and what else is inside there? We need to know those things perfectly to call it an exploration.”

“Ugh. It’s so dangerous to go into another world without any basic information.”

“That’s right. In fact, the most dangerous role among collectors is that of explorers.”

“Then what do we do?”

“But on the other hand, if the exploration is successful, we’ll get rewards that are incomparable to other collectors.”

High risk high return.

Crisis could turn into opportunity.

The compensation was not limited to money. 

Not to mention the reputation that would be incomparable to before, but also the clan or manager who participated in the exploration would get the right to own the byproducts of another world.

If they got something like the crystal cave from last time, everyone would apply for an exploration team without hesitation.

“Well, but judging by their reaction, the risk is still high, and I’m not sure if we can get any byproducts from inside.”

It didn’t seem like there was anything to gain from the sea setting.

More importantly, his future knowledge was useless this time.

‘That’s the biggest thing.’

It was definitely different from before when he knew everything.

It would be better if the story of Earth was chosen, but if it was another world composed of stories from different dimensions, it would be hopeless.

Kwon Jia, who had been listening quietly, gave her opinion.

“Is it okay to proceed like this? Can’t we just refuse to join the exploration team?”

“If that worked, I would have ignored them. But you know that’s not possible now that we’ve come this far. The other clans will definitely attack us. They’ll say it’s all our fault and we have to take responsibility. Something like that.”

“Do they really have to go that far?”

“They do it because they have to, that’s why I’m saying this.”

The clans were not really asking for White Flower Management’s responsibility.

They thought it was rather better that a new world was created. 

The important thing was to restrain White Flower Management by using the exploration team as an excuse, and weaken their power.

“So we have to volunteer ourselves.”

“Sigh. Is that really the only way?”

“At least it’s better for our image than being forced by others. The people who were dissatisfied with us will see us differently.”

“But if we die, it’s all over.”

“Then we don’t die.”

Yu-hyun felt a bitter smile on his lips at his own absurd words.

But he had no intention of backing down.

“Ultimately, this is a gamble. Whether we succeed or fail when we go inside. If we fail, it’s over. But if we succeed, we’ll get rewards that are incomparable to before. Death or fortune. It’s a binary choice that we have to make.”

“Ugh. I don’t like leaving it to luck.”

“The choices are two, but the results are not determined by luck. It depends on how we act when we go inside.”

Sung Yu-chan, who had been watching the conversation, asked with a somewhat anxious face.

“Uh, um. Are you sure it’s okay? Right? I just got hired, and I don’t want to lose my job right away…”




When Sung Yu-chan made an unlucky remark, Kwon Jia and Kang Hye-rim glared at him fiercely.

He was a man who became very brave when he had a computer, but he was very weak and timid when he had a face-to-face conversation.

Yu-hyun wondered if he had advised him too hastily to join the group life.

Well, he’ll probably manage somehow.

‘The important thing is the upcoming third exploration.’

He straightened his posture and thought about the future, and Kwon Jia and Kang Hye-rim shook their heads as if they knew him.

Whether big or small, his eyes sparkled with a bright light when it came to work.


A few days later.

Yu-hyun’s prediction hit the mark nicely.

When the association announced the recruitment of the third exploration team, some clans claimed White Flower Management’s responsibility as if they had agreed on it.

The association, which had been at odds with the clans, asked for the voluntary participation of large clans, but they did not try hard to protect White Flower Management either.

‘Well, it’s natural that they can’t do anything about it.’

They thought it was rather better that a new world was created. 

The important thing was to restrain White Flower Management by using the exploration team as an excuse, and weaken their power.

‘So we have to volunteer ourselves.’

Yu-hyun had anticipated this and had already announced that White Flower Management would participate in the third exploration team.

It was quite a surprise for the clans.

It was obvious that this world was a poisoned chalice. It was no different from telling them to go and die, but instead of refusing, they volunteered themselves. 

It looked like nothing but a suicide attempt.

But they also knew what Yu-hyun was aiming for.

“Really. Since you have to go anyway, you want to maintain a good image by volunteering. Is that it?”

“It must not have been easy to make such a decision.”

“But still. If you die, it’s over. What’s the point? Do you have any chance of success?”

Yu-hyun’s action was based on the assumption that he would ‘come back alive’. 

The high-ranking people of the clans and the association laughed at his action.

Logically and rationally, the success rate of this third exploration team was below 30%.

In the end, it was nothing but a desperate move.

They all evaluated him like that.

Others might think he was being stubborn, but Yu-hyun had his own thoughts.

“Anyway, we only have three people to send from our side, including me. What can we do?”

First exploration team 7 people.

Second exploration team 12 people.

Considering that the third exploration team would have more people than before, they had to recruit at least 15 more people excluding the three from White Flower Management.

The problem started from here.

“Really, who would volunteer from the clans?”

You thought we wouldn’t go?

Yu-hyun sneered at them inwardly.

That was exactly what happened. 

The clans who had mocked Yu-hyun realized too late that the arrow had turned back to them.

The association would also provide some personnel, but that did not mean that the clans were free from their responsibility.

‘How can we send our mid-level collectors when we know they will die?’

‘If they were low-level, maybe, but mid-level are veterans. How can we give up such talents?’

‘But we can’t ignore it either. Since the government has issued an official document, it is practically mandatory to provide personnel.’

The clan was basically a giant corporation. 

Thanks to that, they received various benefits, but they also had obligations as much as they received benefits.

Just like now.

The first priority when choosing people for the exploration team was the clan.

Especially, Twilight Veil and Hanul were more so.

“Tsk. What a pain.”

Shin Dong Chul, the second team leader of Hanul clan, clicked his tongue as he saw the official document from the government.

He got involved in this mess because of Twilight Veil clan’s contract with Pentagram department.

It was not a recommendation, but a threat.

He was already in a bad situation because of this incident. 

Moreover, the legal dispute was still ongoing, so he could not ignore the government’s words.

“He dumped all the responsibility on me.”

Shin Dong Chul had started this to take over the first team leader’s position, but he failed.

He could not succeed in everything, but there was a price for failure. 

Shin Dong Chul clenched his teeth as he recalled what the clan leader had said to him personally.

-This is your responsibility, so you have to pick someone from your team for this time.

It was enough to make his anger boil over, but what annoyed him more was his situation where he could not even argue back.

‘I shouldn’t have trusted Jeon Kwang Seok that bastard. Hoo. Well. It’s too late to regret now. I’ll do as I’m told.’

Shin Dong Chul did not try to stand up for his pride in this situation.

He bowed his head and listened obediently to what they said. But if he got a chance…

‘You’ll see.’

The unexpected aftermath also hit Agael of Pentagram department who had contracted with Twilight Veil clan.

“As expected! I knew it!”

She finally found the clue to who had screwed Twilight Veil after a lot of rumors.

“This, this lowly independent teller!”

White Flower Management.

As soon as she heard that name, Yu-hyun’s face flashed in her mind and Agael’s expression twisted horribly.

There was no evidence, only suspicion, and White Flower Management had a perfect alibi.

But she did not believe it. It was him. It had to be him. It was a judgment that came to her as if something beyond cognition had given her a revelation.

“Ugh! How dare! How dare youuu!!”

Agael smashed the things in the supervisor’s room and made a fuss. But her anger did not subside. 

It was because of the official document that came down to Twilight Veil this time.

It was an order to provide collectors for the third exploration team.

Twilight Veil, which could not make a sound to the government because of the illegal world occupation, had no choice but to let their nose be cut off while awake.

Agael did not like losing her chess pieces.

‘Wait a minute.’

She had an idea.

‘White Flower Management, that damned bastard also said he would join the third exploration team. Then, couldn’t this be an opportunity instead?’

There was no way they would succeed in the third exploration, but she could not help but think of the slightest possibility.

‘If I sabotage their exploration from the inside… I can get rid of that thorn in my eye.’

She needed someone who would risk their life and throw themselves at him.

‘There are such people, of course.’

Her eyes curved like crescents.

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