The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 88: Gory fight

Chapter 88: Gory fight

As soon as the soldier died, the healer didnt see a way for his survival so he turned around and started running. Seeing him runaway Kang-Ho had to admit that he was at least good at something, but today didnt seem like the day that the goblin would survive. Kang-Ho didnt run behind the goblin, because he didnt have to, the goblin was running towards the people hiding behind the bushes lying in wait. Kang-Ho just stood there and observe, the goblin would be dead by their hands anyway.

Boss, what should we do should we run away? Our cover will be blown. Said one of the men behind the bush to Hyun Bai.

No, I will kill that bas*ard you three go and attack that man at once use all you have got. I will come after I finish this brainless thing. Said Hyun Bai, instructing them how to handle the situation, while he was gritting his teeth. Hyun Bai regretted not attacking earlier when he had the chance.

KIIIIII shouted the goblin as it was running away from Kang-Ho, just when the goblin reached near the bush where the people were hiding, 4 shadows emerged out of nowhere, one of the shadows started attacking the goblin and the rest went towards Kang-Ho in high speed.

I will chop your head off and feed it to the pigs you freaking dumb creature. If it werent for you, we could have succeeded in launching a sneak attack. yelled Hyun Bai, after failing to sneak attack Kang-Ho because of the goblin, Hyun Bai was beyond angry. He used all his force and swung his sword towards the goblin.

The goblin was running for his life from Kang-Ho so all his attention was focused on Kang-Ho, he was making sure that Kang-Ho was not following behind him. For the moment the goblin was relieved that Kang-Ho was not following behind him to kill him, right then Hyun Bais sword came crashing down on the shoulder of the goblin. The moment that the sword fell to his shoulder he was not focused on what was happening to his front, all he cared about was the back. So, goblin didnt even notice that he had been attacked, the goblin was caught completely off guard. The sword landed straight on the goblins shoulder. The sword penetrated deep into the shoulder of the gobin, the boned on the shoulder of the goblin were crushed, the sword even cut through 1-2 ribs of the goblin after finally stopping.

The goblin had no idea what had happened in just a moment, he just felt his legs give up when he felt something heavy on his shoulder. The goblin bent to his knees and looked forward, when he finally saw the horror of what had happened to him. Hyun Bai on the other hand didnt stop his atta ck on the goblin, he took his sword out from the shoulder of the goblin and started to attack goblin nonstop. The goblin tried to fight back to no avail.

Meanwhile on the other side, the three people came in front of Kang-Ho and stood, they were obviously trying to buy time until Hyun Bai showed up. They didnt want to engage Kang-Ho to a fight without the presence of Hyun Bai on the team, so they tried whatever that came to their mind trying to stall.

We belong to one of the top Guilds, if you dont want trouble with us, leave all the valuables you have with you here and leave this place immediately, and we will let you leave with your life intact. Said the tall guy among the group with a sinister look on his face, trying to hide any sign of nervousness he had. He was trying to test the waters and see if Kang-Ho would be afraid of the top guilds, if they saw any kind of hesitation on Kang-ho they would start attacking his with top guild threat. They had many times looted other hunters using this tactic. And even when this tactic failed the enemy would never dare to attack them fearing the consequences. Unfortunately for them this was their unluckiest day, that they met Kang-ho.

After hearing what the tall guy had to say on the matter, Kang-Ho didnt say a word, he gripped his dagger and pounced towards the skinny guy who the most nervous from the group. When Kang-Ho didnt even reply to their threat and attacked instead, all three of their bodies went cold. They couldnt believe that someone could be so brazen, attacking even after hearing that they belonged to a top guild. At the moment all three of them thought that Kang-Ho must really belong to some huge guild or he belonged to the hunters association. Whichever the case they were Scr*wed either way.

Hey, arent you afraid that our guild members would hunt for you to the ends of the earth to kill you? We can solve this if we talk why do you need to so uncivilised? the tall man bluffed once more hoping Kang-Ho would stop.

You think this is uncivilized wait till you see this. Said Kang-Ho and attacked the skinny guy of the group, Kang-Hos dagger attacked the belly of the skinny man. The skinny man was caught unprepared, he tried to dodge the attack but he failed miserably.

Kang-Hos dagger dug deep into the belly of the skinny man, Kang-Ho didnt take the dagger out of the belly, rather he made a curve cut on the belly which ran from left side to the right side. After doing all of that Kang-Ho backed away.

As Kang-Ho stood back and watch, everything that was inside the skinny mans belly fell to the ground. To everyones horror Kang-Ho wasnt even affected by the sight, but not everyone was the same. One of the men started to vomit from the gory sight. Even Hyun Bai who was normally calm in every situation, was shocked by what Kang-Ho had done. Hyun Bai had killed people in the past he had seen other killing people but never had he seen such cruelty.

No, No please help! I dont want to die I dont want to die. Yelled the skinny man, as he tried to pick up everything that had fallen to the ground.

Kang-Ho stepped forward and attacked the head of the skinny man, with one strike Kang-Ho pierced the brain of the man killing him instantly.

Tsk, why do you even try to kill others if you are not even ready to face death yourself? asked Kang-Ho in an annoyed voice.

Everyone, fall back we mush attack this monster all at once. We must take this monster down. Yelled Hyun Bai, he was out of ideas so he planned to attack Kang-ho together with others. He now hopped that Kang-Ho would not be able to use the skill he used earlier on the goblin.

Kang-Ho didnt say anything he just waited for them to make their move. The two remaining men backed away. Kang-ho didnt stop them, he knew that they would not leave this dungeon in one piece after attacking him. He would kill them, Kang-Ho never spared anyone who dared to bare fang on him.

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