The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 134: Halberd

Chapter 134: Halberd

[Earth Rendering Halberd


Physical Attack: +500

Magical Attack: +500

Fire Damage: +300

Description: this weapons handle was made with the use of bone from iron ape which boasts the strength and durability of the weapon, while the head was made using magma metal which had been soaking with the destructive power of magma for thousands of years, in turns providing the weapon with extra fire damage.

The weapon itself is a piece of art which has been crafted by a great weaponsmith, being able to refine a bone from the Iron ape just shows how great of a talent the weapon smith was. On top of that refining a piece of magma metal which is violent by nature takes a different kind of mastery which can be rarely seen in 1 in a million weaponsmith.

With the use of this Halberd, with each attacks the halberd gives off fire attacks which in turns causes damage to the enemy of its wielder. A one of a kind weapon that craves for war and blood. There is a 1% chance, when attacking with this weapon, the destructive and chaotic energy that the metal itself has gathered over the years, which has been sleeping inside of the weapon would wake up from its slumber and deal massive amount of fire damage to the surrounding area. But if this happens the weapon would lose the fire damage effect altogether]

Kang-Ho was speechless after reading the description of the weapon this was his first time, he was seeing this kind of superpowered weapon if Kang-Ho counted all of the damages together the total damage that the weapon could do by itself was about 1,300, which in itself was astronomical. But that wasnt the main art that made him speechless, it was the ingredients which was used to make this weapon which made him speechless, the description mentioned something about bone of an Iron ape and the magma metal, these were things which he had never heard of but from the description of these things they seemed like they were very hard to find.

One more thing that Kang-Ho amazed was the fact that the weapon could itself do 300 damage to opponents just from attacking them. Kang-Ho didnt know how the weapon was going to land fire damage on opponent but he could already guess because the head of the halberd seemed as if it was scorching from Kang-Hos point of view. But when Kang-Ho tried to tough the weapon, he didnt feel any kind of heat nor was he hurt. The metal itself was glowing red in colour which closely resembled a very heated metal which was at its melting point. But what amazed Kang-Ho was even though the head looked like it was very hot from the touch of its Kang-Ho felt like it was a normal metal.

Kang-Ho tried to feel the weapons mana itself thats when he noticed that the head of the halberd was totally filled with mana and when Kang-Ho tried to probe more Kang-Ho could feel the massive amount of mana which was trapped inside of the metal itself to the point that, he could only guess the extent of damage the weapon would inflict once the hidden attribute of the weapon activates.

And as for the handle of the Kang-Ho could feel the stiffness of the bone even if Kang-Ho used his full force in one attack he doubted that he would be able to do any thing to the handle of the Halberd. This itself goes to show how strong the Iron ape must have been when it was still alive, the ape must have been a very strong and high level monster when it was still alive. The handle of the halberd was totally white and at the end of the handle there was an intricately shaped triangle, the triangle had some amount of carefully designed holes on it which made the halberd look like a show piece more than a weapon.

Kang-Ho wanted to check the new weapon out, see the how well it worked and check if his sphere using skills were still intact after all it has been a lot of while since he had last used sphere. Kang-Ho took stored his shorts sword inside his inventory and jumped towards the part of room that just opened up as it wasnt covered up with bats corpses.

Kang-Ho jumped from his previous location and landed on the clear ground as soon as he landed he used all of his force to thrust the halberd towards his front imagining there was an enemy there, as the halberd moved forward Kang-Ho could hear the sound of the air being ripped through. The attack was so strong due to his forward momentum combined with his raw strength that as soon as the halberd stopped it made Boom noise, the noise felt almost as if it was a sonic boom of a fighter jet.

Kang-Ho didnt pause after hitting the first strike in the air Kang-Ho with just one hand thrusted the halberd like he did previously 5 more time, if a normal person were to see Kang-Hos attacks they wouldnt even be able to see Kang-Hos arm moving they wouldnt have the ability to follow Kang-Hos attacks, his attacks were just too fast after all he was using most of his power on those attacks.

After Kang-Ho was done with the 6 thrusts, he didnt stop, he quickly grabbed the handle of the halberd with his other hand, crouched a little and pushed the ground with his leg to jump up. Kang-Ho started to roll on mid air trying to build a momentum and as soon as he was near the ground, he stretched his arms and legs to get out of that rolling and launched the head of the halberd on the ground.


As soon as the halberd hit the ground it made an explosive sound, not only that the ground beneath Kang-Ho had cracked, he smirked as he saw the pieces of rock flying which were broke off from the ground because of the force of his attack. The most amazing part of it all was that just when the halberd landed on the ground, flame like mana busted out of the halberd, the mana didnt cause any harm to Kang-Ho but he knew that if there was any enemy in his vicinity, they would have a bad time. The entire cave was lit up when the flame mana came out of the attack.

It does not seem like I have forgotten anything at all. Kang-Ho muttered to himself after he was done testing the halberd, right now under his mask he had a wide smile on his face.


Meanwhile while Kang-Ho was testing his new weapon out with excitement, somewhere on inside of the same cave like place some one was beating up the wall with extreme frustration and anger. the hand of the person was filled with his own blood as fresh blood came gushing out of the wound on his hand.

Who the fu*k took my halberd, I was supposed to buy that thing I just need 2 more points to buy that. FU*KAAAAAAA yelled the man in frustration.

Calm down matt, we can just kill the person who took it there is no need to worry. Said the other man with confidence. These two people were none other than the people from Hedo guild, the people who brutally killed people and ra*ped the woman in front of the mass dungeon gate.

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