The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 118: Fool

Chapter 118: Fool

Like I said before only those people who are willing to enter the red doorway are allowed to enter the trail. Min Chae came forward while announcing the rule of entering the trail doorway as if this was the absolute rule of the world.

He was currently cover with the blood of the man he just killed few moments ago, still he was acting as if nothing serious had ever happened. For Min Chae and his people most of this was normal but for some people who were standing right in front of the stairway they were filled with horror and disgust as the entire area was filled with stench of blood and human body waste. It seems the man lost control of his bodily functions right before he died because of the horror.

Even after witnessing so much gruesome act committed to a human right in front of their eyes, they seem like they are totally unfazed by everything that happened. If it was in the past most of these people would be vomiting their brains out, they seem to be too used to these kinds of things now. I really must explore the world more after I exit this place, the world has once more became full of mysteries it seems. Thought Kang-Ho as he was amused after seeing the reaction that came from the people standing with him, to him it seemed like the people had really changer after 2 years of constant struggle to be alive. Kang-Ho wanted to fully experience all the things that changed after he disappeared.

So, tell me now if someone really wants to enter, I shall let them in anytime of the day. Kukukukuku said Min Chae as right after that he started laughing, he gestured at the crowd to come up the stairway with a grin on his face.

Everybodys head fell down as they stared at their feet with disappointment and sadness. they were disappointed in their own destiny as they were able to enter a trail area but they never got to participate in one of the trails for them it was akin to losing their food.

I wish I was quick enough; the people who entered before these people did must have entered the trial without any problem. I shouldnt have wasted any time when coming here. It was my own fault for being weak, it is so close but so far. Well at least we might get somethings after leaving the dungeon from Burning Sword guild. These were the thoughts most of the hunters in front of the platform had. But alas all o their regrets were too late.

Now they can only hope to enter one more mass dungeon which was difficult enough but he still had to find another trail which was close to impossible. Suddenly some people around of the back heard a suppressed laughter, the laughter was almost as if that person was trying to hard to control but still couldnt and let out a low muffle sound.

Everyone one after another those people who heard the muffle sound started to turn around and see just what was going on that on of the person dared to laugh right in front of Min Chae. Everyone thought one more foll had death wish after witnessing one just now. But to their surprise after seeing the scene what was going on behind, those people who turned around had hard time controlling their own laughter themselves.

Soon Most of the people who saw the scene couldnt control their laughter so the slowly all of the people turned their heads to see just what the commotion was about. After some time, the atmosphere in front of the platform was filled with laughter of ridicule as they all were looking at a ingle person who was slowly but steadily moving through the crowd of people straight to the stairway.

Soon even Moon Chae also took a notice to the man who was wearing mask as he walked towards him. Looking at the scene Min Chae had a wide grin plastered on his face as if even he was making fun of the guy who was walking towards the stairway. Even from looking at the man it was obvious he had some motive behind walking towards the stairway as even with mask covering his face the man was giving off confidant aura, it wasnt too hard to figure out that the man was aiming for the red doorway as his eyes were fixed on the doorway even when he moved through the crowd.

Young man, are you sure that you want to challenge the Gate to Hell? Dont you know that everyone who dared to enter that doorway never returned back alive? Said a man who looked to be in his 45 or 50s with face full of concern as he looked at Kang-Ho, even though Kang-Ho was wearing a mask the middle-aged man was quickly figure out Kang-Ho couldnt be that old by this skin and body stature.

Similar words of concerns Came to Kang-Hos ears but he was unfazed by their words. Also, along with the concerned words there were a lot of people who were ridiculing him. Kang-Ho didnt give even little bit of attention to those people, as he didnt care about what people said.

EVERYONE SHUT THE F*CK UP! yelled Min Chae as he saw people starting to talk, he didnt like the sound of their voices. Immediately after hearing the angry shout the trail area once again became deadly silent as no one dared to provoke the devil once more.

So, you are thee fool that wants to challenge the Red Doorway huh? To be honest I am a little bit KUHUUUHU surprise is all HAHAHAHA. With some effort to suppress his laughter, said Min Chae as he looked towards Kang-Ho who was moving up the stairway.

Without even stopping to respond to Min Chaes word Kang-Ho moved forward as if he had never heard what Min Chae said. This made Min Chae extremely angry as nerves started to pop up on his fore head with anger. On the other hand, to whom the anger was directed at he just didnt care as his only goal was to right now quickly complete the trail. After learning the meaning and story behind the doorway Kang-Ho had everything he wanted to know so he didnt want to waste anymore of his time on some useless things.

Fu*ker you dare. With a growling voice Min Chae warned Kang-Ho but he still didnt turn back as he continued on his won road towards the Red Doorway. Looking at his master angry even before Min Chae ordered one of the youngest guards of his made a move.

Along with being a fool are you also deaf? It does not matter anymore, whatever you say your fate is already sealed fool. Said the man as he charged at Kang-Ho with the full intension of hilling him. Even after seeing the man coming at him Kang-Ho didnt really have much of a reaction to it.

YUAAAAAAA! yelled the man as he reached near knag-Ho he moved his dagger aiming to pierce Kang-Hos torso. The man was bended over as he attacked it seemed he was ready for any movements Kang-Ho was about to make to dodge his attack.

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